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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. It is, also, highly possible that the person feels their person is 18, wants it to be 18+ and is saying it is 18+ because they are being harassed for looking a certain way that someone else does not agree with.
  2. right and there are many women who look like this woman due to facial features and bone structure. This is very common in second life, Places like Heaux, Little Fox, Mudskins are very much Asian inspired.
  3. That is already a thing, for example, another name for Triangle is Pear, another name for Rectangle body shape is Banana
  4. What looks like a 30 year old to you, might not look like a 30 year old to another as well. There was a tiktok that blew up where a person would be like "Someone told me I look older, how old do i look?" people said she looked 35, 40. She was 29 years old. Then you have people like Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande, if you didn't know who they were already you'd swear they were kids.
  5. Right, some people age really well, some adults have a youthfulness, some adults have an Aphrodite-like appearance, some have boyish bodies some are curvy Face is as much of a grey area as the body and it changes with culture. Mature faces might look different to another culture.
  6. Anyways, body shape, body type and faces are what makes it hard and difficult for everyone to know what exactly they are talking about in most situations. Body type makes it hard to know what is a woman and what isn't a woman because, as people pointed out, they have friends that look like 20 at 13, 12 at 20, curvy at 8. This will be extremely more difficult to figure out now.
  7. The person who replied to you said "only in anime" when you said "curves don't equate to prepubescent." While I'm backing up what you are saying, you're attacking me. I've literally been on your side a few times and you're trying to attack me constantly. Also, I backed up everything I said and even gave links.
  8. People are talking about realistic curves and body types, these are the most common body types, realistically. Not every women have the same curves, and some women don't have a lot of curves https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-types#body-type-definition Which makes it even more difficult to determine what is and isn't. The most common body type, world wide. Some of you don't realize this when talking about someone else's avatar, they're only seeing in in the perspective of where they live, who they are around, where they come from. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/female-body-types-by-country So all of these body types are adult female body types, no matter if she has less curves or more curves or if she is round, big, small, husky, broad, she's still a woman and this is why it is hard to determine anything still.
  9. But they didn't get rid of child avatars, they're just putting them under modesty. Furries (not including furry cubs) are just humanoid adults represented by different animals other than a primate. Both are still included, just child presenting avatars are now just censored.
  10. Furry community is a big part of second life. A few of the Lindens are Furry avatars. Also, if they got rid of Furries, that would be bad for business. Second life is all inclusive, it will stop being all inclusive and diverse if they rid themselves of any group.
  11. No because a child avatar isn't real but when you call them real children, you're comparing them to real children, thereby dehumanizing those children you just compared a fictional child avatar to.
  12. I'm not going to agree with that because I don't care about what people do with art. I know that art is not a real thing. You're trying to twist it into a different narrative in a forum about the ToS and child avatars to justify calling a fictional being children when they're just child avatars. These rules are protecting child avatars in second life, the rules are understandable, they're good, they will take some time for some of you to get use to, however when you compare real children to fictional material you are dehumanizing those children and that's where it becomes a problem. I'm just telling you to call them child avatars, not children, because they're not children. They are avatars piloted by real people and if you continue to say they are children it sets a bad precedence about second life to those looking in. If the normal person looks in and see's "real actual children" "children" they will then think we are talking about sexualizing and groom real kids, turning them into sexual materials when it's about child avatars. That's not a good press and will be negative to the entire community, not just those who sexualized them, because it will label Second Life with it. It is bad press.
  13. Because you're arguing a totally different thing trying to defend yourself from me when I'm not fighting against you other than stating a fact about anime and other beings online. I'm not saying you can't be an anime character, or trying to prevent you or saying if you're an adult or not an adult, nor am I saying it's not an exaggeration of humans. I'm saying it's a fictional character and they are a cartoon, that's why they don't look like humans. They're cartoons.
  14. It doesn't matter what anime caricature says. It's still not real. You can be an anime all you want, you can be an adult anime character all you want... but anime is still not real.
  15. I'm not from Europe so why would I read up on European law? don't dehumanize real actual children by comparing them to child avatars. Just stop, don't turn actual kids into jokes, into cartoons, fictional beings like that.
  16. I am an anime artist, I know they look unrealistic, I am a cartoonist. You're thinking I'm fighting against you, or attacking anime culture or saying they are child. I am not saying they are or not. I am simply stating they're not real.
  17. When I said that "they can be an exaggeration all it wants" I was talking to the person who said that, not to you. I also, was not arguing for or against child avatars or saying they don't have to follow anything, I'm pointing out they are not human, just representations of humans as a cartoon. It does exaggerate real life, but they are a cartoon at the end of the day.
  18. Please do not equate child avatars to actual children, child avatars are not real, children are real. Just call them child avatars.
  19. If that was the Canadian man, that is Canadian laws, not U.S. laws, however anime is not real, it shouldn't be equated to human being at all, they're fictional characters. He cannot touch them, cannot feel them, cannot hurt those anime cartoons so he shouldn't have been arrested and put in jail but we have to refrain from speaking of such things here. But no art, fictional creation should be considered an actual human.
  20. That's not what I said. It can be an exaggeration all it wants but it will never be a real actual human. It will always be a fictional character, just my avatar will never be a real actual human. It's just my doll that I get to dress up talk to other people on, live on a sim, visit other sims. When you log off of your p.c and you look at the people in your house, Those are real humans, those are real people. On here, the avatars we use are not real people, the person behind the avatar is real but non of the avatars on second life is real.
  21. your question makes no sense. What I am saying is that none of them are actual humans, they are fiction characters that are 3D that we are controlling. They just look like humans but they're not, they're a series of mesh created on a computer in a program.
  22. That's because they're not humans, nor are our avatars. The avatars are humanoids, but they're not humans, they're fictional digital characters we're just controlling.
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