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Everything posted by PapiG

  1. I not sure if that is where I go or not, I get to that and see "events I am hosting" but I do not see where I can edit or delete the event
  2. I found a post about editing and or deleting an event that I have posted but still have not seen where this is to actually do it? Can anyone assist with this?
  3. I cant find this, I really need to know how to edit or delete an event. Contact me if you help me with this.
  4. Hello, I am looking for someone with experience creating full perm layered clothing (TGA, PNG, PSD style) , I will not be able to use mesh. dark khaki dress pants dark khaki dress skirt khaki dress shirt Khaki work shirt, Khaki cargo pants boot length ie: ODU , BDU style Shoot me an IM or email if you are looking to make some lindens on this, I am willing to pay for your time and effort on this. Thanks for the response. ~Papi
  5. The problem is growing worse in Mautte. Users are parking their avs there now on the bottom so they can play some other game outside of using SL, Tiny Empires or something like that. This is locking up a main waterway from the NW to the Blake Sea. They should be removed , find a sim in the far North edge somewhere not obstructing other users. If you are not going to interact within SL get out of the way. you cant take a sailboat or fly or anything through that sim and its suppose to be public land access. Have a perfect place for all those parked avs.. Nefrando, Baturyn, Gaeta Reef... Out of the way!
  6. hmm, no ideas I guess.... I noticed last night as I crossed a sim line I lost sight of the the ship to my left in the next sim until I crossed back into that sim and it reappears right in front of me. Guess I will just keep throwing these out here. :smileyindifferent:
  7. Noticed since last upgrade on what someone mentioned as a sim crossing improvement almost a month ago, that now ship battles are quite irritating. Av (Green Dot) locations on the mini map are not valid location of the actual object. ie: see the location of the av on the mini map, you reach that location and the av suddenly appears behind you or different location instantly moving across the sim in a blink. AS well, Avs/ships in a holding pattern on sim edges but when you right click them they both dissapear and you then realize that the av and ship are directly behind you which didnt show up on the map. Granted high performance on client side, (video cards, processors, and bandwidth, etc.), make a difference on frame rates yes but this just went to a noticiable issue instantly and has not corrected in weeks. Any ideas on this? Thanks
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