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Everything posted by honerken

  1. Deej Kasshiki wrote: No reason to get mad. Search is your friend. Also remember that none of us here (as far as I know) are engineers for Nvidia or ATI. How are we supposed to know the exact framerate you can expect? SL is NOT LIKE ANY OTHER MMO out there. All the 3-D objects are created by amateurs, not professional 3-D artists and they're not optimized to run on the lowest common hardware. Just because you can play BF3 with ok performance doesn't mean you can run SL for this reason. If you'd done a search you'd have found this answer. Don't shoot the messenger. Honestly, you're acting like a jerk, I think the TC has every right to get mad at you.
  2. I find nothing pretty about war, and I will never support it, no matter what anyone says. A lot of people innocent people died because of govermental egos, simply because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. The death of over 200,000 people who died in an atomic bomb.....just the most disgusting act I ever read in history.
  3. Am I the only one who's tired of this? A typical scenario includes Person #1 not having a come back for person #2's opinion, so #1 resort to bashing the other person's grammar.
  4. So? The word **bleep** appears in Tom Sawyer, a book at appears in a school library. That doesn't mean anyone has the right to use any word they please on a pg forum.
  5. I'm not a female, but IMO, you should go with what you think is decent. Look around and test skins with deferent shapes. Of course, you should follow a few standards at least. I'm not obsess with proportions like some other people, but things like your arms too long or too short and your head being too big or small tends to look weird, and I see this often in many places.
  6. I like this new feature a lot; it allows me to do things like change my clothes without my neighbors complaining. But I do find it annoying while you have the box unchecked, you can't see anyone out your parcel either.
  7. Now why would a perv need to use his imagination when he can see all the glory at a nude beach?
  8. AmyNevilly wrote: I mean, we're all pixels? Why are peach coloured ones discriminated against? Can't naked pixels live in harmony with clothed ones? Mainly because of jerks like me. When I see a naked woman, I going to feel something. I'm pretty sure you seen some videos of perverts at nude beaches? As long as people consider nudity sexual, it's not goijg to become a norm anytime soon, especially here in the west.
  9. It's like I can't go anywhere these days without someone complaining that my avatar is too tall. I didn't know SL was real life, and we have to look 'realistic'. Perhaps I should just walk around a 2 foot gnome. I'll show them. :p
  10. You say this, yet I still see these 1300 + day accounts with no AO and free skins while around like nothing, especially on adults sim. I'm assuming their personality gets them by. :smileyvery-happy:
  11. Because I'm thiking baout getting me a sim that's over 60,000 sq meters, and I don't know whether a mainland or private region would be a better choice. Sorry if this is on the wrong forum.
  12. Melita Magic wrote: celebz wrote: Who's more Addicted To Second Life? Males or Females? I don't know of any study that correlates addictive behavior/personality to gender. Addictive behavior would include gaming. Why do you want to know? Why not? It's actually pretty interesting think about, considering in other online media the men outnumber the girls. He it seems to be equal (if what people say about some of the female avatars being men are true).
  13. "no drama" is starting to get really old now. If someone really wanted drama, that would do it anyway.
  14. My best friend is a guy that uses a overused free skin and has a somewhat "unattractive shape". I personally dont' care; people can look the way they want; their world, their imagination.
  15. What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?
  16. Was it even wise to add a sports section? Most people on this forum seems to be female, so I don't think this place will have many post at all.
  17. Episkey wrote: I've always heard about Second Life being such an extensive experience so much to the point where it's hardly considered just a game to some people. I decided to join to see what it's actually like. I love it! Second Life has such a unique expierience and the fact that everything is player-made makes it even more astounding. But there's something that has been bugging me since I first discovered adoptions and families in Second Life. Would anyone adopt a teen avatar who is actually a teen in real life? I don't have a very well background when it comes to the family department and I believe that being able to experience what it's like to have a family if even on Second Life would really make me happy. I would be totally committed to whatever the family wants to do. The only problem I can see is: The teen would be somewhat limited to where they can actually go. From what I've seen, there aren't very many exciting G-Rated sims in comparisom to M-Rated Sims. So would any of you SLifers adopt an avatar who is actually a teen in real life? yes
  18. I made this topic mainly because a few words slipped out of my mouth in Help Island Public (PG land). I actually apologized to a bunch of people about this; however, no one seemed to cared. They didn't even say it was ok, they just ignored the apology and kept talking to me like nothing happened. I was actually surprised.
  19. I am new to second life, and I'm just wondering whether profanity normal everyday speech in second life? It seems you can say something you would never say in front of your mother anywhere here, and yet no one seems to bats an eyelash. Not a prude, but just curious.
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