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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Linking up to the Eden or Estate continents by agreements made with relevant landowners might be more achievable and desireable.
  2. One reason people prefer to rent is they don't have to deal with the complexities of land buying and tier. Private sims tend to keep some sort of control over the neighbours builds too, unlike on mainland where your neighbour changes and they can put up pretty much anything and you will be telling your visitors to derender them, and cursing the banlines or retreating to a skybox. The nicest areas of mainland you can pretty much only get by renting, unless you are prepared to spend 60,000-200,000l$ just buying it.
  3. This first requirement doesn't make sense: I would want the sim to be stand alone and not connected to other sims, with sailable water on all aspects and ability to sail directly to the Blake Sea or other sailing areas. The sim I want to move is beach themed partly residential and with an active club and dance theatre in the sky over the central lake.You can't be connected and not connected at the same time, it is one or the other. Since you want to be connected. I am not really sure what you are trying to get at. It is not quite as impossible as others are suggesting to have a private sim that will sail to the Blake Sea. There are several landowners with private sims adjoining the Blake Sea. Since they have added sims, then so can others through whatever route they took with Linden Lab.. although I strongly suspect they are unlikely to consider moving an individual sim. Those that have sims adjoining the Blake and around that area of mainland all manage multiple sims. So not impossible to move or have a private sim, but to move one sim yourself with Linden help seems very unlikely. What might be more possible, is to talk to one of those landowners about them taking on your sim moving it to the Blake and then renting it back to you, There would be a cost involved I am sure as moving sims costs money and also a cost to you in that they will have restrictions on how you develop the sim so it fits in with the area of the estate you are moving it too. They may even require a rezz area, and will require you allow object access to everyone. Also being linked to mainland it might have an avatar limit of 40 people like mainland does, which might be a show stopper for your club and idea. Nber Medici would be the land owner I chiefly think of who owns alot of the United Sailing Sims, but there are others like the people behind the Seychelles area Irish Estates or something. I am not saying they will do this, but it is possible if you can make a case that your sim will add something of value to the area that they might. Since you are asking questions like "How can I tell from the map which areas have sailable water and access to the Blake Sea and other sailing areas? This would be a very expensive mistake if I got it wrong." It seems to me you really need to be doing a lot more homework before making a decision or contacting anyone about your idea. They will be very cautious, if you don't know the basics. (There is a hud availabale at yacht clubs that shows object entry conditions on adjoining parcels... You can also use the minimap and have parcels turned on, which with practice will allow you to spot linden owned through routes) Before approaching anyone, I would take your time to do some research yourself, Get yourself a boat, join some sailing clubs and go exploring to see what the area is like, what people use it for and what they value about the area.
  4. Try helping haven and caledon (spelling probably slightly off) university. Both places are friendly and instructive for people new and learning.
  5. I disagree. Nothing I have seen from the French satirists amounts to anything I would consider to have gone too far. Religious "satire" is only indefensible when it is of the same sort of untruth and malicious intent as the blood libels unfortunately too frequent in the middle east.
  6. Freedom of Speech is not an absolute. It is in no one's interests to allow libels, slanders or people to shout "fire" in crowded cinemas. Making that point is not a defence of terrorists Anyone thinking that is extremely wrong headed.
