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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Well, maybe you should wait a little more time. How much time passed by since you sended the notecard? And for the problem itself: Is it a one time error or do you still have the problem when you buy something?
  2. I just wish there would be Merroos which aren't breedables. I'm not allowed to have breedables on the place I live
  3. Ah, I thought about those strange behavior just a couple of days ago....it often happens when you are even not thinking that it could happen right now in front of your avatars nose. Here are a few of my examples: 1.) Me and my catcollar. I'm often a running around as a neko or an ocelot. To fit that apperiance I wear a normal catcollar (you know, those belt with a bell to make it harder for the cat to catch birds). And it seems like people can't resist to zoom to my avatar and touch the damn collar! I see it cause the resizemenu shows up everytime.....what do they think? That I'm a damn slave who is to stupid to take care that the collar is save form others? 2.) One other day, I was sitting at a beach, relaxing, reading something...when suddenly a female avatar with a newbie look appeared next to me an tells me in local chat that my avatar is not pretty. As I didn't response to that she said it again, thinking that I didn't know see was talking to me. Just.....strange.... 3.) Stupid questions.....Best situation: I was at a club, dancing and there was an event going on. "Best demon" with 500L on the board. So I switched to my demonavatar (grey skin, claws instead of feet, horns, tail, long white hair) and just minutes after that I got an IM from some stranger: "Do you want a slave". :matte-motes-mad:
  4. I'm reading the forums! Can't be online now
  5. Ah....forgot one thing which may help some others who are looking into this thread. If your avatar comes with a hud, search if you can delete the invisible prims with it. (Worked for my furry avatar from DSD).
  6. Some people play pregnantcy in SL and uses so called "Tummy talkers" to spread informations in local chat about their baby, their body and so on. Its like if your baby or your body could talk.
  7. I updated to 2.8 a few days ago (before I was on v2 2.6) and that was the first thing I noticed. But thats not a big problem, alphalayer look a way better, especially for digilegs at furry avatars.... Well, if you think of changing the viewer to continue using invisible prims, keep in mind others with the actuall version of viewer2 will (and maybe later other viewers that don't support the prims) see your bodyparts that contain them in a wrong way. Can look lick you have black things around your legs...or maybe no legs at all....
  8. Ok that worked....but now I got an other problem. My favorite avatar uses alpha layer at the legs and now, it looks like the viewer turned this layerparts black instead of just let them be invisible.....it looks I would wear the legs and some strange kind of shoe at the same time. Oh I wished I never updated the viewer... :smileysad:
  9. I used an older version of viewer 2 and finally wanted to update today to 2.8, but just a moment before finishing the installation process stopped and I got a error message saying their is an error with overwriting "C:\Program Files (x89)\SecondLifeViewer2\zlib1.dll" I don't know what I should do now :(
  10. I am not sure if there is a startinglimit, but what first came to my mind when I read your thread was that you maybe should first focus on getting your buisness running before thinking about making real money with it.
  11. I know that there life some other residents near my house, but I have never seen them, just their houses. Maybe its time to explore what lies behind the oceancoast in front of my house....
  12. Du verstehst mich offenbar völlig falsch. Ich habe nur auf dein Statement jegliche Einmischung ins Internet sei ein Schlag gegen mündige Bürger geantwortet. Was in diesem Fall einfach Schwachsinn ist, da es nicht darum geht irgendeinem Erwachsenen den Zugang zu irgendwelchen Sex- und Gewaltinhalten zu verbieten. Mein Beispiel mit der Kinderpornografie ist keine Befürwortung irgendwelcher halbgarer Politikerideen (die sind meisten Fällen wirklich fern der Realität). Es sollte nur mal verdeutlichen, dass politische Einmischung generel nichts schlechtes oder freiheitsberaubendes sein muss. Einmischung könnet wie gesagt in stärkerer Polizeiarbeit in dem Bereich münden. Es ist ja z.B. auch keine negative Einmischung in den Freiraum "mündiger" Bürger, wenn man Kinderschutzgesetze durchsetzt. Mehr habe ich damit aber auch nicht sagen wollen, auch wenn du dich nun für 5 Minuten überlegen gefühlt hast. Ach ja, außerdem ist es ziemlich merkwürdig zu sagen "Weil die anderen nicht auch Atomausstieg machen, machen wir das auch nicht" "Weil Tierschutz noch nicht überall durchgesetzt wird fangen wir gar nicht erst an". Ich wär gespannt, wie die Welt aussehen würde, wenn niemand seinen **bleep** hochbewegen würde, um mal mit irgendwas anzufangen. Wahrscheinlich säßen wir noch in den Höhlen und an Gesetze würd sich auch keiner halten....schließlich gibts ja welche, die tuns auch nicht. In diesem Sinne.....wenn es die Wiedergeburt geben sollte, wünsche ich dir ein schönes zweites Leben als Hühnchen in einer kleinen Drahtbox, die gerade mal so groß ist wie du selbst.
