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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Majority of Asian women typically look youthful. To me, those two look adult. But they are cute, which a lot of people dislike cute in Second life.
  2. Prim Head is not a child head, It's a ball-jointed doll inspired head.
  3. What about adult women who look like Inori Minase | Japanese (28 years old): Or like Shin Jae-Eun Korean (32 years old)
  4. Idk what you mean, 18 is adult the last time I checked, unless it's now changed. Also I'm saying that they should not even be able to say or pretend to be a child. If they are adult, they shouldn't be able to say "Oh hey, I'm a child, I'm 10 years old" ect. Only 18+ for adult bodies that have access to add ons.
  5. I agree with this, this is what I was saying, I wouldn't use lolita though because people twisted that word into something else. Lolita is just a fashion style, but so many see it different because it's cute. Because cuteness is youthful, Westerners usually see it as child, even though it's not child. Many adults in the East just like being cute adults.
  6. What do you mean? People sre still trying to figure out what a child avatar is because it's vague. That is a bad look on those bodies for someone to roleplay as a child with them is what I'm saying. It's an adult roleplaying as a child either way it goes, because the body is an adult but they're pretending to be a child.
  7. I think child avatars marketed as child avatars should be what is a child avatar and adult market avatars should only be adult and should only be adults, you shouldn't be allowed to label them as child or use them as a Child. Bodies like: Maitreya Lara X Petite X Legacy Legacy Perky Reborn Kupra Peach Gen X and any other body that is marketed towards adults and have an adult appearance shouldn't be labeled as child.
  8. Petite isn't teen, people think it is from the states but the average breast size for women Globally is an A cup to a B cup. Not to mention, there are women that do have flat chests so that's not really good enough to condemn them as a child. There are several body types and not everyone wants to be extra curvy or thicc. My body irl is a rectangle shape, I don't have a reborn body, on here I make my avatar Hourglass because people don't like my body type.
  9. They shouldn't use an adult body marketed towards adult to make child stuff in the first place. It's marketed towards adults, just like Legacy.
  10. Yeah but people will still be confused with what a child avatar is, especially with "child presenting" thrown in there. Like What about anime avatars that are slim/skinny? What is they were a petite adult person? What if it was a maitreya or a legacy wearing the petite add on to have an average chest size?
  11. They should've just listed all the child avatars or just be like "We depict child avatars like this" and then give an example putting up something like "toddledoo, TotsiTeen, Tweenster" And gave a distictiong as to what a child head is as well.
  12. That's what I was saying! What defines a child avatar to them because to others it's always different. You can be an Asian person and someone will tell you you are a child because Asians typically look youthful, which is not the same as child.
  13. I doubt it. More people have been slowly leaning towards more realistic heights, pushing away from tall giants.
  14. Midday is like CalWL, but provides shading still They'll be able to see the avatar better
  15. If anyone is afraid height might be affected, no you can still be short. Height doesn't make you a child avatar, just how you dress up, act, how you carry yourself, child clothing suited for children, if your using a child avatar. You can tell an adult avatar by the body definition/ facial definition and skins.
  16. I've been seeing icons beside when people are born into second life. some don't have it but the two I've seen are and was wondering what they mean?
  17. Overly sexualize, while not bad, is the norm. A lot of people tend to like being curvy, the problem is when they meet someone with less curves. But yeah, a lot of furniture does accommodate this, it's the norm. Hyper sexy is more focused on and sells more. People just like being really sexy.
  18. Second life is the very definition of a metaverse. It's in the definition itself. Second Life is a connected world, via Sims a.k.a. simulations that are connected and joined, in a 3D space, that you socialize in. Not only does Second Life do this, they are both social and economically driven. Tons of Stores, tones of sims to meet and greet. Open sim is not economically connected. The metaverse is a loosely defined term referring to virtual worlds in which users represented by avatars interact, usually in 3D and usually focused on social and economic connection. Avatars socialising in the virtual world Second Life.
  19. My avatar looks like this, today. A demoness dressed for Corpo business. Made her ethereal and ghost like. She is in the business of Technology, average global height because I like it. As you can see she is an hourglass shaped woman but not very busty, sorry she is average breast size. with elven ears and dawning a pair of cute little horns. She is also, a Hafu, 25 years young and her favorite food is a good ole fashion bowl of Ramen Noodles, Szechuan chicken.
  20. You're right, I'm a humanoid but not a human. I'm usually an elf or a demon. I see more humans than furry, elves, anime characters, monster characters, basically fantasy characters are a minority in second life. People who play second life usually mostly want to be sexy, from what I've seen. People can deny it but they want to make something they find extremely sexy to them and they want to be that sexy to someone else.
  21. No, I have never had a crushed on an Avatar, but I have really liked how an avatar looked, for example. Crybunbun Creator has a really cute avatar, so does Mewsery, so does the creator of Appetite and the creator of Lunar and the creator of Rosier. I love how they look, how creative they were with it, their fashion are lovely to me and I really like they're not afraid to be different. Their personality give it much more, Crybunbun is a very nice person, she is cool peoples, same with the rest of them. Rosier creator is extremely nice, she's cute and over-all an amazing person.
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