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Govindira Galatea

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Everything posted by Govindira Galatea

  1. Thank you, Valerie! It's off the cover of the Jan 1950 Vogue with some modifications by me. The object in question is 114 prims and does not seem to have any scripts in it. In my experience, such a situation is created by using a no-mod texture; I don't know whether it matters whether it's the parent prim or a child prim. The parent inherits the texture's no-mod permission regardless of the setting in inventory. The creator put a light in one of the prims, which after some random searching I found, but then was frustrated that I could not get rid of that light. I had nulled the light in one of the other costume items, but this one frustrates me. Also, all the outfit elements are full bright, but since the head-dress is the no-mod one with the light and essential to the Brazilian style Carnivale outfit, I have to leave everything full bright. Generally, I'm online at night and I use various night WindLight settings, so full bright is usually awful and I change it or won't wear the item. I have some very expensive shoes like that. *cough*Still--*cough*Moo-*cough* Full bright monstrosities. When I first wore it, two years ago, I never noticed the lights or the full bright. Now, with Kirstens viewer and shadows, the lights particularly made themselves horribly conspicuous. I suspect the problem is the slam bit and a no-mod texture left no-mod in the head-dress but not in the other elements which use the same texture. There's no help for it, I will have to bother the creator. <sigh>
  2. I was reminded of this problem by running into it again: I have a few outfits where the permissions for every item are set to mod/copy/no-transfer. And, as promised, all items are, except for one or two; they say mod/copy/no-transfer in inventory, but when rezzed or worn, remain stubbornly no-mod. It's pretty obviously an error of some kind--the designer did not intend it--but somehow accidentally triggered no-mod. I know the only way to fix it is to get a new fixed copy from the creator, but how does this situation arise and what can be done to avoid it, for the creator?
  3. To get rid of the grey blocky overlays, you can just reset your badge to the default theme according to the directions in this thread (my post 97 there gives detail). You can see the results by looking at my badge. I had the Tokyo Madness theme and the shadowed effect on my badge background and got rid of it by the means I describe, as first outlined by Qie Niangao in the same thread.
  4. I believe and have observed that muting an avatar will also mute all that avatar's owned things and keep them from bothering you in any way. Is there some hole in the Mute function that allows an avatar to continue to interact with you?
  5. I think that in Version 2 and the other things that Linden Lab has done within the last year, you have been anticipated. The popularity of these ideas is well documented by large numbers of persons who have posted in detail their dislike of each and every one of these ideas. If we wanted Facebook, we'd use Facebook, for goodness' sake. Second Life remains unique in the degree to which it allows a person to customize everything about her/his avatars and their environments. Drifting away from that goal has not been received well, moving more towards it--haltingly and with mixed success--has been applauded and celebrated. We are unique. Spare us from becoming a me-too Facebook browser client-based tedium.
  6. Ramonna Villota wrote: I have tried them all Kirstens Viewer is way ahead of them all. Yes Ma'am Sir. :-D :hug:
  7. Void Singer wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Is there some reason why some badges have rounded corners and others are square? And why some have a heavy black box surrounding the whole badge? (Is that part of the badge, or some attribute of the post?) badges are using some css magic for the rounding, and yes the heavy black box is part of it, it's actually a background image.... for some reason, the default badge backgrounds (3 of them) aren't being shrunk to fit, like you can with custom images. for users of firebug you can restore the default badge style (that you can't normally select after you choose a theme) by right clicking beside the toyko them, 'inspect element', open that element to see the hidden input inside it, and changing the value to "tb_none", then hitting save on the page.... To explain this for those who don't understand it--as I did not, but now do--"firebug" means Firefox browser. It also works with the Google Chrome browser. Once you have the "inspect element" window/frame open, search within it on "tokyo" (if you have the Tokyo Madness badge selected, as an example). There will be several instances of "tokyo" but only one is the one that you can change. You can identify it by the fact that the line in which it is located begins with "input value". Now it is simple text editing. In the term you've found, "tb_tokyomadness", change "tb_tokyomadness" to "tb_none". In Google Chrome, I had to left mouseclick on my desired text edit location several times to get it to finally allow text editing there. Now it is time to Save. The Save button here is the one on the original badge page, not within the inspect element window/frame. Merely go up (in the case of Google Chrome) to the original badge page and scroll to a point were you can click on the Save button. Left click Save. You should get an acknowledgement in a colored band right above the words Badge Settings, and your badge should be back to the original default badge. In case you've forgotten what it looks like, it has a little rounded white box surrounding your posts, blogs, solutions, etc. and your badge picture will no longer be obscured or shaded. You can close the "inspect element" window/frame now. You're done!
