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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: I found myself slightly amused and bemused as I read it. Looking around my spacestation, I had the exact sentiment while reading your post ... :robothappy:
  2. Thanks for the info and post, Perrie. Of course the creator of the very first pixels we all came to love has true merit to be commemorated, especially in here. Was reminded of that last night when flying down to ground level in SL from 2 km downward. Pixel by pixel the world grew larger. All calculated pixels. What a long way that has taken off since 1969. I used to own a Magnavox / Odyssey. Console with black and white screen ( bottom left ). Good times. Demmit, Perrie. We're digital dinosaurs .. :robotindifferent:
  3. Adam Stastny wrote: I haven't been in SL much in the past couple of years...are there any new project like this? No. IBM for instance, only monitored within SL what was useful to them and they took new ideas with them to use it in their own products ( Anywhere / Anytime ). Eventually the big companies could only consider activities in SL as a giant write-off without revenue and profit. They all have left. CSI:NY (Down the rabbithole ) was a temporary collaboration with Second Life which lasted a little longer, but is no longer maintained since 2009ish, I think. For a while it was exciting ( like Ceka's post about IBM ), but it just as quickly faded into oblivion. Do I 'miss' it/them ? Not really.
  4. /me tosses 2 cents on the table. "There you go". Not a coder, but seriously : Shouldn't you : Obtain UUID of inworld object ? Use touch-script within HUD-object to set brightness of object with certain inworld object UUID ?
  5. The site contains this. A memorial with the names of 14 female victims of the massacre. Three commemorating gifts : A candle A red rose ( which should be white if this should be associated with the Order of the white rose. ) A white ribbon Final courtesy bump.
  6. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Your agenda is showing. Yeah, sure. Keep thinking that. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: But I appreciate your good wishes. No, you don't. I'll refrain from further comments in this thread, so it will not get pulled by moderation.
  7. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: The world is sadly full of gray little kindergarten cops luxuriating in a sense of their own self-importance. They are harmless enough, fortunately. Therefore it's all the more tragic you abuse a massacre to link it to a 'sole attack on feminism', while the victims were never associated with that. Will you also remember the man present in class who took his life afterwards because he witnessed these events ? 'Enjoy' your vigil.
  8. Derek Torvalar wrote: Hey TDD, are you the new forum tattle-tale? If so, then you are remiss in your duties as the GD Forum is replete with inappropriate threads that need to be deleted and/or moved. God, whatta bunch of babies. No, but I did ask moderation to move it, if you insist on knowing. I also don't pretend to 'own' these forums by either acting no moderation is present or by denying certain rules are applicable to me. Whatever you think of that is of no concern to me. Usually those needing to grow up are those that think rules for common conduct do not apply to them. Consider yourself one of them. But you of course already knew that. You may now assist in bumping this thread.
  9. After linking both objects, check the properties of the combined object. Set it to 'Phantom'. That should get rid of this forcefield you experience.
  10. Thank you for your research, which is also why I refrained from using swastikas altogether in this thread. My advice to the OP stands : avoid certain trouble by avoiding the use of swastikas altogether even if historically correct. ( People will have no issue recognising that certain era of plane-constructing without their use.)
  11. Sure you can. Rent / buy land first. Start building or buy and deploy buildings. Perhaps start off with a restaurant ? If using buildings not built by yourself, you can get a lot of freebies to fill a whole city from here : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=aleymart A great example of what is possible in creating urban life, when starting off with a city and owning enough resources, is this post ( and specifically it's video ) here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Machinima-Forum/Cica-Ghost-s-Little-Town/m-p/2872442#M2814
  12. Inara Pey wrote: If you're interested in more, I cover aspects of space exploration in my blog, and have recently written about Orion & the future - and will be writing more in things very soon, including this inaugural flight. Phil !! Bookmark that and have a look ! ( Oh .. and a belated 'Happy Rezday!' to you, Inara :robotwink:)
  13. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: I myself simply want to remember 14 young women who were brutally murdered. I will do so tomorrow, at the SL vigil, We can have this discussion another day perhaps. But not now. Perhaps, when organizing such events, you'd better post these in the Upcoming Events and Activities-section of the forums instead of General Discussion.
  14. ReallyReallyGoodMeat wrote: ... but I for one would like to go out and explore SL and no AV other than a friend would know who I was. That can be achieved only if you own/control the land and would mean no one else, watching from outside that land, would see you. You can set yourself, and friends visiting, to invisible to the outside world. In all other places of SL you are an object like any other with information for anyone to see. It's inherent to the system.
  15. Well ... keep you eye on this thread or this one. Your answer is in there I think. :robotwink:
  16. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: Not sure I would want to be on the top of that big boy Oh, I so would and how I envy the astronaut(s) who will be on top on one of such rocket when NASA heads for Mars in the 30ies. :robotsurprised: Looking forward to these exciting times ahead of us with launches like these. ETA : Go, go , go , NASA ! :robotvery-happy:
  17. Thanks for that. Interesting. I hope both you and Phil will enjoy this video. It's about the Mars program for NASA and also contains a lot of referrals to the discussion of 'frivolous spending' which Phil mentioned, albeit from NASA's POV and U.S.-gov-spending on space-projects.
  18. Orion takes off !! http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/12/05/nasa-orion-spacecraft-launch/19937923/
  19. Sorry, Drake1 .. but here's a free balloonride for you as a consolation prize. ( If you insist on knowing where all the required methane is held .. don't ask .. :robotindifferent: )
  20. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I feel like I'm having a Kardashian moment. Congrats ! Because then you are and have won a cat-ass-trohpy as well ! :robottongue: :robotwink:
  21. Qie Niangao wrote: From such a situation, would one expect such a graceful "crash" -- complete with error message and all? I'd susexpect that when connection drop of packets is a full 100 % for a certain amount of time. The Second Life application will then just quit with mentioned error. Whatever reason for the drop. ETA : I remember this happened to myself when the server of the sim was no longer able to receive my packets sent to the server ( which I solved with letting my firewall accept pings ).
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