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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. can more easily attack the shins and take out our enemy's knees.
  2. This is true, irl many of us with that trauma do regress where a time where we were most happy, often time is a child. in *****, irl which is between two adults, most do come from a background of trauma and parental problems. They were either abused, neglected, wasn't allowed to be a child so they often go into their head to see what its like, or make up something to feel like a kid. It is a long process to get over that trauma, and people do make them feel bad about it not even knowing what they've gone through. Not all are into irl ***** that have that trauma, however. Some just like it. The problem why it is banned on S.L. is because people used it for Virtual Child Porn, instead of being between two adult avatars.
  3. Linden Lab will not ban anyone for looks alone, if they appear adult over all, they will be left alone. Will have to take more than just looks.
  4. People keep using the word pedo to make it mean something it is not, this alters the definition and changes its mean. Not only that, it mocks real life victims. You either make children seem like cartoons are you're making them seem like adults who aren't really kids that need to be protected. "They are adults playing a child avatar playing with other adults." Do you not realize how that looks? Anyways, A.P is banned in Second life, you can be short, you don't have to worry about getting banned for being short and just move on. This whole thing is just a mass hysteria that only causes fear, when it was just about child avatars.
  5. Y'all still arguing over shortness, A.P and getting A.R.ed? I've been to several sims as a short person, on adult sims and have not gotten into trouble at all. Went out shopping, had a blast making someone a tattoo, did my usual ignore people trying to talk to me on accident because I was on youtube and then went home. It doesn't matter if you're short, just go into S.L see for yourself and if you're kicked from somewhere for being short, F that sim because you don't really need that sim.
  6. she is right, went to go double check to make sure, it's been this way forever now. (click photo to enlarge)
  7. Ah, in an M rated sim in public can be reported then. They shouldn't be doing that.
  8. They are saying that "Second life is 16+ and if you are underage, you are restricted to G and M sims. and if you are +13, you can still come to Second life, with approval but you will be restricted to G sims and other Areas suitable for children." 16 - 17 Is allowed in mature, rather you like it or not but they didn't say "You can be on Adult sims" at this age or below..
  9. They can report them but presenting as a minor means more than just you think they look 16 or 17. That's a personal opinion It's more - what they wear, how they come across, what they say like "mommy dis is so gewd" - and other child cews that are more normal in a child. Like some people thought you were a child and you don't even look like one.
  10. It's not even just that, it's someone wanting to be morally superior and try to justify their actions because they dislike someone else's reality on how they look. You can't even look a certain way without someone crapping on you, they want to control how you look. It's not just child avatars, it's about controlling someone else.. The ToS was about child avatars and people turned it into something more in order to fit their narrative and how they want second life to be. This is why I get mad because I rather people be able to look how they want, express themselves all they want, love their avatar as much as they want to. You have people trying to tell you what to do, how to act, what to wear, trying to be your mom and our dad and it's insane. The way I feel and the way I see, and because it has been brought up many times in several groups, many people feel that their freedom of expression, as an adult and an individual is under attack because a few people don't like seeing a certain aesthetic that has nothing to do with a Child avatars and I have to keep telling them not to worry. It's really insane.
  11. Exactly. You are defined, by some people, to be an adult if you have big breasts and is minimum of 5'6" which is pushing it to these people. In actuality, many women are short and the average size is considered a child in second life to some of these people, so people are infantilizing you. This goes into creating some of the fears "Will the new ToS ensnare short adults."' I see it all the time. One of my friends, she's 4'9" irl but she made herself 6'7" on a reborn, maxed out her stuff, all the time. She, before made her avatar skinny, a legacy special edition, 5'6" Went to a sim called "The Plug." like 3 guys there was calling her a child, she had big boobs, small head, made sure her eyes were small. These same three people just kept doing this to her so she went full blown hyper Doll to fit in to these guy's ideal body and have been this way for several years now. Which made her, also, think that way about shorter avatars after that point. I understand why threads like this are made but I feel like Linden Lab known that this is a ridiculous situation and is unfair and will, most likely, ignore it. Why? Because most women are, in fact, short irl. You can say "This isn't real life." but so what? Many people seem to follow real life rules, except for when you have height and body types. Linden lab has never threatened me, warned me for being short so I don't think this will ensnare anything because it's ridiculous and anyone who tells you or anyone else you're a child because you're too short are being ridiculous.
