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Everything posted by MasoDevotina

  1. The only shop for make up I know is Face Paint. I was lucky enough that it was the the first make up shop I had a look at, I never felt the need to look further for make up after I discovered it. And yes, make up can change the face of a skin completely (well, as it does in RL ... )
  2. When I arrived in SL about 20month ago I started with V2 and moved then to Marins RLV which was the same as V2. I never tried to convince anybody to use V2, aven if I had never any problems using it, on the other side I have been massively harrased because I used V2, I was blamed when I saw others ruthed and I was also blamed for causing lag to others. Of course I switched to Phönix just because I was fed up with the harrassment especially of older residents (havin no second name made the perfect victim, how should I understand any of that technical stuff being a newbie ...) When I tried phönix I was shocked how it looked, kind of nostalgic, like windows 95 or even 3.11, but what made it unusable for me was the fact that I didn't find an outfit folder, no physics and a pie menu whoch couldn't be less intuitive (is ist possible to make more clicks just to remove some clothes?) What I want to say is that sometimes changes are neccessary, but nobody can force you to go with them. As example you are allowed to work with DOS 6.0, maybe you like it because it's simple and stable. But if you choose to do so, don't expect compatibility with others, and don't even think about trying to convice them to go back to DOS6.0 just because Windows7 sucks, maybe they like the features that Windows 7 offers, just the way I like the features that V2/V3 offers. Others showed where you can find V1 based Viewers, but please, stop the saying "it worked, why change it" (Ford T worked, it did everything a car should do, who wants ABS, electric windows, driving assistand and GPS anyway, it's just a drag to learn all this new stuff anyway ..)
  3. I am always glad to not help you in doing nothing. I didn't answer the questions you didn't ask in the nonexistant survey and hope it will be no help when you unwrite your paper. /me drinks a coffee to calm down after not completing this nonwork
  4. Thaught I gonna post a few pics of my jewellery here, but after looking at all these pics I am not sure anymore if I should even continue making them ... Very nice pictures here
  5. Freecilla Kuhn wrote: Could you sum it up in a sentence please? Thank you, have a great day. that would be great, scrolling took me as long as I need to read whole other posts ...
  6. They look to me like they overdid it with beauty operations, lips a bit more blown up as they should, wasp tail a bit more intensive as it should, boobs a bit bigger as they should ... Let's be happy that they don't have the money for beauty operation in RL
  7. I started SL somewhen last year and used V2 right from the start and found the side bar - once I get used to it - a good thing (especially since I already knew similar UI from other specialised software). I was recommended tu use phönix instead and found it a shock, for me personally a source of big anger since I found it to be unintuitive to put it nicely I think the look of the UI is a matter of personal taste (I am not talking about technical issues, just the design of the UI). I don't understand the argument of the side bar taking to much space on the screen since it can be hidden with a mouseclick, alternatively the single parts of it can be detached. Meanwhile I am using Firestorm (although I didn't try the newest release yet), and it has a lot of possibilties to tweak the UI to your personal liking, and you can make it look very close to V1 (if that's what you prefer).
  8. Definition on Drama in SL Keeping the definition above in mind, yes, there is a lot of drama in SL, but ... ... aren't emotions part of any relationship?
  9. Medhue Simoni wrote: ... After working full time in SL for a year, it was plainly obvious to me that the TV was simply a propaganda machine meant to shape my mind to their corporate slavery. I threw my TV in the trash. You'd really be surprised how much more time you have when you don't spend every spare minute watching TV, or waiting an hour watching the news only to get 5 minutes of relevant information. .... I didn't need to be in SL to realize that, I threw my TV away a long time ago Reading different newspaper representing different point of view takes a lot more time that watching the 15 minute news in a TV, but unlike in TV you got a lot of background information, and it's you who chooses which article in which paper you read Said that reading newspaper takes longer than watching the news, I still have much more time left every day since I trashed my TV, and my spelling get's better as well (at least german which is my native language). There where quite a few articles about SOPA, PIPA, ACTA in diferent newspapers, and given that fact that reading one article takes longer than the whole news in TV there are more facts and background info represented. If ACTA comes true in Europe one of my companies homepages will be most likely shut down due to it's user content (and I don't talk about filesharing, it's rather information sharing). Medhue Simoni wrote: Constantly, I hear people talk about how stupid the general public is. Personally, I don't think people are generally stupid. I think they are just like I was. They just don't have the time or energy to even want to learn anything after spending 10 hours/day making some1 else rich. Not wanting to learn something new is on of the most stupid things, therefore I tend to say that most people really are stupid, on the other hand it may well be that nobody ever told them that they can learn and should learn something new everyday, it's so much easier to manipulate uneducated people
  10. Although it may be temtping to buy a complete avatar, it is much more fun to put it piece by piece together. That way you will not only have your own, individual look after a while, you also learn a lot about SL in General and Avatar design in special. You still can buy a complete avatar after a while, but after screwing around with the settings your eye will see things they don't see yet and influence your decision. Start with the shape as other's pointed out (unless you still have the starter skin with forced underwear, get rid of it before changing the shape). Oh, and ... have fun
  11. Okay, after relogging the question became obsolete, all the textures were gone, so I really wasn't charged tghe 10L
  12. When texturing a box as example I can choose between server (the textures I see in my viewer) or local (textures from my harddisk). When I use textures from local, how do others see them? Do they see them? And do they still see them when I am offline? I am asking this because it makes work sometimes much easier and faster, but now I am wondering about how others see textures from local because it necer charged me the 10L for uploading. Could it be that this option is only thaught to try out specific textures before upldoading them or did I simply miss the notification that I uploaded these textures?
