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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. To me, This thread just feels like an experiment and a testing ground. Not only did they use it to see what works and doesn't work but they used the thread to, also, show us "This s*** is hard, let's see how you all deal with it."
  2. How is that confusing. If you can control your avatar, you dress it up, you spend money on it, you rp on it, you are playing with a doll, scept it's digital.
  3. If you have an avatar, that is technically your puppet that you are controlling, so technically we are all puppet masters, controlling a puppet so if your puppet is you, you're technically a puppet. We are all playing with dolls here.
  4. LL just sitting back in their chairs like "Have we gotten anywhere yet? Did they make a breakthrough? No, then let's let them continue until they stop being interested, 10 bucks says it goes to 160 in a few hours!"
  5. Opinion: | The fact that L.L put this out here and allowed this to continue as long as it has and got it opened up for discussion, to me and I've thought this a while ago, is them saying. "We want you to see how hard it is." Like they're probably watching, eating popcorn, having a blast. There's probably a party going on and they're like. "Hey, let's make bets to see how long this goes on for!"
  6. Its in the very definition of subjective. It's a personal opinion. Objective is FACT subjective is Personal opinion.
  7. No, we said that subjective is a perspective or information based on feelings, opinions and emotions.
  8. I can't even imagine seeing what an anime child would look like irl if they were real. You're walking down the street and suddenly Ash Ketchup popping out, giant eyeballs, giant head, never aged still 10 years old how the show stated he was after 40 years with Pikachu. I'd be afraid, truly.
  9. That's what I said. lol I just gave an example just as you did with them.
  10. Eh, some people aren't following the rules to the letter, some follow what they want and leave some out or ignore ones they don't agree with but still follow the ones that won't get them banned.
  11. Right, it's all opinion based of emotion, perception and feelings. You're not stating an objective. I don't see them as a child because I never seen a child with huge anime eyes, that's my subjective opinion.
  12. I didn't know so many people used maitreya for a child body. I seen it as an adult body, always at all times.. What this implies, to me at least, is that every body that can be made into a child must be with a modesty layer. Maitreya doesn't look like a child's body, to me, nor does Legacy or Kupra or Ebody but some people have said that they used each of these bodies as a child avatar and argued that children can be curvy too. More people said they used Maitreya If Linden Lab were to do this to any of these bodies, that are suppose to be adult, then it would not be fair to people who use them as an adult body so no one would actually be able to do anything adult, have anything adult and it will still be no line between what is and what isn't a child avatar.
  13. It is recommended for a mother to breastfeed a child for as long as the mother is willing to, which can be a month, a year, 5 years, 11 years etc.
  14. The more virtual and expansive this becomes the more harder it will become to please everyone.
  15. I'd love to see more mermaids and mermen around, that would be cool. I'm a Pisces, so we have a connection with Merfolks and bodies of water. ❤️ lol
  16. I'd rather my home be on an A land as well, but I'm on a mainland u - u
  17. I went away and played with AI and came back at it's already page 137.
  18. I meant to edit this into my previous post... sorry.
  19. It most likely was lost, or was submitted on "How old do I look today?" thread in the avatar section by mistake
  20. Nice, I'm into art as well. I draw, paint, sketch, do digital art and I am into cartooning and animation.
  21. You can do that all you want, I don't think I'm a teen at all.
  22. I think you're talking to someone else, never said it was stylized but it doesn't look like a child to me at all. You're putting words in my mouth.
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