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Everything posted by iCade

  1. Hello Corinne! Have you joined any groups lately that have non-usual symbols in their name? There's been an influx of users unable to connect to SL until their character has been forcibly removed from that group by a LL employee. So if all else fails, open a support ticket or try in live chat.
  2. Wow, thanks Peter, will look into those two! And I right click on an object and click script info in the pie menu, it's the same as using the script info in the about land screen only that you can't use the latter to check the KB size of future purchases. A lot of my friends do not have high end machines so I investigated. I usually purchased things by prim count, if I can get a 5 prim couch instead of a 20 prim couch I'll choose the former. However landscaping and decorating like that had my land look great...but my friends lagged so heavily. Then I checked out the script info tab in the about land menu and saw that half the furniture I used had a ridiculous script count reaching up to 6000KB used for a single item. In comparison, a breedable Meeroo takes up 400KB. Now when I purchase furniture that has any sort of script in it I always check the KB size the scripts use up, not just how many scripts are in there but how much resources the use. Lo and behold with that tactic my friends can now freely frolick through my half sim with only minor lag. Though some still have to watch WHERE they go such as my meeroo cave where 16 meeroo (@400 KB script size each) reside. It will lag them as it's a big end script size compiled into a 10x10 cave. But everywhere else they're fine! It's a massive improvement from them being unable to even MOVE to them only experiencing minor lag. Edit: It's typo day
  3. Yes, that is what I am looking for! A pose menu that let's you have sub menu's so it's all neat and orderly and people will know which animations to go for! I am prowling the script part of the catalog right now though continuing to find poseballs scripts. I have several pieces of furniture that you simply have to sit on, click on it and then choose a button from the animation menu that pops up, juuuust gotta find it! *rolls up sleeves, gets lots of coffee and cookies and continues prowling the marketplace*
  4. Thank you kindly Dilbert, but I'd love to have a menu pop up so people don't have to cycle through poses. My animations thankfully are full perm, so I can re-name them to describe what they do "Laid Back" "Knee Up" and so on. It's such a pet peeve of mine to have animations in furniture and they have such unrelated names you have no idea what the animation will do until you click on it
  5. @Abbie You do realise the people responding to questions here are just residents like you are? We take the time to respond to questions on our own free will. Just because one got unanswered you think it's rude? The entitlement some people feel is downright atrocious.
  6. Good day everyone, first off please excuse me for maybe requesting something I should have found on my own, but my search kung-fu isn't up to par and while I did find some scripts coming close they weren't exactly what I was hoping for! I am looking for 2 scripts: 1) Pose Menu script. I have the furniture, I have the poses, now I would like to make both work together. I did find some of them, but they were rezzing poseballs. I am not using couple animations (yet), just single poses, so I would love a scipt that doesn't rez poseballs. You simply sit on the chair, and by clicking on it a menu pops up letting you choose an animation. I am looking for a script that uses as little resources as possible! 2) I am looking for a simple texture change menu for furniture to change fabrics in a seat from a linen texture, to wool, to wicker and so on. I would like this to come with a menu, the one I found cycled through the textures without giving a menu. Pre-caching would be nice unless it takes up a lot of resources? I would like to create low prim furniture and decoration that use as little KB size as possible. Any information on how to keep the KB size as low as possible would be madly appreciated. For example, I have couches with lovely poses that use about 640KB...yet I have seen couches that have less poses but use a mindboggling 2000KB+. My question, how can I prevent this? Thank you kindly for reading this, I will continue my search in the marketplace and libraries, if I do find what I am looking for on my own I will edit this post to save anyone the trouble of answering. Have a great East Monday!
  7. iCade

    Full Perm question

    I have been googling as well as searching on here, but have not found a satisfying answer just then. I would love to get into building (furniture only, no clothing), however I am not able to make sculpts, as such I would have to purchase them. Most creators have in their license agreement "You may use these sculpts in your own builds/creations". What does this mean exactly? As an example, I found a lovely arm chair sculpt, would I be able to sell it if I texture it? Would I only be able to sell it if I build a house and sell it as part of it? Would I need to tinker with the sculpt itself? Would adding animations -and- retexturing qualify as enough changing to be able to sell it? I am really unclear about this point! How else could I use an arm chair in a build? What changes do I need to make to a furniture sculpt in order to comply with the above stated license agreement? What would I need to search for in the marketplace when I would simply like to use the sculpts as is and apply my own textures to them? Edit: So my own creation means, that I used the sculpt map and am now listed as the creator?
  8. I won't ever understand why people feel the need to add music to their profiles. I don't want to hear your crappy music, I got my own playing thank you very much! Harsh, but the truth. What are the chances out of the millions of songs out there that you will put one that I actually like? Very very slim, so you pretty much got a foolproof way to turn people right off before they even got the chance to read anything.
  9. May want to call billing directly on that one: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  10. iCade