  13. My account was created in the middle of the last year, and I heard that they used to charge for crfeating an alt, but ditched it. I made 2 alts, and none of them was charged, seems that LL reintroduced that fee ...
  14. You were right, Zanara, now after a couple of days the non existing items don't show anymore, instead a new item shows up twice with 2 different names, which means one of them doesn't exist either ... Maybe I have to get used to strange things happening when synicing Magic boxes Thanks anyway, it's much less worrying since I know that things like that just happen.
  15. Adding new items didn't work anymore, I deleted now the Magicbox from inventory and purchased a new one from marketplace, now I am able to list new items again. But the non-existing ones still show up ...
  16. Betty Briand wrote: you are getting worked up over nothing. residents that don't notice they don't have mature/adult checked after the first page of buying furniture, aren't your target group anyway. That sums it up
  17. So I thaught I start selling my stuff on marketplace and followed the guidelines of how to set up Magic Boxes and list them, what went good for the first 15 items. When I added the 16th item it showed 2 items (although I did set up only 1 Magig box). I deleted both items and the Magic box inworld as well, relogged both SL and Marketplace and synced the Magic Boxes again. Both items still show up, and I can't get rid of them. My question is: how can I remove them from from unassociated marketplace inventory since they don't exist anyway? Thanks and best regards (and a happy new year :))
  18. Okay, I tried to work with cntrl + 8, cntrl + 9 and cntrl + 0, and it worked perfectly The trick is to zoom in as close as possible using the mouse to make sure to have the object centered on the screen, and then zooming closer using cntrl + 0. Once zoomed closer with using cntrl + 0 the mouse can be used like I was used to do it in the Beta. Thanks for that helpfull advice
  19. Yes, working on a holyday when everybody else is having free is never fun, no matter how good the payment is. @Phil: Remind me to not thank you if it ever happens that I need your service on a day where you rather would like to spend time with family/friends who don't work due to a special holyday. @Sio: Wanting to keep the job sure makes it easier to work when everybody else has a day off, and yes, they got paid extra for it, but maybe they would rather use the time to spend with family/friends. @Ceka: great picture
  20. Thanks Kristin, I will try that when I am back home and post it here if it helps (or if it doesn't help)
  21. My problem is exactly described in the post right below yours, so I don't think anymore it has to do with a setting which is different in the Beta and the Release. It seems also that the title of my post became misleading with that explanation ... But thanks anyway
  22. I found the setting you mentioned already, but changing it doesn't do the trick. There are 3 checkboxes there n the Beta, but they have no influence on this. I just continue using the Beta for pictures of very small objects, and if I happen to stumble over a solution (other than using Beta) I will post it here. Thanks anyway
  23. Nope, although I had different settings there in the beta it didn't change that specific behaviour when I changed it in the release
  24. I don't know if it's only me or if others have noticed that as well ... I am making jewellery, and it's the nature of this objects that they are very small. To put them in Marketplace I need to make pictures of them, which was no problem at all with Firestorm Beta. Now, with Firestorm Release I can't zoom in close enough, it is like when I am to close the camera slips through the object, it can be seen that it becomes inivisible below a certain distance to it, the closer parts disappear at first. I can solve it by using Firestorm Beta, but I would like to know if others have noticed that as well and if they found the button in the settings I wasn't able to find (if there is one :D ) Thanks and best regards
  25. That's what I did, but underneath the quantity setting was nothing left to fill in ... However, after clicking edit for more than 10 times in the listing a lot of additional settings showed up and the guide matched with what I had on the screen Thanks for the quick response anyway
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