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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Hello, I've seen several people wondering how to create their own shape and wondering how to do it, what's important is to know the basics first, before you create something you desire. You learn the basics, first, then you can create any body shape you want. Also, realize that you don't have to be proportionate, if anyone is upset at you, about being unproportionate on a 3d Space with Fantasy, ignore them. Have your big breasts and butt if you, if you're skinny then have your small breasts and flat butt as long as you enjoy yourself and know that you're a grown woman. same about men, Ignore people who has only but negative things to say about you and those around you. Anyways, you should take a look at shapes about women, and or men. I will be sharing shapes about women. These are the most common shapes of women, with Pear being the most popular shape, in second life, and Hourglass the second and the least popular is the rectangle body. As you can see here, these are the most common, realistic shapes. You can see the difference in a lot of them, • Hourglass have equal shoulder and hip width, curvy natural waist., just like an hourglass • Triangle, aka pear shape, the widest part of them is the hips. Most of the weight goes to their lower body, they usually have smaller breasts. • Inverted Triangle, basically the opposite of a pear shape, broader shoulders narrower hips. This is the most rare body type • Rectangle, basically your body basically you're skinny, balanced, not very curvy. This is actually the most common body in athletic women, it's also picked on the most to be "boyish." It is, also, common for petite women. It is characterized by its overall smallness, small bust, small butt. • Oval your body is broad and you're big boned, basically the least curvy and more wide. So when you are creating your body, think about the shapes that you are trying to create, first. Don't think about your face, first... or do.... but the body you just think about shapes. What do you want? skinny? curvy? Also, look into hips and how hips are form, in women. People will lead you to bellieve that women have longer hips, when it's not true. Women have wider hips and more thicker hips, but not longer hips. Men have longer hips and more narrow hips. However, this is S.L so have however long of hips you want, you want long hips, go for it. You want short hips, go for it. These are hip shapes that you can make with your body, for women, and it's valid If you have a hip dip, this is why you have a hip dip, you have to increase that part with more fat and or muscle. Also, forgot to add this in, when making your body, remember that your wrists align with your crotch, you don't have to do that either if you don't want to, there are exceptions, pear body usually do have longer hips, so the crotch line is farther down, that means your wrists sits above your crotch and most likely align with your palms. If one does not understand the sections, for the body in edit menu, here is a basic run down. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Body Section - • Height, self explainatory • Body thickness, How wide you are overall, you want to be a wide person or a narrow person? • Body Fat, this is how much fat, overall, is in your body. • hover, how much you hover over the ground, 50 being default and means you're ground level by default. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Torso Section - • Torso Muscles is how much fat muscle you want your upper body, you want thiccness you increase this Neck Thickness, 50 is middle, left of 50 your neck becomes skinnier, right of 50 your neck because thicker. • Neck Length, You want a short neck or tall neck? really tall is 100 • Shoulders, how wide or narrow do you want your shoulders? • Breasts How big or small you want your breasts • Breasts Buoyancy, You want boobs that look like they have less weight or boobs that look like they are affected by gravity? • Breast Cleavage is how wide apart your boobs are or how close together they are, useful to play with if you're in a top or bikini • Arm Length is how long you want your arms to be • Hand size, how big or small you want your hands • Torso Length, you want a short torso or long torso? • Love Handles, this is your natural waist area. Tiny Waist vs wide waist • Belly Size, how big you want your belly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legs section - • Leg muscles control the fat, muscle level of your legs, the higher it is the thiccer your legs • Leg length is exactly as it says, Remember that men have longer legs than Women, on average but you can have the longest legs as you want. • Hip width is how it says, how wide you want your hips, how narrow you want them • Hip Length is how long you want your hips • Butt Size increases your butt size, you want a small but or big butt? • Saddle bags basically make your hips more rounder or narrower • Knee angle is basically do you want to be bow legged, chicken legged or balanced? Balanced meaning the middle, 50 points. 100 is extremely bow legged. 0 Is extremely chicken legged. • Feet size is self explanatory. Left means smaller, if you're counting down from the center, right means bigger so 100 is the biggest, 0 the smallest.
  2. No one asked for Reborn, Maitreya, Slink, Belleza or anything else mesh, either, but we still got it. People think creators make for them, but they make stuff because they want to, not because they have to. There are several people who love the body, if one doesn't love it there is still Maitreya, Reborn. I don't see the need to complain about any body out there because it doesn't do anything, I'm just greatful they do create for a game that doesn't try to appreciate anything a creator does and still keep on going. I love Reborn, Legacy, myself, after learning a bit of making mesh, I understand how hard and tough it is to create and after creating something for a few friends, i understand how hard it is to rig and appreciate every single piece of mesh that comes out
  3. Yeah, I just wish people would stop treating petite bodies as if it was some sort of disease. I hope it gets more accepted, the norm is thicc bodies beause it's the safest body type.
  4. There is Legacy Petite as an option, as well. It comes free with Legacy Perky. Legacy is a little more petite than Maitreya, if you have on a Maitreya and have Legacy, just put legacy on over it and you can see that Maitreya is a bit thicker, except their butt.