  7. I an curious now too and want some even though i haven't seen them.
  8. Qie Niangao wrote: Why do you think convex hull "messes with the physics of objects"? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean. What it does is to simplify the physical envelope, speeding collision computations (hence, better for the sim) which is usually what you want anyway, unless you need to preserve a hollow (concave) space. The main problem with megaprims, server-side, is that they're often carved from much larger megaprims, and Havok apparently has to work harder to rule-out the possibility of something colliding with those carved-up solids (or so we were told, back in the day). So, it's not so much that megaprims are inherently nasty for the physics engine so much as the fact that, before carving, they were so enormous. Also, Havok was said to check for collisions based on the largest dimension of the object, so something 512 x 512 x 0.5 m (before carving) would trigger detailed collision calculations for objects moving anywhere in a 512 x 512 x 512 m space. Or something like that. To be fair, though, a lot of this dates from early days of Havok, when it really was a piece of garbage, and it's now much, much harder to crash a sim with physics than it was back then. Nonetheless, large-scale events with crowds of visitors (e.g., birthday celebrations) still restrict use of those old carved-up megaprims, and I'll bet they know some of those old considerations still apply. Well, for screens I hollow out cubes or spheres. For roads I hollow and pathcut tubes and cubes, for platforms I often pathcut or holliow to allow access through the surface. So for each of my main uses of megaprims, using convex hull messes up their physics to make them unusable. Incidentally, I look in top colliders for one of the sims I manage and the only thing listed is the surfing wave (scoring (67.24) , This is out of a sim full of megaprims and surfaces for walking\riding on running up from ground level to over 2000m of continuous road system. If megaprims really were a problem wouldn't they be listed in region top colliders? On the neighbouring sim I can see some roaming Koi score 0.36 on the same scale and a handful of other items (one a bike) One is a megaprim coming in at 0.96. But it is the only megaprim of dozens listing, To be honest the numbers don't actually mean anything to me but they all seem a lot lower than the unproblematic surfing wave. I have read threads on lag before. And there is a lot of opinion but not very much that is actually substantive or useful to people trying to make their sims lag free and function the way they want them too..... Aside from avoiding 1024 textures (where they aren't otherwise important). In the most extreme case simply removing some alpha grass on a sculpt in the middle of my sim reduced lag for me and a lot of other people who were complaining. Aside from that one element in a FelixvonKotwitz build every other change I have made to reduce lag has been imperceptible or involved so many elements being sure what was the problem isn't possible.
  9. Convex hull messes with the physics of objects I only use that trick on stuff I will make phantom. What sort of lag do mega prims create? I use them alot for full sim platforms, screens and even roads. The only lag I have noticed is from textures and some mesh\sculpts when they have transparencies or made with lots of sides\vertices. How bad actually are megaprims and how do you tell?
  10. There are moorings at Honah Lee going from 1595l$ a week for 725 prims. (Use the scroll bar on the property list to see them). There are some large moorings at the Seychelle Isles too, I can see one at 1875l$ a week for 750 prims. Look on their inworld boards here The Windward yacht club has some large moorings available. I can't see their pricing, but their office is here If you need less prims the sunbird marina is nice at 220l$ a week for 110 prims. If none of those are suitable look around the world map for obvious harbors, and go there and see what you can find out.
  11. Relogging has always worked for me
  12. Part of having a good tail is having a good AO to go with it. Oracul sells one for 200l$ which combined with one of the swim huds that maintain your height under water, like this one, is a very good start. I have a moonlit sea tail, but I can't recommend it above others I haven't tried. It is mostly a matter of taste and what you want to look like that will determine which you want. Best of luck with it, it can be great fun as a group following boats around Fanci's deep trying to get their attention and mermaiding at them hehe
  13. if all else fails then try reading the instructions.
  14. There is a live support for the mesh project in their store. I got to speak with someone within a few minutes when i had a problem. if they can't resolve it then they will pass it on to be investigated,
  15. For driving on private sims take a look at some of the links I put in this post
  16. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Aethelwine wrote: N-Core are slightly bigger than slink feet, but anyway Similar are now selling feet they claim to be compatible with slink shoes and a lot cheaper. The review says they are compatible but points out at least currently there is no specific skin matching. So you have to use rgb values. I am not familiar with the brand but I understand they have a good quality reputation... and the prices of their shoes supports that. /me snifs the air.. "Do I smell a pending DMCA?" If there was one it would seem to be spurious since the DMCA provisions specifially allow reverse engineering for the purposes of interoperability. I am no expert but I would think the same process and protections were afforded to the people that first started to make their breasts compatible with lola appliers and also those involved in the Omega project. So I would not be expecting Slink to go down that route.
