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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Yeah but there are people who have been pushing their luck, constant accusations, calling people names, harassing here and there, mocking others. I'm pretty sure Lindens have seen this all going on.
  2. there has been worse insults from several people and no one got banned.
  3. That's the thing though, This is a fictional world. It's not reality. Those "egotistical males who started maxing out their shape sliders to be alpha males" took away people's freedom of expression to express themselves, via their avatar and set a ticking timebomb. Not in just the child community but in all aspects of our imaginary would where we can no longer express ourselves to our own being without "Discrimination, alienation, manipulation, blackmail, fear." You know you're not a child, but everything you do is against someone else's self expression or values. And then people want everything to be realistic in Second life but the real world, the majority is still not welcomed fully. This was about child avatars but so many people made it about so much more. Made it about petites, made it about anime, made it about being slim, made it about being cute, made it about being too short, made it about being too thin. And this is why a lot of people, who had adult avatars who were adult avatars, left the game. You can look it up on many forums. People are talking about "age**** drove off so many." while that might be true for some, which isn't a bad thing to be upset about but many more people left because second life was too cliquish, people were too mean, people were bullies. too expensive, a lot of discrimination, too lonely, people try to barge into your real life too much." The point is, second life marketed, as a whole, a place where you have the freedom of self expression, creativity, a second life outside of reality and those tall men you are talking about set a precedent where it voids over half of everyone's self expression and creative outlooks and people cannot make second life their own that way, as adults.
  4. Agreed and this is what makes it so hard to determine what is an adult avatar and what is an child avatar. Creators have made child specific avatars meant to be a child, labeled as a child but then you have people coming out saying "well I can make a maitreya or a legacy or a reborn a child avatar." This just blurrs everything and make everything look like a child avatar, potentially. Someone might have one of these bodies, look Asian, look like a Doll, want to be pretty, have a cute face, have an e-girl asthetic, or a kawaii aesthetic and then turn around and be mistaken for a child when they say they are an adult.
  5. Right. calling someone a pedo online for R.Ping with fictional 3D child presenting avatars does hurts actual victims of Real Life S.A. by turning them into fictional beings in comparison. It's like calling a child a cartoon. Children should never be compared to fictional beings and fictional beings shouldn't be given rights that a child or even an adult have irl. I understand the outrage and age**** is looked down upon, community wise. I'm not defending age**** in the slightest, either, but people are just slandering at this point.
  6. It's probably because of what a few people have said towards them and the feeling that it gave them. She probably felt targeted by them, hated, belittled, made to feel guilty. Some people were calling them pedophiles, some were saying "Can I burn them before I ban them?" it's no wonder why it would scare someone and feel hated
  7. True, some people do start puberty late, some start it early, some start it really late. but it is still hormonal
  8. yes, global average height is 5'3 however, world wide it varies from 4'9" to 5'7" in women.
  9. height doesn't have anything to do with it, but that is around average height in the U.S. for adult American women, you should be fine.
  10. How would they make you appear underage? All of those creators I listed make adult clothing, they just look cute. For example, Lunar creates cozy yet adult outfits that are sexual and appealing to an adult audience.
  11. zzz, that was for IRL, when you turn 18, you are considered an adult irl.
  12. I know that people can be AR'd for being underaged but it was said "even for being young adult to late 20s" if you look 18, 19, 20. I don't see a problem.
  13. I don't want to get your point because you're not trying to get mine. I never said anything about turning, just stop talking to me.
  14. dang...not jealous... I've been small all my life, I thought I was going to be model height too but nope. Short af, skinny as. I've been trying to eat more it's not working, trying to love myself and my body more now a days.
  15. No one said you said LL bans all, You interjected yourself to tell me "you can be this and that for looking 16" When I never said you couldn't, into a reply that I was replying to someone else that was worried about people throwing them under the bus for being young adults AND I assured them they will not have anything done to them by Linden Lab for being 18+.
  16. Your point? that states if an owner doesn't want 18 years old in their sim, they can ban them but they can't get banned from second life for being 18. Please try again.
  17. True, make up tend to make one look more older than they really are. I know the head is shaped child but I see the face itself.
  18. I still do not think that anime avatars will be affected as much as everyone think they will. You don't need to panic too much, imo.
  19. You don't even know what was being said. The person i was talking to said this "This isn't just about those who identify as child avatars but also those who are perceived as mid to late teen or even early 20"s. We all potentially get thrown under the bus." you're talking crap to me 24/7. While you're over here telling me this, I'm simply telling them 18 to 20 is adult so they won't be thrown under the bus.
  20. What does that have to do with what I asked? If your 18 on second life, you're am adult just like real life. If you're 10 in second life, you're a child. No one can get you banned in an adult sim for being an adult, unless the Owner bans you from their sim for being 18. Linden Lab wouldn't ban your account because you're still an adult.
  21. When you turn 18, you are an adult. How would one get thrown under the bus for being an adult? I don't understand.
  22. Yeah, that's another issue that no one is realizing that can make a big impact. No one wants to invest in something for such a long time and feel like they've lost millions Asking too much of a company trying to make money and trying to please the crowd can change things drastically and because only 20 - 50k maybe more play on second life, profits can decrease by a large amount and it can have an affect on everyone. A lot of what Second life built is built on self expression, barring self expression can and will have negative consequences, even to the economy of Second Life and Second Life does run an economy.
  23. Yeah, I've seen several anime avatars in human sims and nothing was wrong with them, they were just Anime avatars. Same with Furries, just cool and chill people, some furries were rude because they hate humans but that's beside the point.
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