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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. No, I'm pretty sure these women look as young as the women I posted. They don't look as young as this woman,
  2. If I see a child that look like this I'd think I was in a horror movie and is about to die.
  3. If those are children, then this woman is a child and this woman is a child
  4. If they are fictosexual, probably not because they are someone who is only attracted to fictional beings. If they carry it to real life then they become actual pedophiles by the actual definition, literally a pedophile and then they will be arrested and prosecuted by the law and treated as a pedophile. A pedophile is a person who pray on or is attracted to real life human children. The reason why people are upset when someone is doing it with a child avatar is because the audacity. But I fear that if one was an actual pedophile and they were playing second life to keep away from real life and they are banned, they might start to try to hurt real life children as well. Then there is the possibility of the opposite happen where a child can try to prey on adults, which has happened, believe it or not, blackmailing the adult by pretending to be an adult online over Second life to try to ruin someone's life when they are not attracted to minors and now they are in serious trouble. All of these are high possibilities that could happen.
  5. Adults wear outfits like this, people should get over it/ many women in second life look like this and a lot of women look like this irl, this isn't a child or this these are all adult women
  6. That is an issue, but I don't think you have to worry about that either. Look at Second Life's youtube channel and tell me what you see. It is true that a lot of older generation play second life and it is true they see a lot of things are childish and want everyone to be 40 - 50 years old. They don't want things to change and want things to be how they were when they were our age, but it's no longer like that. You're an adult, your fashion is different, they should understand more instead of try to banish you for being younger. Some have made this forum something more than child avatars, which is unfair. I don't think Linden Labs will destroy their player base because if you look on twitter, majority of Women on there look like you and I, scept tall.
  7. People still talking about anime and furry avatar. I don't think second life will discriminate against these two, in the slightest. I think you should stop worrying, I believe you will still be allowed on adult sims, as long as you are an adult and not try to act like a child. Linden Lab would not intentionally discriminate or witch hunt any group or groups of people, just because they have a different outlook or approach to second life. Some of the Lindens might even watch anime and I know that some of them are apart of the furry community and there is nothing wrong with that. The main goal is to allow people to express themselves inside of second life, all they did was separate second life children from second life adults and censor child avatars. I've seen people continue to talk about height, second life would not, in my opinion, discriminate against height, no matter the height of an Adult body, they already said that it has nothing to do with height. If someone calls you a pedophile without proof or because of their own biased opinion, that is false accusations thrown your way. So don't worry too much, Most of the younger Generation that come on here, a lot of the Millennials and Gen Z are into the E-girl looks or Asian looks or like being cute as an adult and I've seen Linden lab interview several of these women, they didn't treat them like children or try to accuse them of anything. so don't panic so much. I think it'll be fine and I think these new rules are fine.
  8. You look like an adult and you look like you've been through a sad time
  9. That's what I said and someone didn't understand how a kid avatar would get an adult avatar into trouble on purpose. But height has nothing to do with being an adult, you can be short and be an adult.
  10. I read this and I understand what they are saying and I get it, I have that trauma but it is not wanted by the community. It is true that it is therapeutic to most people and I don't like the fact that people are using actual children to compare to 3d Children but you have to understand, the community does not want this at any point. What this post was was about people with traumas using the platform to cope about a real life trauma that they had, which unfortunately will be overlooked. It's not fair but Linden Labs is a place of business and is trying to reach out to several other countries in order to make more profit. Linden Labs is for profit first and foremost and it is a smart move to get rid of something that can bar them from succeeding in making business with other entities.
  11. Life is equally as awful to all when you have leaders treating everyone as the 99% so technically it itself is always fair.
  12. You know what this is right now, this is a high case of a lot of people, I am seeing, being very Nijikon or Fictosexual. There are so many Nijikons here.
  13. Yeah, that's what Ratings, irl help with as well. Games, for example. E means Everyone, everyone can play. T means Teens and up, M is for audiences 16+ and A is Adult.
  14. I have been told that I am rather catlike in many cases.
  15. The Maturity rating is there to be utilized to keep people, that shouldn't be there, out of those designated sims. That's what they're for to keep them out so they cannot come in.
  16. Exactly. There are several BDSM sims, r**e sims, Strip clubs, nude sims, AFK s*x sims, there are Gorean sims, ect.
  17. Why are there no good reasons for an adult rating? Are you imply that adults shouldn't have their own space?
  18. Many people happen to go to afk and many people happen to have RLV. Some people are trolls and some people are griefers. You really think that people do not have malicious intent for other people minding their own business? Some people hate play second life.
  19. Keep in mind that there were, also, child avatars that have went on adult sims in order to get the sim in trouble, on purpose. There were those types as well. So this ultimately protects from both types. A child avatar cannot come to an adult sim for potential flagging and harming everyone around them.
  20. Sorry, I don't understand any of this... how is them saying "Maybe they separate those two thing" CSAM strawmanning?
  21. but it would still be their choice as to what type of modesty, it just cannot accentuate the private parts. Anything that covers the parts without appearing sexual, it's still up to the creators as to what kind of modesty they make.
  22. I use Legacy Perky with [+] Perky Petite add on, it's a very cute and feminine body, slim figured by default. I use reborn sometimes and Legacy Bombshell. Reborn I use for when i want to have a more pear shaped body.
  23. I love my avatar, I think she is beautiful, she is cute I feel she is adult. I've been on second life for over 10 years, met several people, I've passed some Lindens by and they were nice to me, kind. Soft Linden was very kind, a chill person. My avatar dresses adult, she looks adult to me. Yes she's 5'1" my mom is 5'0", my grandma is 4'9". I don't want to be a big woman, I want to be my normal skinny self and people always are like "You should be more realistic." It blows my mind when people say that and then get upset at realistic heights like seriously. I come on here to escape reality, to cope for hours before I go back to reality. At the end of the day, I know she is not real.
  24. It is because people blurr the line of reality and fiction that they see fiction as reality. This is the result of so far removed from reality that fiction is now see as reality itself. When you compare a human to a fictional character, you dehumanize them, regardless. Why? You are telling them they are less than human with that comparison. Back in the old days, when you wanted to make fun of your enemy, you cartoonified them and this was a dehumanization tactics... now people give more rights to fictional characters that would make a real life actual person jealous and feel less safe. Look at twitter, for example. They will go out of their way to protect an anime character that anyone draws them in such a way as "cute, married, romantically," or something more adult or something that is a Ship of another character, those fans go on a witch hunt calling that anime character "You don't get to touch my wife! She is mine, back off!" like wth?
  25. Correct, it has to be indistinguishable to a real life child, in other words you'd get hit with a crime if you used A.I to replicate actual CP and make it look real and believable to a real human being and not a fictitious being, here in the U.S. However, there are some areas outside of the U.S. that do jail you for fictional materials.
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