  12. This is, also the thing. You see yourself as an adult but there are those that see you and want ton infantilize you and tell you that you are a child, as well. Even though a lot of other people see you are an adult. That, too, is a thing. The shorter, the skinnier you are the more someone looking wants to infantilize you. It doesn't matter if you have a wrinkled face or beady eyes, large nose and or thinning lips.
  13. When I said smaller, I wasn't talking about height, I was talking about breasts.
  14. The thing is, as some people have seen in the "Adult, child? can't tell" thread, Many looks can be "edge cases." especially if they are smaller.
  15. I think you should just allow people to represent themselves, as an adult, the way they want to see themselves as an adult. The more you try to be a hall monitor, the more you try to fear monger, bully, call people "edge cases", try to control everyone else around you because You don't like how they look or what they are doing, the faster Second Life is going to be less and less of a home to everyone. People continue to try to kill everyone else's enjoyment and the ToS isn't even about adults, short people, skinny, petite, it was about child avatars and yet people still are like attacking people for such things. All you are all doing is given people who read these things, without saying anything, reason either be crappy people or not want to play.
  16. That's what a nonbinary body is, from what I've been told and seen. Some have said it's not the same but when they describe their body and then I show them body types they're like "That's my body". pointing at the rectangle shaped body Rectangle shape is androgynous, tomboyish and sporty type of body.
  17. A Japanese term for males who have culturally feminine gender expressions. Otokonoko means male daughter or male girl, in other words I am saying they look like a feminine boy to me. Which is fine.
  18. From Big to thin, Curvy to slim, short to tall, flat-chested to the really gifted Post your form of Feminine beauty, here for others to appreciate you, as an adult female avatar, this isn't a place to judge but to admire. It doesn't matter your looks, we should desire and strive to accept people's freedom to express themselves, their freedom of being and expression. Share your beauty with the community, let others bask in it and appreciate it for what it is and what it means to you, in your photos. Rather it's cute and soft, girly and romantic, mysterious and beautiful Please respect everyone, do not be rude or voice your opinions about someone else's avatar. Please respect different culture's form of beauty, if you don't agree with how they look, please don't comment on it, just ignore and move on. Leave your opinions behind and share your beauty that you created. -
  19. This just looks like a otokonoko to me, no matter how I see it in any form. Even with boy clothing, you just look like an otokonoko.
  20. I don't really care if you take issue with it. You assume I mean all as a whole, when I am saying that the majority of Second life user is this way. You can be upset with it but the truth is, in general, this is the most common. This, in no way, said you were less girly, less cute, less feminine. I am saying, that this is what that means to them this is their femininity. And it has been proven several times by, not just me, but by several on Second life. I am defending these women who see femininity in their own way from women like you who want them to see it your way when I am saying they are just seeing it this way and there is nothing wrong with that.
  21. People wore corsets for that look, yes, but that was for a status symbol mostly. If you could afford a corset, you could afford servants. It was a symbol of feminine beauty and is still apart of Victorian Fashion today. A corset stopped women from doing work, themselves. Though you have an hourglass shape, and they can enhance that but you forget You can be slim and have an hourglass shape to your body. You can be slim and have a pear shape to your body. Just because you have a certain shape doesn't mean it can't be a shape in a slim shape.
  22. It has nothing to do with S.L. it has everything to do with what Rowan Replied with, it's that simple..
  23. The difference between European Beauty standard and African beauty standard is European liked slim, still mostly prefer slim African like thicc. This goes back to Ancient Egypt. That's why European women use to bash African women about their bodies, not just because their skin but because the standard of beauty was to be thin. I am thin, irl unfortunately, but I made my avatar curvy because it's what I've been bullied about. My community always made fun of me for being thin in the school I use to go to. Before that, I went to an all European American school, where I was one fo the few African Americans, they made fun of my for being too big. I didn't think I was but it made me lose weight and I was never really able to gain any of that back. Now, today, It has changed to some degree where European American women want to inherit African beauty standards but this is mostly in America.
  24. What you're talking about is the middle age, where they prefered plump and plump was seen as a status. If you were plump, you had money. @Rowan Amore Thicc, juicy thighs, curviness, full figured are all African standard beauty, in general.
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