    my age

    In your Dashboard go to Account -> Age Verification. All the info will be there
  11. A search would of swamped you with helpful links on this topic. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment Forums where people request workers and people look for jobs. http://secondlife.com/destinations/realms Earn a little bit of L the playful way http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_money#How_do_I_get_a_job_and_earn_money_in_Second_Life.3F The how to you should read before running off to the job forum. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life Another how to. If you do a search yourself you will find MANY more helpful links and guides.
  12. *nods* Do call again. I called Billing shortly after I joined, and on top of not being an english native speaker, the lady on the line sounded muffled. I told her that english is not my mother language and that I can barely understand her and she went out of her way to make sure I understood. I don't have a problem understanding english usually as I watch movies and such in english, but over the phone, hearing another person talk fast through what sounds like to be a tissue it was almost impossible. The Lady was very kind about it, but you DO have to speak up if you didn't catch something. There's absolutely no shame in asking for a repeat!
  13. We are not lindens, and I take quite the offense at being called a "Random know nothing." We spend time here, some of us hours each day to help people, and when we can we WILL help. Just some things we have no control over such as billing issues. There's helpful residents here who have been on SL from the start, they're merchants helping people in need and then there's people who simply have experience in a certain SL field who will help out. Calling us "Random know nothings" is not only insulting to us, but to your intelligence as you obviously have no idea what you're even talking about. Don't judge until you do, it's very unbecoming and rude. Also, you apparently don't know the SL support, here you get answers faster to your questions as well as tech help than what the support will do for you where you have to wait for your ticket to be processed and in the end will most likely get a pre-fab answer that has nothing to do with your question/problem. ETA: Are you honestly believing there's dozens of staffers who post here each day to help hundresds of people? LoL.
  14. Detach the items your avatar is wearing one by one, I have had this problem on the Singularity viewer, and the eyebrows were the culprit though I have heard of people whose eyes made them clouds. Also Peggy, white clouds aren't so much connection problems, the sound may be, but not the cloud problem. My connection is pristine, yes I called my provider when I had this problem, it was the eyebrows that somehow borked my avatar and I immediately showed up when I detached them.
  15. If the suggestions fail, then it might not be an SL problem or software problem. I had the double click problem a while ago, so annoying! You know what the culprit was? The mouse itself! I screwed it open, cleaned it with a paint brush, screwed it back together and voila, no more double clicking. At all. So if all else fails, clean the inside of your mouse! The screws are usually located under the little pads where the mouse touches the mousepad. They're just stickers that you can pull off and them put back on once you are done.
  16. You can't except filing a support ticket and hope you don't get into trouble: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  17. If you want someone to actually work RL hours you should consider paying them RL wage, or close. Nobody in their right mind would work full time for less than $8. Would YOU apply to your very own job offer? Would you sell yourself that cheap? What were you thinking?
  18. Why not drop the creator a notecard asking her?
  19. Oh wow blakopal, that is stunning Thinking of getting the blue one, but I'll sleep over it, I am so horrible with deciding on colors~! And any chance at all you would ever do one in lighter, preferably pastel colors? Not necessarily mostly white ones. More of a spring look perhaps :3
  20. Knowl - Homesteads are for light commerical use like you said. Clubs are the most heavy form of a commercial business that exists on SL. So it's not recommended at all to have a club on a homestead and most rental places do not allow it. When one homestead annoys renters of 3! other homesteads because they share the same server that is bad. And it will happen. I still don't understand why someone would want a club when the max. amount of people on a homestead can be 25. I used to work in a club, during events it was twice the amount. Kind of seems counter productive D:
  21. Why would you possibly do that? Not only does your homestead share the server with 3 other sims, but the maximum amount of people that can be on a homestead at the same time is a mere 25, as opposed to the 100 people that can be on a full prim sim. Homsteads truly aren't made for clubs. ETA: Not to mention that the other homsteads on the same server with your club homstead will downright suffer the lag YOUR club causes.
  22. Have you tried contacting the seller in game? Drop them a notecard explaining your problem and requesting a re-delivery. If they have an in game shop you may also try and go there to see if they have a re-delivery terminal. If all else fails open a support ticket with LL and flag the product.
  23. iCade


    Looks like you haven't cleared your cache outside Second Life, sometimes things get so borked clearing the cache inside the viewer won't do any good. Here's how you can clear your cache: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090820174621AA0uvrB If you're sure of what you're doing, you can also clear your cache manually. With Second Life closed, go to the appropriate pathway and delete all the files inside the "cache" folder. •On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\SecondLife\cache •Alternatively, you may use the environment variable %APPDATA%, to shorten this path to: %APPDATA%/SecondLife/cache •On Windows Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Seco… •On a Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/cache Source(s): Be careful with cache if you are using a Mac. You may have set your maximum cache size to 1GB in your Second Life Preferences. However, Macs do not recognise this setting and your cache can grow and grow. Mine once grew to nearly 5GB and I had many problems until I discovered this! The best way to clear cache on a Mac is to follow the advice above, but be sure to empty the trash and wait until it is empty, before re-logging to Second Life
  24. Thank you kindly everyone n.n I may go with the beautiful plum dress that was posted, and it's sad that there's no word for it yet, maybe it's time to coin a term?^^ And I may have to approach a designer who already has these sort of dresses (or close to it) who would make one in pastel colors. All I found were bold colors, or very dark, I think it would look very elegant yet beautiful in spring time colors.
  25. Sounds like perhaps something in your SL files got borked good and proper. Try clearing your cache, if that doesn't work, try clearing your cache outside of the client: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=cache_clear If the problem persists you may want to check your internet connectivety, there's a lot of websites that let you do this for free. If you notice anything off during these tests call your internet provider and inquire if they're having any troubles in your area. If there's none, perhaps a cable is loose or a fibre broke.
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