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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. Yeah .. what I actually noticed is that most of my inventory ( aside photo's documents and such ) that most object , although somehow somewhat, working are kinda useless. Like and old computer game on outdated media that you keep for sentimental reasons. I mean, it was basically much stuff I bought years ago and left unupdated or which have been abandoned by creators altogether. I missed out on a lot. The catching up is somewhat draining . I'd better take it all in dosewise.
  2. Thank you for those examples. I never seen avatars with these possibilites of expressions. Giant leap , I suppose, for ma .. chinima.
  3. Show us your alt - thread ? Show us your alt's alt - thread ? Etc ?
  4. Thank you very much for that Rhonda. Sounds like you just explained very succintly evolutionary stages to me. Wow.
  5. "I know. So much of the media refuses to agree with me, therefore they are not reporting fairly. " Mr. President, Please only use your Twitter-account and refrain from statements elsewhere. Sincerely, The White House PR Dept.
  6. ( Lightheartedness injection ) Hmmmh ... Would be quite something if someone would get rich off of Lindens quickly, while selling pitchforks, barrels of tarr and broken featherfilled pillows in a region near to the townhallmeeting of Tilia and cashing out before 1st of August.
  7. So my LL viewer is Bento compliant and this skeleton is built-in replacing the old one ? Or am I still using both somehow ? Bento is an improved *.bvh skeleton we all have ?
  8. I'm somewhat confused over new terms when buying things. Could someone please enlighten me about them ? What is Bento ? What is Maitreya ? Are there any implicaitons to bear in mind when using them ? I missed out on all that and I don't know what they mean. Thanks for answering this to me. in advance.
  9. It got sorted. Now I'll have to come up with a different signature.
  10. OK .. Most of these high complexity issues I had were linked to older items in my inventory. The high count was basically generated by 'ancient' items I still wore which no longer are that useful inworld or have been replaced by better items. I went about to look for alternatives and found them. I have the 'look' I want and can wander around unhindered I hope with a complexity of about 50K. It makes my SL far more enjoyable now. Final : Thanks a lot to all who have participated in this thread for giving me the required insights.
  11. Your case is no real reason for LL to get into trouble with the IRS or worse. Your partner' generosity is admirable ; your implicated impatience to collect is not.
  12. ABN is nog wel te pruimen .. Maar Hollands of Fries ? Gadverdamme, zeg .. (Geintjuh)
  13. Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein ! 😈 (jk .. I'll consider )
  14. Ik in ieder geval niet. Veel te veel plezier in SL nu en helemaal alleen voor mijzelf er mee bezig .. 😜
  15. Ik geloof ook dat Nederland, ( gebruikers en bedrijfsleven) zelf interesse in SL heeft verloren. Niemand die ik ken ( hier in het duistere onderontwikkelde Limbabwe ) kent SL of heeft het ooit gebruikt. Qua aantallen zijn wij ook niet een hoofddoelgroep. LL, zoals vele andere ontwikkelaars, richten vertalingen en taalgebieden hoofdzakelijk in voor grote aantallen gebruikers die geen andere taal spreken en waarvan de schrijfwijze behoorlijk afwijkt van de Engelse taal. Een voorbeeld is de taalinstelling in Voorkeuren --> Algemeen -> Taalinstellingen. Daar zie je hoofdzakelijk talen die voor LL belang hebben om niet in het Engels te zijn.
  16. Alt's were hugely distrusted and considered cheating ( and perhaps still are by some ) for the high amount of griefing that was done with them inworld and in these forums. That was a time when people did not consider the possibility that users could hold several accounts. The genuine need for them however rose as well to a state were many just use them as an alternative rather than a way to hide their own (i.e. main ) identities. That said I still have had no use for one and still don't which is my own personal opinion of course.
  17. Christopher Hitchens is a bullet with God's name on it.
  18. @Nalates Urriah I certainly hope you don't misunderstand me as being ignorant or fatalistic towards these numbers confronting me in current SL. Both Penny and you ( and others of course ) have more in-depth knowledge over these indicators than I will. I always have been an end-user and always will be. Allow me to show you were I am coming from : In these forums I saw mention of an event that baffled me ever since I personally learned about it. When I was born ( yeah .. that long ago ) men were on their way to the moon. The calculations to orbit the moon were done by a programmer ( a woman I believe ) on a machine that's so limitied compared to what we have nowadays, that it is a miracle these men landed there. An absolutely heroic and commemorative feat, that will mark human history for a very long time after we are no longer here. That was 1969. Around 1992 I was introduced to my first computer. The command line interface known to many as DOS was my first introduction into PCs. Playing various games I pondered and tried to imagine a possible future were we actually 'dive' into these gaming worlds and instead of being in control outside I dreamt of being able to reside in environments like these. Be an actual part of it. This was the time prior to BBSes, Internet ( not availiable in my country then ) and so much more. The rise of 3D computing was impending ( Wolfenstein3D) and Voodo-cards , the first graphics with NVidia-GPU's namely the nv1 ). Programming and hardware have come a long way since then. I dived into the SL hype in 2007 like many others on a very limited machine compared to now as LL started implementing feature after feature ( I arrived when Windlight was about to be introduced ). I consumed a lot of information about SL, but never at a creator level. I was root on my own Debian-server. I ran my own OpenSim-server from home. I travelled the Hypergrid from there. Even made a primitive lousy T-shirt about it which Maria Korolov handed out as a freebie.But this path of involvement with the intricate workings of SL is something I no longer pursue . I left SL around beginning 2015 and have now returned after 4 years. That seems like centuries within SL. All this time I never touched SL or anything related. I came back to find lots of things working for the better. To my surprise though I see that certain indicators that were not noted by me back then are now implemented and used. Hence this thread I started. I have now, as I already said, the explanation of those who know enough about it and far more than I need to know. I hope you don't think I am judging LL by my statements. I accept their handling of it all as benevolent dictatorship. Evenso with moderation. I have no illusion about my input. It's irrelevant to me as well. LL will be LL. as it always has. For the better or worse. In the meantime I think I will focus more on my individual pleasure within SL bearing in mind what eventual restrictions are in this changed environment wether I agree with it or not. This of course goes way beyond my initial post of this thread, but I thank you for your considerations nonetheless;. I'll bear them in mind.
  19. No. The 200K was when everything is fitted as I see fit. Which has raised to about 300K now and still enough room to attach. I'd better apply a shopping limit to myself right now ..
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