  17. N-Core are slightly bigger than slink feet, but anyway Similar are now selling feet they claim to be compatible with slink shoes and a lot cheaper. The review says they are compatible but points out at least currently there is no specific skin matching. So you have to use rgb values. I am not familiar with the brand but I understand they have a good quality reputation... and the prices of their shoes supports that.
  18. CrystalMendrilia Lunasea wrote: Hmm, been so long I'm not 100% sure. It was the most expensive one I could locate at The Shops. The folder is entitled, [ONANauha] Version 1.1 Are you sure he body you are wearing isn't an Orange Nova one? I am pretty sure my mesh project body is in a folder called something with mesh project in the title.
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: One option would be to cut the small swath of land that is in the water off from the rest. You can still set it to group and set it for group only rezzing and autoreturn but leave the group only access off on that small piece. You still get the benefit of the prims since it's still in the same sim but it would allow easy passage for those navigating the waters.....just a thought. If people were thoughtful enough to do it but we know the responses people get when asking those who own these properties. It was a mistake as Amethyst put it for LL to sell those water ways from the get go. They should also be the ones w ho take responsibilty for fixing it but that's a pipe dream. There are plenty of sims where there are narrow channels down the edge of the sim for navigating, having parcel lines on shows them and allows you to travel about twice as far around Gaeta V (for example) as you would otherwise be able to. The patchy nature of it might suggest Linden Lab have taken the opportunity to do that as situations arise. But making an offer to those land owners blocking access routes, would be a very good idea. And I would go further and say those that don't accept the offer should ultimately have the land taken from them for the public good, and their own benefit because it will increase the number of sims that can claim protected access to the blake sea (or on other continents simply to other sims) and increase the value of their land. If they don't care about waterways being made public then they might as well be on a private sim anyway. They can have their privacy, ban lines and swim in the sea without spoiling the value of their neighbours property.
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Maelstrom Janus wrote: I had an idea which I thought was rather nifty and that would be to make it against TOS for anyone to block someone else living in the same region..with security orbs ban lines or anything else....I think its hardly fair to prevent anyone moving across their own home region..... So, if we both live on the same SIM you should have access to my parcel? What twisted sense is that? Most countries have laws protecting rights to roam. Even in the USA there is a general right to roam foreshore to high or low watermarks depending on states.
  21. Lori Paramour wrote: Having run into the same problem on numerous occasions, both sailing and flying, I think a better question would be: Why doesn't SL put protected waterway regions completely around all the continents? And while they're at it: Why not a single region wide protected waterway between all the continents? This would greatly enhance the sailing/flying experience in SL for everyone. They could even allow sky boxes above 300 meters and generate some revenue to help defray the costs. Then I answer myself. Because that would make too much sense. And take resources away from their development of the "New Improved SL" they have up their sleeve to screw us out of our inventory and force us all to start over. Rivers too... boating around Butsu would be wonderful if it wasn't for some of the anti-social land owners. They spoil the area with banlines not just for explorers but for all their neighbours too.
  22. A friend lost some of their Akeyo dance anims today. To fix it we went back to the store and used the redelivery terminal. I guess old copies got pulled and there are new ones replacing them. Maybe Vista has done same thing. Try their in store redlivery terminal anyway (assuming they have one - I haven't anything from Vista I ever use (except their clothes - which are under different brand name anyway),
  23. I have tried using the hud but it has normally broke on a sim crossing by the time you need it. A more useful tool is to r-click on your mini-map in firestorm and turn on parcel borders, that way you can see the narrow linden waterways that you can often use to get past an otherwise blocked sim. I don't buy your argument, Qie. Land prices are higher next to water for a reason, the reason being access to the waterways to get around. No object entry on parcels and no warning security orbs covering water that looks like it is a public waterway spoil and devalue the land value for every landowner on that stretch of water. Areas of Sansara and Gaeta V are especially bad. I agree I can't see Linden Labs doing much about it, but they should and I hope they get it right in their plans for the new platform.
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