  8. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Govindira Galatea wrote: btw, where is the "quote" button that's promised in the Forum FAQ? It's nowhere on my forum pages. Is it something that Google Chrome doesn't like? OMG!! That is so cute! Is that taken with Kerstin's? But to answer the question, click "Reply" and the bottom of the post you want quoted. You will then find the Quote button at the top right of where you edit your message. It is Kirstens viewer taken in the top level of my pagoda. My face is in shadow from the roof and I like the way the walls beams and posts cast shadows in the morning light. And thank you, re quoting; as you can see, I am now mistress of all! :-)
  9. Perhaps some system to give a person more image storage space as s/he progresses through the community member ranks/titles? Or the more kudos (when that's enabled), the more image space. I think that we definitely want to give more to a community member who gives more to the community.
  10. Well said, Codewarrior. The V2.x UI gets in the way of everything 3D in a very intrusive way, a way that the V1.x viewers avoided. Any new UI's creators would do well to listen to us better.
  11. Depth of field, depth of focus, same thing so far as I know. Kirstens viewer, near and far field apparent focus/out-of-focus, depending on what the camera pivot is. Thank you both for replying. :-)
  12. Penny, do you know if there's any way to alter depth of focus, too? I've noticed it in Kirstens Viewer, that there's near focus and far focus states for the camera--with some pretty cool effects that result. Is there a V2.x debug setting that affects that or is it a feature of Kirstens Viewer?
  13. Hitomi Tiponi wrote: Govindira Galatea wrote: You have to wait and wait and wait for the results of such search-based inventory accesses. Secondly, it presents you with far more information than required. Example: I'm putting an outfit together with a dress from Rotten Toes and boots from Redgrave. I remember the clothing makers/stores but not the item names. In a large inventory, mostly you remember the from-whom/where you bought it, what it is, but NOT its name. I find that it returns the results instantaneously - most of the time the inventory is quickly available. Maybe I am different in that I shop around and end up with items from many shops (though having my favourites of course) and tend to order them by what they are rather than who I bought them from. But I can see that if you do order stuff like that then Viewer 2 would be a little bit slower for you. Simply clear your cache and then log-in to discover the reality of using search to change outfits. I just did as I described above--without clearing cache!--with a V2.x based TPV--Kirstens--and got the precise effect I described, it's slow and intricate and non-intuitive. Even Windows allows you to get places in file list by touching the keyboard and going to the section of the list which has that letter initially in its name(s). I entered "rott" and got the Rotten Toe folder, but did not see the outfit for which I was searching. Highlighted the Rotten Toe folder, cleared the search, then scrolled to the Rotten Toe folder to find the Rotten Toe dress I was looking for: Carnival Girl. I had no way around this: I did not remember what the dress was called but I did remember who made it, the store's name. I classify by designer/store name generally. That allows me to group otherwise disparate items together and leave them that way and know I can retrieve them without fruitless searches. For Carnival girl I would have attempted Pierrette or Diamond; I don't think of the dress as Carnival, though after much repetition in writing here, I now do. But what of other outfits whose names I also misremember, but I know who made the dress, or from what part of the alphabet her name is. And it's elementary to do this. Windows allows it, for goodness' sake. If Bill Gates can do that much, LL should be able to do it, particularly since they did it for V1.x viewers. V2.x is full of inexplicable oversights, reconfigurations, and consequent confusions. I don't like its UI. Except for the fact that it does render things faster with shadows turned on (Kirstens optimized version of V2.x), I would have no reason to recommend a V2.x based viewer to anyone.
