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Rufferta Mainlander

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Everything posted by Rufferta Mainlander

  1. Second Life's Wall of History in Kirkby 133/164/24. There are 47 different notecards by Pathfinder Linden (now known as Pathfinder Lester, who still has a home in Sistiana, owned by his first avatar, Count Zeeman.).
  2. Thank you. I think the old campfire ring is still there, but just about everything else has changed.
  3. Returning to my roots. Where am I?
  4. De Haro, 244/136/22 - there are several other Supply Stores and Campground signs on De Haro. I wonder what it was like here when people were camping?
  5. Speaking of art, here is a gallery that is slowly fading away now that the original artists are gone. There used to be multiple sky platforms, sandwiched one over another, but some of them have disappeared entirely, and some are starting to disappear. The Sculpture Gallery is still intact, though, and parts of the Alien Jungle. Mainland may sometimes look deserted, but you never know what you will find up in the sky. ('Age of Sorcery' day cycle from library.)
  6. Hollywood - 125/116/24. BTW. I found a wonderful collection of Starax sculptures, and other art, at the Aho Museum on NMC Campus.
  7. Starax Statosky Snowman Statue in a Linden-run shopping center. Where am I?
  8. I love the lighting in this photo.
  9. Welsh Island in Welsh 91/30/22
  10. Blessed are the builders who tell you the dimensions of their build, and those who will give you a demo prim so that you can check the size on your land.
  11. Actually I didn't notice the house was off-kilter until I tried to put up a hedge to hide the fact that there was air under part of the building.
  12. One of the things that annoy me are the trees and other landscaping items that are just plonked down on the terrain (see left example) without any effort at blending into the ground. Most of them can be partially retextured with the terrain textures in your Library (right example) . ( Yes, I could have done better.) Also I would like to complain that one of my neighbor's houses is set three degrees off true.
  13. While exploring a remote area I found Blue Linden's "remnants of the Cornfield". Perhaps residents who came here as teenagers will recognize it. Where am I?
  14. This is in Wellfleet Harbor near Bay City.
  15. Having a snack of hot buttered spuds and roasted chestnuts while I watch the Aurora Lindenalis. Where am I?
  16. THIS dead end appears to be in Hotel - 202/95/28.
  17. I needed to sell a parcel on one region so that I could increase my acreage in another region, and I wondered how to stage it. Who (besides me) would want to live on the side of a rock? My first thought was that perhaps a witch who needed to jumpstart her broom would appreciate the steep drop outside the front door, but then looking through my inventory I found quite a bit of dragon-themed stuff, so I thought maybe I could dress it up to appeal to a dragon rider? The lovely, messy, Mainland . The windsock is a high-prim artifact from Cape Ekim. I still love the view!
  18. Aah....when I tried to sit on the column I fell through......:)
  19. I hadn't actually looked at the surface, and I didn't know there was a side entrance, but it looks like a lovely area.
  20. If the Lindens go "Whole Earth Catalogue" then we might get domes made from recycled autos, earthships, and 'green' homes that have solar- and wind-energy components. I don't think they will do Jetsons - the Lindens were giving away 'futuristic' homes in Zindra and Horizons, and I haven't seen many of them being used. Perhaps it will be 'back to the land' with smaller houses and larger parcels so we can all have little gardens in the front yard and raise chickens in the back yard...
  21. Speaking of mermaids....here's my next one. If you are sailing by you might not be aware of the ruins underwater (or the giant squid). Clue: T. S. Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats." Statues by Earthy Mole. Apologies - the second photo was taken in Griddlebone, a region next to Macavity. Griddlebone is a (sometimes) character in "Cats", depending on the version of the screenplay.
  22. I don't remember seeing this before. Thank you for giving me another landmark to add to my list!
  23. This is the Dongyeongiu to Seoraksan tunnel in Jeogeot. The tunnel is transparent, and there are all kinds of interesting things in the water outside. (That's not my avatar.)
  24. This location is in Bellisseria. This is in an area with a large undersea tunnel network. I spotted a 'half-empty bottle of alcoholic nature', a skull, and a treasure chest while exploring, but nothing I could take home. The rock spire projects up into the water, with floating chests nearby. I found this not too soon after I got my first houseboat, so it is fairly new by Second Life Standards. It is in a water region in an area with both traditional homes and houseboats, and shows as a dark circle on the map.
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