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Everything posted by PapiG

  1. @Rowan AmoreThe question came up with a large screen TV in one of the rooms in the house. What if porn is on, others can see if anyway, the option turned off doesn't affect objects, obviously just avatars, is it a violation? Seen it before on other land, so wasn't really sure if someone didn't care and was doing it or actually there was an allowance provided you did certain things. I was hoping to find something like "Linden Definition of Sim Ratings" or something to read through. Thank you for the response, I will keep surfing more.
  2. Did a search on this one, cranked for a while and goofed up results, so thought I would try here... I've seen "adult" objects on Moderate land, is there something stamped out I could find the actual on what is allowed on Moderate sims as far as its adult? Is there a difference on Moderate mainland rented? Is it hidden like most or has to be in the sky or....
  3. ok , something new to me.. "double primmed" ?
  4. @Chic AeonThank you for the response. I knew there were additional fees after the initial purchase, wasn't sure where I saw that. I will keep researching this more to get a better handle on it.
  5. I once found information regarding the purchase of land but I no longer have the location of that. Can someone point me in the right direction? Example, If I am buying mainland for L$8,200 from Linden, then what do I owe them weekly, or monthly after that.. where is the scale or how do I figure that out as I look for more land? What will this land cost me after initial purchase, tier , etc.?
  6. I once saw a page with land types and sizing and had pricing and all costs through LL. Any idea where I can find this now? This didnt take the place of that did it?
  7. What is the best way to actually find land for sale..not rent?
  8. Thank you for the response, let me address these in case this might help The script was written to respond only to specific people (group members, the owner, people who meet some coded requirement like SL age, ...) 7 pieces tested, work flawlessly for myself, partner, and noob av I created 2 nights ago. No group permission or age limits there. The Noob av was 2 days old and not in our group. The script has been set to Not Running, deliberately or accidentally. On this, 7 pieces tested. Myself, my partner and my noob av all worked fine. She is the only one that cant use the animations or looks like she is sitting. So the scripts could not have been set to "not running" The script was written ineptly, so it fails to request (or remember) the necessary permissions. (This is unfortunately common, since beginning scripters sometimes assume that "silent and automatic" granting means that the script doesn't even have to ask, which is not true.) 4 pieces were purchased from one store and the last 3 from other reputable stores. All large stores that have been in business a while and I own many pieces from each store. Stockholm and Lima, Lalou, D-LAB, and DRD. I have never had issues with anything purchased there and still do not. It still seems to be something on her side. The script is in an area where scripts have been disabled. I have full rights to my property, I have visibility off, No Build, and no fly. That is all I use. If I dont put them on the land rights access list, they aren't ablet to visit anyways. This is just the oddest thing I have encountered; I have never seen this with other ppl, "noob" avs, classic avs, and mesh avs. It is literally this one individual. I am at a loss. Will check back if anyone has more ideas, I do appreciate everyone's responses. I did instruct her to submit a ticket to Linden Labs to see if she gets an answer that way.
  9. [15:32] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set [15:36] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set [15:43] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set [15:45] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set [16:22] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set [17:02] Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set
  10. She just tried a hotspot with her phone and that gave her the same results. I could not confirm if she was off the normal network and this was a different Internet access. But same results, cant sit and get animations, and when it does work sporatically I get script errors on each piece.
  11. I was checking that as well, they are on WiFi using Xfinity cable
  12. One thing my partner and I noticed is we see Script errors when she attempts to sit on things. Animesh Horse, Porch Bench, various things
  13. I rezzed new furniture, no luck there. Also took them to my LL house on different land...same issue
  14. I also went through making sure RLV was off, and we went through the recreate LSL Bridge. Nothing has changed. Still no animations. Myself and my partner can sit and everything is fine on those pieces.
  15. So I met someone that has an avatar that is 2 weeks old. She can only sit and animate on a few pieces of furniture, the others she is just standing. This is a classic av and not a mesh one. She has nothing on, I asked that she remove everything to test different furniture, some worked some didnt. She created a second account because she noticed it after someone helped her configure something. The new avatar and account does the same thing. An ideas what would cause something like this? I have never seen this.
  16. I noticed the JIRA ticket (BUG-234838) status shows closed as of 11am but I am walking around now hearing the thud sounds on avs and objects still? Did I miss something on this? It doesn't seem to be resolved.
  17. I am trying to understand why the Grid options are no longer available to me in the menu, instead they are greyed out? Any ideas please jump right in.
  18. I have the exact same issue, crashing constantly with LLVBOPool Buffer error
  19. I posted this elsewhere but just found this area so will give it a shot here. I trying to find out why my events are not showing up in the events list. If I go to my dashboard and select "events" it goes to the events calendar with listings by time below it. I scroll through and do not see any of my events listed in the time. If I am in Firestorm and open a search window, select events, and put the name of my club in it comes up. Obviously this defeats the purpose of posting because again if no one knows the name of the club then no one will see the events listed. Anyone have an idea why I can see it in a firestorm search but not on the Events page from dashboard?
  20. I trying to find out why my events are not showing up in the events list. If I go to my dashboard and select "events" it goes to the events calendar with listings by time below it. I scroll through and do not see any of my events listed in the time. If I am in Firestorm and open a search window, select events, and put the name of my club in it comes up. Obviously this defeats the purpose of posting because again if no one knows the name of the club then no one will see the events listed. Anyone have an idea why I can see it in a firestorm search but not on the Events page from dashboard?
  21. Resolved this. Dashboard, Select Events. Go to calendar and find day of event, scroll down until I find my even, click the line item. At the top right corner the event listing appears. Click the title of that, it then will show "Edit" and "Delete" in the top left corner of that event post.
  22. Thank you, read up on the information there. I have the old version I downloaded from Google Play some time back, was thinking there was an update to it since that was a while back.
  23. Is anyone else seeing http://www.lumiyaviewer.com/ as an empty page with just a title? I see no content at all there.
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