  5. The only one that isn't doing well, in Legacy body line, is Legacy Petite. Smaller breasts don't do well most times. Legacy Perky and Legacy Special Edition aren't going anywhere.
  6. Most women in second life is curvy, not many are petite or on the small side, made the thread for the adults who are on the smaller side, mainly. Also, there are several things about Maitreya, this is why I didn't want to mention maitreya, because you look anywhere and you have it being covered already. Was about giving love to a gorgeous body that is looked at less, not a body that is mainstream. What I mean by petite, is small in general.
  7. I know some people dislike women with small breasts, but we're out here. Second life has a hug abundance of large breasted women, should be able to appreciate women with smaller boobs sometimes, right? Legacy is a beautiful body and just want to see some appreciation for it. • What's Legacy? Well, legacy is an adult mesh body from TheMeshShop. It's not too big it can get pretty petite and look proportionate at lower heights, for those more interested in realistic height and sizes. Example, in the photo I will post, I am 5'2", global average height is 5'3" in females. I gave her a short torso, long limbs, to give her an average African female look. I gave her a fantasy look with Prim head, making the head more doll like and she sports Bunny ears and tail. Legacy body does petite shapes very well, even the special edition body. • What's Legacy Petite? ~ Legacy petite is Legacy Perky with +Perky Petite add on. It comes with the Legacy perky, as a gift. It's a niche add-on, due to lack of advertisement and word of mouth, not many knew of it even though it's been around for quite some time. So, was wondering if people actually wear it and what shape and style you wear/have! It gives an even more petite look and feel tot he body, average breast size globally is A cups to B-cups, so I like how they are, like Maitreya, trying to represent women with smaller breasts even if larger breasts are the word in Second life. 18+ please, This doesn't mean show nsfw photos. As you can see, I've done a Rectangular shape. She still has curves but not as deep, like Rectangular feminine bodies should, to give her the more athletic look. Gave her lots of definition to the body, with albinism in the hair and eyes. She looks taller, due to a short torso, giving her longer legs.
  8. How my Avi looks now. Some people attempt to say how I look unproportioned, in an attempt to bully or something, idk, which is silly. I think I look cute un-editted
  9. Legacy Petite seems to be giving a small amount of attention, to the account that not many realize it exists.
  10. Thank you, it is more Asian style of look.
  11. Thank you for continuing to not rude, thank you for that. My inspiration comes from Gemma Ward and Lisa The Rapper. Gemma Ward Lisa lisa has a smaller nose than Gemmas Both are beautiful Women.
  12. Eh, don't see anything wrong in another avatar thread. shorter threads are easier to navigate and it's just a refresh but can see where you're trying to save it from being buried in other forum posts.
  13. Those bumps that you dislike are not bumps, those are pores.
  14. K, same face and skin, but with make-up on and different hair.
  15. I don't think you'll see it at first but you look like a young dark skinned version of Beyonce in the face mixed with Lauren Hill You look about 22 years old
  16. Sorry, with the pictures you shown you just look like someone's mom wearing youthful clothing that younger kids wore when she was their age. You just look like you had a nostalgic moment and was like "I miss those days, no one's around let me just put this on."
  17. Yes, since I don't see your avatar inworld, the picture you have on your forum.
  18. That's ok, the person who I was replying to and what I replied with was speaking in general, younger audience tend to view faces differently. ~If I may, you too have a baby face. You look mature with the make up but picturing it off, I'd say you look around 20 years old. You look closely like a brown skinned version of >Agam Rudberg mixed with a bit of > Billie Ellish
  19. See, both pictures you don't appear young. You look youthful but your face says you're around 25 - 26, maybe even a bit older. The first picture, you definitely look like you can be someone's mom but you have a youthfulness to your appearance. Even if you tried to look young with that shape, looking at you i can only see an adult and it might be because I draw and do character design a lot. But your skin just gives it away for me. ~Also, unrelated, you look very close to Denise Richards
  20. I agree with that, It has been older people who are like "You are too young" Younger generation have a different opinion about the age I am, concerning this shape and look. Thank you for your input and insight to a wider array of perspective. I thought I looked adult as well, I am still young. To me, I'd definitely say I am around 18 - 19 years old.
  21. Thank you for giving me your opinion.
  22. Yes, that was a part of the convo that they said to me. It is why I threw that in.
  23. I'm not looking for it to change their opinion, looking for it to give me insight. I just shared my experience that I went through. I just want to know if it looks like a child or not, depending on the answers I can adjust accordingly. I shared with you what I went throw to get to this point into asking an opinion about my avatar so I can get a clearer understanding where I see not a child to what others see so I can be like "Hm, ok then maybe if I change this then that."
  24. To my understanding, which I was told, there was to be no adult furniture at all. They told me that, only in private, would there be anything. No public stuff will have any adult sexual stuff.
  25. Thank you for your input, wasn't just about the sim owner but over-all. The scare-tactic that Linden Lab is going to come shut people down because of my looks is very unfair and can be used to control how one looks. If you are someone that likes looking cute. "Linden Lab is going to come take us down because of you."
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