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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Sorry, This happened because, a few who targeted profile photos and telling them how old they look or are as a way to target them in a negative manner. That's why there are some who have.
  2. And that's why no one is listening to you because you're the very type of person who is trying to attack younger women for not looking your age.
  3. Second life community practice heavy segregation practices based on looks all the time. Not just child vs adult but with many things. That's why there should be an incentive to make more sims where people can go to feel like they have a place to fit in. However, it's not readily possible, because owning a sim is expensive.
  4. And now you are starting to understand that it is hard to tell because it is fictional. It doesn't exist. You look adult to me I would've guessed 27/28 years old but with a doll asthetic.
  5. then what is this? what did they say about the body being what is the most telling?
  6. I didn't know he was 54 either, thought he was older. lol
  7. You misunderstand. There have been several people trying to deny certain looks and body types to be women. I'm not talking about people allowing them in the sim or not, i'm defending them against people who are trying to turn them into children all together when they are women. This isn't about ToS, it is about Women and their body and self expression being able to be women.
  8. These women are women https://gyazo.com/1469bb7b6197f72dc8af7532053c3762 same way as these women are women same way these women are women
  9. also, it wasn't my decision to ban them, it was the admin, I was a bouncer, you're assuming.
  10. I will not stop fighting for any type of woman to be able to express themselves as women. You can get upset and mad, but all women should be able to be an adult without someone else's permission.
  11. I have not posted any teens. And you're telling me no one has ever been banned from a sim for being 5'6" and skinny? with flat breasts? Because there are several accounts of that happening.
  12. Not true, it depends on your location or where you are, but it is true for second life. If it was true then another woman, who has this body type, would be considered pretty, beautiful, popular which is Taylor Swift. She has a rectangle body.
  13. Most people see her and will say "Women have curves, you're a child, there are no curves on you. *bans and reports* I use to work at a club named the TPP and I've had to reluctantly ban people that look like this and apologize to them.
  14. The reason it stands up in court is because it's logical. The fact that I see people upset over fictional material, especially ones that are their own and if they feel affected by it, they proved to me to be fictosexual. You can be creeped out all you like, but it's the truth of the matter, there have been several fictosexual people popping up.
  15. This is Olivia Palmero, 38 years old. She has one of the most hated body types in second life.
  16. It wasn't a suggestion, I also don't care about what you think. I'm all for the censorship and protection of child avatars. It was a point out that some people are fictosexual and it shows. Get mad.
  17. That is already happened, people want everyone to look like a 45 - 50+ year old.
  18. If you meet someone on second life and you marry in real life, you were attracted to the person behind the fiction being. If you meet in second life and now you're always face timing, interacting on voice with cam, rping with cam on, if you fall in love and you want to meet in real life, these are not fictosexual But if that person falls in love with your avatar, doesn't want to meet you in rl and will do anything for your avatar in game, without seeing your face, they've fallen in love with your avatar and your character, that's fictosexual.
  19. Not the same thing, if you're attracted to someone in real life. It doesn't matter, if you're attracted to a real person, you're not ficto. If you're attracted only to their avatar at all times, you're ficto. It's like the Genshin Impact community or the Honkai Star Rail community. a lot of them will get upset if you draw their waifu with another person that is not them because they believe they are actually married to that fictional character.
  20. if that was true then what about this adult grown woman? she a child?
  21. Just because it is two avatars doing the do, doesn't make it fictosexual. A fictosexual is only attracted to a fictional being but if the two is attracted to each other in real life, they are not fictosexual. If you meet someone and you become a couple and they want to see you irl, they're not fictosexual. They might enjoy fictional doing with you but they're interested in the real you then they're not fictosexual.
  22. Yeah, Fictosexual is the same as nijikon and has been around for a while. A nijikon is a person with a 2D complex and they have an attraction to characters that are not real, rather sexual or not. They don't find real men or women attractive or sexual, just fictional beings. and it applies to 3D as well, as long as it is not a real person.
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