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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. The SL marketing video on secondlife.com when not logged in or an SL member, is just a still photo on my browser (s). I am still using Win7. I don't need anyone telling me that Win7 support is gone - blah blah blah, I have known that long before it was announced I need anyone that still runs or can run Win7 to check the SL main page and see if they can see the video. Everything else works fine, I see videos all over the web as usual. And of course SL runs fine with any browser on Win7. I am trying to find out if this is only on my Win7 system, or others are seeing the same thing on the secondlife.com page. I have my ad blocker turned off. There was a way to suppress the video that I used before, but forgot how I did that. I get the same static picture on a new install of Firefox also. Normally I use Chrome Thanks for any Win7 users left. Rick I think still has a Win 7 computer. Added this - I can see the video if I look in the html scripting and find the mp4 video page: https://assets-global.website-files.com/60a83025d932b623a6a61ff8/642623a110581fdb7142634e_LL Landing Page April 2023-transcode.mp4 But something is stopping it from auto starting in Chrome, Edge and Firefox for me, on the secondlife.com main page.
  2. Windows 7 still works fine. No support does not mean it will not work. I have yet to find anything that that is broken in Win7. Anyway I will find a few other users that can still run WIn7, and see if they can see the video. I don't expect anyone that is not on WIn7 to be of any help. All SL viewers still work perfectly on Win7. It would be ironic if LL puts a OS system check on their newbie signup page, to prevent newbies from seeing their video. LL is the first software company to break Win7 on their advertising page? BTW I said I was using WIndows 7 Professional. MS support ended on Jan 10, 2023 for my system. Not 2020. And MS antivirus Security Essentials real time antivirus for WIn7 is STILL getting daily updates, so there is no security risk. Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise editions will no longer receive extended security updates for critical and important vulnerabilities starting Tuesday, January 10, 2023.
  3. Hmmm, other videos have always worked and still work, on every site I use. I use Chrome, and get the static page.Tried MS Edge and same thing. So I installed a new Firefox and get the same thing - just a static photo on secondlife.com. Whatever LL is using for a video codec on their main page, it doesn't work on my browsers (Chrome, Edge, or Firefox). Never had a web video not play before, and no error messages. I am still using WIn 7 Pro, so perhaps LL does not want any new members that still use Win7 to join SL. (Win7 still does everything I use perfectly, and I still get security updates daily from MS, for those that want to lecture me about not upgrading.) Is this Ageism by LL? Considering their desire to get 20 somethings to join, I would not be surprised.
  4. I don't see any video on that page - just a still shot. What is the url to see this video you all seem to be able to watch? This is all I see, no machinima at all: https://gyazo.com/051d13ee835dd490a7973a8fd73cde61
  5. Yes, I was thinking gamed and didn't mean controlled game scripting. Gaming is avatars and bots from the same operator controlling the game rewards by using multiple player bots and scripts to an advantage. Poor choice of words by me. I still think of a game as more than putting an avatar in a pose, and occasionally clicking something. That is a passive game, which I don't think SL needs any more of. Gaming to me means moving your avatar with some skill to avoid the hazards and not getting sent back to the start line. And so you don't get yourself blown up, eaten, or rendered to a liquid. These are not all violent shooter games. If I slip off a bridge and am dissolved in boiling acid, it's my own fault. Avatar movement skills vs having to kill everyone in my path with 1000 shot cannons.
  6. I think it depends on where in the world the player is located, since UDP lag with long ping times can cause a time lag in a game, compared to those with no lag locations in the world. I am 50 miles from the Amazon AWS cloud, and we are fiber front to end, with 25 ms hop times to AWS. I have no detectable avatar lag with motion. Those complaining about avatar motion control lag should state their world location and actual ping times to the LL AWS servers in Oregon. LL decided a few years ago to not use other AWS cloud locations on other continents - because it would cost them too much. I have heard nothing to change that bottom line financial view from LL.
  7. Give SPECIFIC SL games that are presently controlled by "bots and AI". What games are NOT legitimate in your personal experience. And if you feel SL is allowing illegitimate games and unfair games run by bots and AI - then why have you not sent ARs about those game developers and players, and submitted JIRA's to LL for violating the TOS? Again, in case you try to selectively avoid my first question, here it is again: Give SPECIFIC SL games that are presently controlled by "bots and AI", at this time. The only bots and AI I know about are owned by Moles and Lindens, and they are part of the game scripting.
  8. OMG I now feel so insecure. So what is SL doing with the other 34 characters? I bet they are making new "enter your password" boxes with them. Wait - think I see one floating above me now... Logging Off...
  9. xPMNg8kT6Ag4il0#l@kA@17dxs@7E8nRa3%k$#DN8IwRNsX63e That's not my password, but mine is like that - so hack that. I can remember the first 4 characters on a good day Main problem is losing where it is stored, so I need multiple backup locations in case my city gets hit by a giant flaming meteor.
