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Caroline Takeda

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Everything posted by Caroline Takeda

  1. I don't wish to get all polemical or anything . . . but I find it difficult to digest that someone who "ended up playing Gor for years" is in a position to question anyone's interest or taste in just about anything. Well then digest this: What you said is polemical, rude and ignorant as it suggests that playing Gor auto-deprives someone from the right to have an opinion about anything without you knowing what Gor role play actually is. If you would know, you would not have made this statement. I answered this one many times bevor, but especially for you I reapet it again: Gor is role play, is pretending, is acting. No more , no less. Just like star wars, star treck, Roman Empire, Dark Urban, Wild West and all other genres you might find in SL. When will people finally understand the difference between roleplay and "lifestyle"? Having played a certain setting or genre, does not make me a monster, nor does it put in me a position " not to able to have an opinion about anything. In addition I did not question anyones taste or interest, I simply enquirede, what is it that people get out of it?
  2. Most people don't really want to know when they ask "what's the point". They're simply being dismissive, because it's not an enjoyment they share, and they don't understand it. It's easy to be dismissive of things you don't understand. (that's not be being crass, harsh, or rude, either, ftr, simply the truth, lol). It's usually why you can't get a "straight answer", because the question comes across as rude. Tari nope! I am serioulsy interested what the kick or the fun is, people seam to get out of this. Maybe the only way to find out is trying myself! I hope its not addictive or such - last time I "tried" something to find out whats the kick, I ended up playing Gor for years!
  3. Oh **bleep** will correct this imediatly, thanks for making me aware of it.
  4. Hey, when I first setted up Caroline, I did so using frebies only. The idea ws to show new residents how to get started with a more or less pretty avatar without having to spend money. Here the result and lots of links to sources of freebies: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/i-am-pretty-now/
  5. Hiya. today I published on my blog my first contact with what is called "breedables" and I raised the question: Why are people doing this , what is the point? Please read and comment here: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/breadables-pets-second-life/ Thanks for your input!
  6. Anyone else? Come on, dont be shy! Oh, and leave a comment on the blog too, please!
  7. Coby Foden wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: What an absolutely gorgeous avatar, Coby. :-) Some Photoshop magic was done. Inworld the lighting is not so good and gentle for the skin. :matte-motes-wink: Coby still an extremely nice avatar. Here is Caroline in May 2010. The first Freebie based avatar for Carol shortly after leaving Orientation Island: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/i-am-pretty-now/ Thats the one I started with and a funny story about it: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/ugly-avatar-second-life/
  8. Nancy Toocool wrote: Anyway, to my question... Where to meet people in-world? Any suggestions? Do you know any nice places to meet people between their, say 20s and 40s? It can be on the more romantic side, or just friendly chat with potential new pals. So, all and any suggestions are welcome. Try this: a liitle guide so to speak. http://www.second-life-adventures.com/friends-second-life/ Also go to hang outs were noobs learn their stuff like Kuula: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/kuula-citizen-incorporated/ And my personal favorite are beaches! Check out Wildcoast or Turtle. Yes the later is an adult place, but a classy one and people go there to make friends also. http://www.second-life-adventures.com/turtle-coast-adult-nude-beach-life/ There I met quite a lot of very open minded and friendly people. Clubs dont work for me that good - dont know why!
  9. Hello Residents I finally decided to upgrade Caroline to a non-noob and more sophisticated look. Readers of my blog know, that the original idea was not to spend any money on her to show noobs how to make your way in Second Life without money, without friends or landmarks. I did that now for about two years with my ALT Caroline Resident and enough is enough. I mean after a while most noobs will eventually spend some money on their avatar too. Here is the result http://www.second-life-adventures.com/coming-age-life/ Please comment on the blog. I also thought it might be a fun idea if we share here pics from our very first avatars and how they developed over time. Do you dare?
  10. O tempora o mores! It is totally unacceptable to use an avatar portraying something you are not in Real Life. Its betrayal, immoral, fraudulential and taking the piss. Some people even take for granted that we are all stupid, they are insulting our intelligence! I do know the difference how (i.e) a dragon would comunicate. But some idiots who portray a dragon in SL are actually nekos in real life (or even Elfs). Hence fourth whenever a dragon approaches me for whatsoever (i.e hot sex with fire games) I will ask for voice and webcam verification, as I dont want to end up playing naughty stuff with a RL neko. Think about it: would you shag with your cat?? I have even seen somebody portraying a tree trunk! Come on, who are you trying to fool. We all know tree trunks can not type on keyboards. Some argue it is creative and imaginative to be something or somebody different then you are in RL! They claim it "broadens your mental horizon". Even this Rosedale guy was at one stage talking about "virtual identities". What? Such a lot of bull**bleep**! Who needs imagination? This is Second Life not Star Treck and "virtual identies" sounds very schizophrenic to me. Maybe those gender and species benders should go to a doctor and see whats actually wrong with them. What we need is a mandory voice and webcam check prior to joining Second Life! Otherwise we will loose all the moralists, philistine, bourgeois and otherwise closed minded residents. We can not afford that, as they make a huge percentage of the SL population!
