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Caroline Takeda

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Everything posted by Caroline Takeda

  1. /me waves 40+, German, love sailing, flying planes, poker, live DJ music venus, blogging and other peoples boyfriends.
  2. I was talking about RL. It is called Schizophrenia.
  3. Not sure about that one. They just use the same body.
  4. That URL changed actually: https://slamedia.de
  5. Whats wrong with an ALT's in the first place? Did it become a crime you can get accused for? In that case I would be in for a couple of years. Have a good SIM.
  6. Ok I am not sure if I can post that link. The policies here are rather confusing. Try this: https://blogger.second-life-adventures.com/ Or my signature links. Carol
  7. Es sollte eigentlich egal sein. In SL darf man sein was man will, und niemand hat das Recht dies jemand streitig zu machen. Nimm den Avatar einfach so wie du ihn/sie siehst und respektiere die Wahl des Anderen. Wenn du trotzdem wissen willst: Ganz sicher gar nicht. Aber es gibt Anzeichen die es wahrscheinlicher machen, dass ein weiblicher Avi männlich geführt wird: - Übergroße Brüste und Hintern - Immer dieselben Schuhe - Extrem nuttige Kleidung (besonders in G rated Regionen) - Grobschlächtige Ausdrucksweise - Besonders viele Sex Gruppen im Profil - Keine Shopping Gruppen im Profil - Fake Bild im Profil (Bildname Googeln) Einzeln gesehen machen diese Merkmale noch keinen Mann hinter der Frau, aber in mehrfach-Kombination wird es immer wahrscheinlicher.
  8. John Stripper / escorts can make some money. This also requires an investment in a sexy avatar (Mesh, Catwa, Skin, Huds). A seriously profitable way is blogging. Requires a little investment (domain, hosting) and a serious amount of time. I am doing this since years and does make me some nice cash aside.
  9. Yes, true. Especially those who send you c*ck pics do end the immersion very abrupt! All gone, in just one second or less.
  10. I totally agree! In addition, when I login to SL, I become Caroline Resident. A virtual persona which is somewhat different to the real person. I am doing things in SL I also would be doing, if it was possible to actually be in Second Life physically. My Second Life wouldn't be much different then. I don't feel the same when I login with an ALT, or when I participate in RP. In roleplay and with an ALT, there will always be that distinction between OOC (out of character) and IC (in character). Philip Rosedale did a couple of years ago a fascinating speech about developing once virtual self. I just can't find the link anymore. Anyone's got that damn link?
  11. Amina Thats excatly how and why I became an escort girl. It started here: Going under cover as an escort girl. Then I liked it and gost kinda stuck in the story :-)
  12. Hello folks, Opinions, answers. Very good, thanks for that. A short resume: 1. If the cheater uses an ALT, there is not much I can do. Hence the service must include some kind of "test my partner service". How far I go in the individual case depends (of course!) on what the client authorizes. 2. There are no problems with the TOS, unless I share IM chats. 3. I have to clearly separte this from anything that has to do with my escort club. Actually I am thinking about using my "pre-caroline main" account. Nobody knows that she is associated to Caroline or SLA Media in any shape or form. maybe it would even make sense to set up a separte blog for those stories. Don't know yet. 4. Overt Roleplay or semi roleplay is an option, as it might create stories easier, depending on demand. If I find that there is little or no demand for such services a roleplay character is certainly an option. I am not sure however, what the term "overt roleplay" implies. I know what it translates to in my native tongue, but not entirely sure what it exactly means. Could somebody shed some light on this, please? Btw: I haven't started or executed any of that yet. All options still open though.
  13. Which is my core business! It even does make me real money, every month! /me points to signature...
  14. Hi everybody BilliJo got it quite right. It has a lot to do with having sex with someones husband and getting paid for it. ...and I am going to write about that too, of course.
  15. Of course. Thats also part of the fun. Escorts do not have a very high social acceptance either, do they? A whore at the end of the day. I did enjoy that too.
  16. Hi and thanks for all the replies. I haven't thought about him/her actually using an ALT to cheat. That could make it really challenging, nearly impossible. Also somebody mentioned its difficult to have such an agency and at the same time owning an escort club. There is some sort of conflict of interests there. The escort club doesn't actually work well. Very few clients (other than my regulars). The only thing that works aczually quite well, is the recruiting and training part. Hence we are thinking about reducing the operation to an escort hiring agency for another (much bigger and nicer) club. That way I could use the space (and prims!) for something else. At the end of the day, what we are really interested in is advertising our affiliate products.
  17. I am not going to give legal advise of course. Just research. Having said that, I do actually have a good liability insurancance as I am an online marketing consultant in RL.
  18. Hello fellow Residents, I had a fun idea the other day. I am becoming together with my friend Tobi a private eye in Second Life. I did set up an office and got some interesting equipment. My main clientele will probably jealous partnered residents who wants me to spy on their partners. I will also dig deep into US copyright laws, Linden Lab procedures and such. I would imagine creators might need some inworld research and investigations from time to time. It is not really about making money. I just think I could be a good detective and this could give my Second Life a different fun twist. I used to really enjoy being an escort girl. But I feel it is time to start something new. That occurred to me recently when I realized I had lost count of how many guys I "serviced" so far. I met somebody who claimed to have had sex with me and I could not remember him at all. It is getting boring. Hence time for a change!
  19. Are you suggesting that all Germans are stupid and have no command of the English language? Are you one of those, who mock other people for trying to communicate with you in YOUR language? If you are then let me tell you something: I am German. I do speak English, as many Germans do. Once your German is as good as my English, you will have room for comment or room for making fun out of people who's command of the English language is not at your standards. Got the message?
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