  10. Caution!!! FireFox is low on Prems, Enter your Pissword here to recover:
  11. Gheez, same question over and over, its getting old. Text boxes to enter information needed by a script is pretty common, and used in thousands of scripts. I copy and paste a web site url into a text box in FS about 100 times a day. You can also enter info through local chat when the script prompts you, and enter text info for a script on any channel it is listening on. Scripts are not mind readers, you need to tell them what they need. The advantage of a text box is it that is is dedicated to just your answer. Some also time out. It is a basic function in SL.
  12. Did you enable QuickJump? FSIgnoreFinishAnimation: Disable the wait for pre-jump or landing. Credit to Zwagoth Klaar for coding this. You cannot jump realistically when the pre-jump and landing animations are enabled.
  13. For any jump and instant starts, this Firestorm feature (in red) really helps movement. Of course the SL Viewer has no such setting. My starts from still seem pretty fast, but then my ping to the cloud is only 25 ms.
  14. I would never fall for the "enter your password" box, because I can never remember my password.
  15. That was one of my suggestions on how Zoha does it. But the rented region is still owned by Zoha, so they have control but still give each region owner full permissions for only his rented region. Anyway Mr Zoha is moving today and will be back tomorrow to explain how they routinely do this for the hundreds of full regions they rent.
  16. The Linden response is not from the Lindens that specialize in land and land development. Not all Lindens are experts in everything. Testing shows your assumptions are wrong. Zoha will explain how they can assign estate manager options on ONLY the region a renter "owns". Since they are in the land business, I will take their explanation as facts.
  17. And if you RENTED your private estate or region from a land company, you could also turn it on or off. That option is up to the land company that owns the region.
  18. But that is not what the Lindens, Moles, and a certain poster is claiming, It is frankly ridiculous to think a land baron owning 1000 full private regions, can can only flip the bot flag on all 1000 regions. Anyway I will ask Zoha. The impression that only the largest estate companies must change the bot flag for all estates at once is simply incorrect.
  19. It is possible to "rent" a full region from Zoha Islands, one of the largest land companies in SL, and STLL have full Estates Rights for only your region you are renting. I don't know how Zoha accomplishes this, given all the Linden responses here, but they do. And this also agrees with what Belinda has said by testing on the homestead they rent. That is why I said you need to ask the land barons. It is possible the Moles and Lindens here are missing an option. Or perhaps Zoha assigns all full sim rentals as a unique estate. From their full private sim info page: https://blog.zoha-islands.com/zoha-islands-promotion-full-prim-sim/ Do you want to have your own FULL PRIM sim but don’t want to invest 600.00 US$ to buy your sim from Linden Lab? Then we have THE solution for you! Rent a stand alone Full Prim Sim from ZoHa Islands: 65,536 m² – 20,000 prims FULL Estate Manager Rights: Monitor script usage, collissions and lag. Restart your sim when needed. Write your own covenant: your sim, your rules! Reselling and reclaiming of land allowed. Change the rating of the sim into general, moderate or adult. Up to 7 Estate Managers. Send messages to all users on a sim via a popup notification. Up to 100 avatars at one moment on the sim. Enable/disable land resell, land divide, fly, terraforming, pushing, scripts, collissions, physics, voice, direct TP, … Change the elevation ranges and terrain textures of the sim into grass, beach, snow, … Change the object bonus, default water height and sun settings. Return all scripted and/or non scipted objects of one user from the sim. Allow/block public or group access. Ban users estate wide. …, …, … When needed the name of your SIM can be chosen at the following cost: One time fee of 13,450 L$ or 50.00 US$ via PayPal.
  20. But you really should, that's why large land barons with thousands of regions have employees to answer questions. If an estate owner gives ANYONE estate manager rights, they can change the bots flag for the region they where they have estate manager rights. In Belli, a Linden owns all regions, but the renters can only own parcels, not full regions. That is reason enough why it is an all on or all off block in Belli.
  21. This thread is just no fun anymore, without off topic posts. (:
  22. You are going force LL to raise fees again. They need more employees in Governance to cover your AR's.
  23. I'm not telling anyone else what to believe. That is my OWN opinion, which I still have a right to express even here. Everyone I know, and I expect about 90% of all residents use a third party viewer. Only the newbies start out with the SL Viewer, until some experienced resident clues them in.
  24. Stupid policy overall then. No difference between a video and snapshot, except the snapshot will reveal avatar information more clearly. But that's ok, but dancers are not? So who do I AR for LL violating their TOS for their own meetings with Lindens and residents. I have seen my avatar show up in the Linden approved videos quite often on YouTube. Nobody asked me if they could scan me with their camera, and stick it on youtube. Now the FBI has more to add to my folder. Much ado about nothing, this fear of publicity. We are not a police state.
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