  11. Look me up In World. I am noob expert! :-) Oh, and read the noob blog! /me points to signature ...
  12. Update No need to post there too, I can get posts per SL-feed. All good and thanks for the comments. I want my readers to have different perspectives not just mine!
  13. Chic Aeon wrote: Another good place to meet people is in classes like at New Citizen Incorporated. Lots of folks hang around there and chat and you learn something in the process. Good luck. Yep, I totally agree. Here some pics and the slurl of the place: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/kuula-citizen-incorporated/ If you search for it , use the name "Kuula"
  14. > should spend their money first on their avatar...n He did that one already here: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/nathan-handsome/ Thanks for all the answers, would you terribly mind to post them on the blog as well?
  15. Hello Todays article is about the best way to get started with your very first home in Second Life. The famous (infamous) Linden Homes. If you have/had a Linden Home yourself, please leave a comment on the blog. I would be very interested to have some reviews from actuall owners/residents on the site, for noobs to get an educated idea about what they are going into . http://www.second-life-adventures.com/linden-homes/ Pros/cons, experiences, etc... Regards
  16. Hallo Babynator, ich gehe mal davon aus, dass es sich nicht um eine Studie mit wissentschaftlichem Anspruch handelt, daher solltest du die Antworten auf keinen Fall als repraesentativ werten. Die kurze Antwort ist: Es kommt darauf an. Hier die lange Antwort. Meine ganz subjektive und sicher ebenfalls nicht repraesentative Meinung: 1. Ich habe mehrere Avatare. Carol wurde nach dem Kriterium: Wenig bis kein Geld ausgeben, es sei denn es wurde in oder mit Second Life verdient und trotzdem gut aussehen. Natuerlich hat diese "virtuelle Identitaet" viel von meiner realen Identitaet, auch wenn Sie voellig anders aussieht. Aber sie hat nur bestimmte Aspekte: Sie ist frech, neugierig, direkt, liberal, hilfsbereit, lustig, offen (/me giggles) und sehr unkonventionell und ihr Aussehen spiegelt das wieder. Ein anderer meiner Avis spiegelt dagegen andere meiner Eigenschaften ( intelligent, bisschen snobby, anspruchsvoll, waehlerisch, dominant, gebildet) und sieht auch dementsprechend aus. Ich stelle durch das jeweilige Aussehen bestimmte Aspekte meiner Persoenlichkeit dar, welche in anderen Avataren nicht vorkommen, oder auch im wirklichen Leben nicht so sehr im Vordergrund meines Lebens stehen, sondern nur latent vorhanden sind oder ungenutzt brach liegen. Dadurch entsteht mit der Zeit eine art "virtuelle Identitaet", die zwar auf der realen Identitaet basiert, aber sich dennoch, aeusserlich, im Verhalten und in der Zusammensetzung des sozialen Umfeldes von der realen Identitaet unterscheidet. Letzteres, also die Exposition an ein anderes Umfeld, hat wiederum einen formenden Einfluss auf den Menschen hinter dem Avatar - es formt die reale Identitaet mit, wie jede Exposition im Leben. Kurz gesagt: Die Disposition des Menschen bleibt die Gleiche, aber die Exposition in Second Life kreirt erst eine virtuelle Identitaet und beinflußt dann, oft unbewusst, die wirkliche Identitaet. Das ist gut so - es erweitert den Horizont erheblich und man lernt sehr viel ueber sich selbst und andere. Weitere meiner Avatare haben lediglich einen Rollenspiel-Hintergrund und wurden fuer die zu spielende Rolle gebastelt und ausgestattet, haben also mit meinem wirklichen Ich ueberhaupt gar nichts zu tun. 2. Ja das kann es, sollte es aber nicht. Wenn man sein zweites Leben und seine virtuelle Identitaet ueberbewertet oder soziale oder emotionale Defizite damit zu kompensieren versucht, leidet darunter die Proplemloesungsbereitschaft (was ein Wort) im wirklichen Leben. Die zweite "Heimat" wird zum Fluchtort, in den man sich zurueckzieht statt sich realen Problemen oder Defiziten zu stellen. Allerdings kann dies fuer bestimmte Personen, die in Ihrem realen Leben in Ihrer Entwicklungsmoeglichkeit eingeschraenkt sind, sehr hilfreich sein. Das kann zum Beispiel eine koerperliche Behinderung oder einfach nur unueberwindliche soziale, finanzielle oder berufliche Limitierungen sein. 3. Ja selbstverstaendlich. Ueberall wo zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation stattfindet, sind Emotionen involviert. Bei manchen mehr bei anderen weniger. Diese koennen sich weiter entwickeln, bis hin zu Freundschaft oder sogar Liebe. Ich habe das schon oft beobachtet bzw selbst erlebt. Schwierig ist aber, diese Freundschaften auch zu behalten, SL ist eben ein staendiges Kommen (Muaaahhh) und Gehen. 4. Ja, ich kenne etliche langjaehrige Residenten, die sich bewusst fuer ein zweites Leben ohne festen Wohnsitz (Landbesitz) entschieden haben. Sie verzichten bewusst auf die Bindung an einen bestimmten Ort in Second Life und sehen den Grid als Ihr Zuhause. Sie lieben eben genau diese Freiheit und Ungebundenheit, die man sich im wirklichen Leben nur selten und wenn dann unter großen Entbehrungen leisten kann. So sehe ich das, aber vielleicht ist auch alles ganz anders.
