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Annie Nova

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Everything posted by Annie Nova

  1. Sometimes I just wish some people could walk a mile in our shoes and if they did, I'm sure they wouldn't ever say another negative word.
  2. It's so hard for people to understand the kind of pain a person is in when all they see what is perceived as a healthy person, I've had people look at me and tell me "You don't look sick." or "you can't really be that sick, if you're here" I actually had a so called friend of mine, look me in the eyes and tell me "I don't believe you" when I was asked to go out for the evening. I think that hurt worse then the physical pain I have. Needless to say, we are no longer friends. Today, I feel alone and vulnerable.
  3. I've had so many tests and so many drugs thrust upon me and promises that go nowhere, my quality of life has suffered. Most of the time, I can manage the pain but there are days that a part of me wishes....but I'm a strong woman and I will overcome this, it's just every now and then you just need some moral support. I haven't given up that it can be fixed and there's always hope.
  4. Please let me know if you decide to start a new thread, I need this thread
  5. I truly hope that's the case for me too, Marigold. Thank you so much for the encouraging words
  6. Thanks Cindy. There's something kind of healing in sharing your pain with others who understand. And hugs from me to you, too.
  7. You have no idea how much that hug was needed Pamela. Thank you.
  8. So...first post in this thread but I have been following it since it was started and it has made me feel that I am not alone, but I have hesitated in sharing, mainly because I am a private person but I feel the need to open up. A few weeks ago, I started not feeling right (we all know that feeling) when something just feels off inside but you can't find out where it's coming from. So, I made an appointment and waited for the tests to come back. Friday they did. Seems I have an underactive thyroid, but I have also been dealing with some feminine problems that they still haven't figured out what the problem is, the problem is so debilitating that it has caused me to become more or less housebound. I'm 38 years old, led a very full and productive life and the whole thing has left me feeling hopeless. I am now in the process of selling my business because I can no longer maintain an active role in it. So, on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like a negative 10 right now. P.S. I almost didn't post this but I'm glad I did.
  9. Thanks Lindal! Now for a dumb question. How do I get a picture on the app? Cause I have no idea. lol
  10. I spent the night sleeping on the bathroom floor just to be near the toilet lol. it's an experience I'll never forget nor will I ever repeat!
  11. This, except for me it was Cherry Vodka *shivers and throws up a little in my mouth just thinking about it*
  12. I NEVER get into debates like this but this is something that hasn't been addressed. While this is true, what you haven't said is that even though said person is working and does have this available to them, IF they get a raise, OR they work more then the allotted amount of hours worked, their assistance is cut, especially the money and the EBT (food stamps). While I do agree that we should be moving away from the assisted help, it is quite hard if you cannot make a living wage. Being an owner of a business I see this all the time. Single mothers who are trying to provide a living for their child/ren often are handcuffed by the restraints that the government has put on them.
  13. Which android emulator did you use Lindal? I don't use my phone for SL pictures either but would love to be able to use the FaceApp.
  14. The AO/animesh is 900L and the hair is either 250L or 300L I can't remember how much. exactly.
  15. The AO itself isn't too awfully bad, I'm just very picky about my stands and my walks which is why I usually make my own AO with the stands and walks that look good on me. Like you I wish you could use the AO you already have and if that happened, I would definitely buy it.
  16. This hair actually does not clip through your body, it swings back and forth when you walk and if you are standing still just kinda moves from side to side a little bit, nothing drastic and believe me when I tried the demo I put it through the paces and no clipping. I might go ahead and get it but geeze, it's like 900L for the animesh and 250L or 300L for the hair, so I want to be really sure that I'm going to wear it more then just once.
  17. Have you seen the new animesh hair collab from Stealthic and Vista? It's pretty awesome. I'm thinking about getting it but I'm not sure I like all the walks in the AO which you have to have in order for the hair to move. Here's a video of it. Would you buy it?
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