  13. IMs that start with "hi", a thing with two sides.
  14. Es gibt schon Dinge, da wäre es schon besser Kinder würden die nicht zu Gesicht bekommen (es ist eben trotz allem ein Unterschied zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen). Natürlich ist es hauptsächlich Aufgabe der Eltern ihre Kinder so gut es geht von so etwas fern zu halten.......dennoch würde ich es nicht generel verteufeln, wenn der Gesetzgeber darüber nachdenkt bestimmte Inhalte nicht frei wuchern zu lassen (z.B. Seiten zu Kinderpornografie, ich weiß ein krasses Beispiel, aber da gibts sicher "mündige Bürger", die sich das nicht verbieten lassen wollen). Ich hatte vorher keine Probleme den Altersnachweis zu bringen und mit der jetzigen Regelung komme ich aber auch gut zurecht.
  15. So viele jüngere laufen doch nun auch nicht in SL rum oder?
  16. I don´t live in the USA and I don´t know how it came that people mentioned TV in this discussion. But I think its a different thing I you (or your avatar) is nude or surroundet by nude people or if you watch some one who is nude on TV. Different feeling and to be onest, the shows where people are shown complete nude are just for the one kind of...hmm..lets call it special entertainment. In SL I won´t want to be part of a setting that maybe is conected to the picture of this entertainmentshow by just visiting a normal sim.
  17. Thats just perfect, Adam. Cause I life in europe and I know how difficult it can be meeting friends which are on the other side of the world :matte-motes-sing:
  18. In another thread you write you like going to clubs, maybe when you visit one that you really like you can check out if they have an applicationbox or something like that and try our luck and fill out a notecard. If you are not sure or if you have questions, ask someone who do the job you also want to do. For example ask for the working conditions, like payment and times or ask the owner of the sim/club what he or she is currently looking for. But the thing with the jobgroup is also a good idea. Maybe you should do both :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  19. Your discribtion sounds like you are a nice person, maybe we see us at some club? (cause I like dancing and joining clothingcontests in clubs). If you need help finding some cheap things and freebes to start with, I am always willing to help
  20. I think most other visitors of a sim will feel quite unwell, if there appear someone naked, especially if its a man. I believe its because nudity is closely conectet to erotic and sex in most sociectys and that are topics which aren´t welcome in every region. Some may now say its natural, but with that argument you can also open a discussion about sex in puplic, cause that is also natural. I hope you know what I mean.......The owner of a sim just keep save that his oder her visitors feel well. One interesting point was mentioned here: Tribes in the jungle, which are used to run around naked. I heard in a psychologyclass that the feeling of shame like we feel when we would be naked infornt of others don´t come automaticly with the level of wearing clothes. A good example for that was a tripe where the woman just wear a small band around their hips and nothing more. A scientist asked a young woman if she would give him her band, he thought she wouldn´t mind that because for him she looks already naked. But the woman blushes and seems to feel uncomfortable. Her friends in the background giggle. The whole situation was the same like if a scientist from far away would ask a woman on some of our beaches to give him her swimwear, because it it pretty to him. The feeling of unwellness with being naked comes from feeling unprotected at some level of soul said the academic. And sorry for my english, I try my best. :matte-motes-bashful:
  21. Es gibt einige sehr gute Skins, Haare und Augen im Marketplace zu finden. Nicht umbedingt für umsonst, aber man kann schon für unter 100 Linden was schickes finden, ich kenn mich da aus, ich suche gern Schnäppchen Was die Shapes angeht....nun vielleicht liegts daran, dass ich ein wenig stur war als ich anfing, aber ich hab mir einfach einen vorgefertigten aus meinem Inventar genommen und dann so lange an den Schiebebalken gespielt, bis es mir gefiel, für den Anfang ist es alle mal eine kostengünstige, individuelle Alternative.
  22. First impressions, indeed **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/html/assets/emoticons/mattemotes/smile.png" border="0" alt=":matte-motes-smile:" title="" /> Ah, that was just to point out I was the only one you would notice form far away. Definitly, a group of halfnaked human avatars can look like a group of sheep form far away. No colorful point in it :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: But it wasn´t meaned to be mean. (and sorry about my english)
  23. I guessed the guys were maybe confused about how to think of my avatar, cause I only got the compliments from girls while being a furry.
  24. Its interesting how different people react depending on your outward apperiance. For example at a beach. I was there two times. The first time as a human woman with blond hair (just a normal shape, no big ass or breasts you know) and I still got much attention from others being there. The second time I go there as a furry female. The avatar was made perfectly. High quality, nice hair.....all you can want for being a cute little junglecat. But it was funny, nobody said hello to me, but to the normal boring human girls that also came to dance a bit. But on the other hand I got in my IMs a few compliments for my avatar at the same time as nobody said hello in open chat. Its like in the real world.....people judge you by first impression.
  25. I really started to hate this update. I wanted to relogg and saw the new possiblity for an update. I started it but it crashed before finshing. I couldnt logg in since this and now I just try to clean my pc form sl viewer stuff and install the old version. I am frustrated, why do linden put such updates up that can crash everything?
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