  17. Hi all I want to travel around the mainland by plane. Starting point is Bay City on Sensara. Any suggestions? http://www.second-life-adventures.com/travel-mainland-plane/
  18. Hi all, today a bloppost about one of the longest established "noob places" in Second Life. This was one of the first places i saw back in 2007 when I fisrt started in Sl with my first avatar: Still going: http://www.second-life-adventures.com/kuula-citizen-incorporated/ Oh and read how I coached a noob there. We had a really fun time...
  19. Ohhnoes wrote: Myrddin Janus wrote: A question I get asked a lot in Real Life ™ is... _________________________________________________________________________________________________ So, where can I download this trademarked Real Life? Forget it, its useless. You can not TP instead you have to use vehicles to get somewhere else, which makes most streets very crowed. You have to work most of the time, most avatars are ugly and it gets worse the older they are. Land is very expensive and they have complicated rules and regulations for almost everything. I have to admit the graphics are fantastic though.
  20. 3) du musst selber wissen was du tun willst, genau wie im richtigen Leben. Und da gibt es doch jede Menge Aktivitaeten; tanzen, ficken, bauen, managen, Vehikels aller Art bewegen, Schoenheits OPs, einkaufen, erforschen, rumhaengen, arbeiten, diskutieren ... und, ja, auch spielen! In dieser Reihenfolge? Also ich wuerde das Einkaufen und die Schoenheits-OP lieber vor das tanzen & ficken stellen, das erhoeht nämlich die Chancen erheblich!! Lies auch mal das hier: Meine Geschichte als Noob bis heute als Blog mit vielen Tipps und Reiseempfehlungen; http://www.second-life-adventures.com Viel Spass
  21. Hello fellow Residents. Todays blog post is about a place were horny noobs go for quick and dirty satisfaction. Probably one of the most creepy and ugly adult places I have seen so far in Second Life. Can it get worse? http://www.second-life-adventures.com/dirty-dive-second-life/
  22. Hello Dear Residents Next artikel about dinosuars in Second Life and a poll about whether or not to write about building and scripting too. http://www.second-life-adventures.com/dinosaur-tree-trunk/
  23. Hi fellow Residents, i noticed that here on the forums a lot of people start threads to find company or friends. It seams that some have difficulties to find new contacts in Sl. Hence the reason my latest blog post is about this topic: How to make friends in Second Life http://www.second-life-adventures.com/friends-second-life/ Hope this helps the odd Noob ;.). Pleeeease leave a comment on the blog, feed back, critisism or additional suggestions about how to make friends in Second Life are very welcome. If you have a blog covering the same topic you may leave a link too.
  24. Hi fellow Residents, i noticed that here on the forums a lot of people start threads to find company or friends. It seams that some have difficulties to find new contacts in Sl. Hence the reason my latest blog post is about this topic: How to make friends in Second Life http://www.second-life-adventures.com/friends-second-life/ Hope this helps the odd Noob ;.). Pleeeease leave a comment on the blog, feed back, critisism or additional suggestions about how to make friends in Second Life are very welcome. If you have a blog covering the same topic you may leave a link too.
  25. Hallo wenn Du Englisch kannst, schau mal auf meinen blog, da findest du einiges an Ideen, ansonsten kontaktiere mich einfach In-World: carolinestravels ( Caroline Resident) Was suchst Du denn oder was interessiert Dich?
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