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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. They definitely ask for your birthday when creating an account and have for quite some time. At least as long as I can remember. And certainly back in 2018.
  2. It was actually mentioned before that last quote of mine if you'll notice.
  3. It's like saying, you're boring, forgettable, unimportant, banal, uninteresting, etc. Would you call anyone that even if they were? Hopefully, not where they can hear you.
  4. No, it wasn't used as something to do with 4chan. The OP remarked about Normies in SL not liking anime avatars to which I replied, How very 4chan of you. As @Love Zhaoyingsaid, it's not a word you should run around using at all. There are other words to.use that don't carry a negative connotation.
  5. Have you ever been allowed anywhere besides General areas? Is this something new?
  6. My response to.the person who used the word in another thread was something like, "How very 4chan of you". I believe it was a thread they started about why some places/people don't like anime avatars and loopholes in the ToS. But, it got pretty heated and was cleared out of some posts.
  7. But those are they kind of people I've heard use that word and always in a derogatory manner.
  8. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/normie/ Looking to the social media site Twitter, normie rose in usage in the late 2010s and broadly refers to people thought of as simply boring and mainstream.
  9. For men or for women? Do you have a picture of someone wearing it?
  10. Usually, the only people using the word Normie are people who consider themselves Non Normie and are using it in a derogatory manner.
  11. Check out Quantum Luxury Homes http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quantum Luxury Homes/135/202/22 And Maven http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maven Homes/128/123/22 Same builder, IIRC.
  12. Pretty sure it was a General region so not much shenanigans going on. 😁
  13. Not sure how you "get scripted agent". Are places not letting you enter? Are you getting some kind of pop up message?
  14. There are pages and pages of MyStory food for sale on the MP. No Copy/No Mod/Transfer perms.
  15. However, if she LOOKS younger than 18, some venue owners might have problems with that. I notice quite a lot of baby girls tend to straddle the line between what is and is not child-like. Keep in mind also, depending on the venue again, some do not allow this type of RP even though it's not against LL ToS.
  16. And there in lies the problem. You're happy, the seller is happy, the next buyer is happy so the rest of SL residents on the region be damned. Understood. Yes, I do agree. This thread has more than run it's course and given us a clear picture so thank you.
  17. Actually, your first question followed your description paragraph on how you sliced up a small parcel into an even smaller parcel then asked, "So what's the problem?". The rest of the post was your answer to that question. As I said, we're just giving ours. Come to think of it, the title of the thread was your first question which would even better explain our answers which are totally on topic.
  18. Discussing ads on micro parcels is on topic as you asked us a question. We're just giving you our answers to that question.
  19. I often wonder if people putting up those tiny ad.parcels for their business ventures realize that most savvy SL residents would actually avoid that business venture. Personally, I'd think it would only attract the clueless. Or maybe that's the point?
  20. Sometimes, just a peek at someone's profile will tell you all you need to know.
  21. Search under owner using just Mole or Linden in search?
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