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: Your quote button can be found once you go into the Post Message box. It is on the upper right corner next to Spell Check. Lovely avatar! Thank you and thank you!
  15. btw, where is the "quote" button that's promised in the Forum FAQ? It's nowhere on my forum pages. Is it something that Google Chrome doesn't like?
  16. Your survey would be a self-selected survey, not a representative one. I think that if you instead use the map looking for groupings of avatars, devise some way of randomly selecting which of the crowded sims to visit, visit and use Windows/MacOS screenshots to take names, then IM each asking for participation in a survey, you will have statistically more representative results. You can at least use a viewer like Phoenix that tells you the viewer type used by avatars present. But surely, Linden Lab know the usage rates of the various viewers: viewers self-identify (in a spoofable way, unfortunately) when they log-in. What more will your self-selected survey participants tell LL about the use of TPVs?
  17. If LL intended that or if it's just lucky chance, it's a good thing for LL and SL, that you have to be logged in to see the "Off Topic" forum. I'm pretty sure that the last things that Linden Lab wants is to have our off-topic discussions catalogued and distributed by Google, etc.
  18. I use an assortment of viewers: Kirstens, Phoenix, Firestorm-alpha, and the official V2.x. It depends on what I expect to have to do. Sooner or later, one or the other irritates me enough with what it won't do well that I have to switch. Assembling a new outfit in any V2.x derivative is very frustrating and tedious; IM in V2.x is frustrating, too, with all that box real-estate given up to stuff I know: profile picture, etc. V2.x based viewers seem to have faster rendering technology and are now less bug-ridden, but have so few bells-and-whistles that I feel dumbed down and hobbled when I use them.
  19. In Viewer 2.5 once you start typing in the Inventory search bar it brings up those items with the string matching what you type as you type it. This seems to me to be much better than just finding folders or items with that initial letter. In SL you may want to find a 'rose' but not remember where that occurred in the name. This way by the time you typed 'rose' all folders/items with that in the object name would be in the inventory pane. You have to wait and wait and wait for the results of such search-based inventory accesses. Secondly, it presents you with far more information than required. Example: I'm putting an outfit together with a dress from Rotten Toes and boots from Redgrave. I remember the clothing makers/stores but not the item names. In a large inventory, mostly you remember the from-whom/where you bought it, what it is, but NOT its name. Version 1: In my clothing folder, I touch the "r" key and I'm at the Rotten Toes folder. I open it and am reminded of the name of the dress I want by its presence in the subfolders shown in the Rotten Toes folder. I wear them. Then, I back arrow to get to the top of the clothing folder and open my shoes folder, hit "r" again and I'm at the Redgrave subfolder, open that and see the boots I want and wear them. Version 2.x: on the search bar, I type in "rott" and get the Rotten Toes folder, but none of its contents because they have a different name from the folder. I highlight the Rotten Toes folder and close the search bar,scroll to and then open the Rotten Toes folder to wear the items I want. Then, I open the search folder, type in "redg" and get the Redgrave folder but none of its contents, highlight it, then close the search folder, then scroll to and open the Redgrave folder. After I open the Redgrave folder, I then wear the items. During the search, I wait and wait and wait because instead of my fast random access meat memory (my brain), I have to wait until SL has provided me with ALL my inventory (24,000+ items) in order to get a search result. Even with all my inventory accessible to my client, I still have to wait because searches take time.
  20. Even Windows has this: in inventory under version one, if the folder or item I wished to access has an initial letter known to me, just hitting that letter key gets me to the next instance of that letter as an initial letter. A simple shortcut that makes a large inventory manageable, makes organizing inventory worthwhile, and a simple shortcut that has been eliminated in the 'advances' of the V2 UI. V2 has some undoubted advantages functionally, but the UI does not adhere to these simple standards of functionality. And some are saying, "Move on, get over it," because they really don't know what they are missing. Pie menus are a matter of taste. Changing something from 1 or 2 clicks to 4 clicks is not a matter of taste; it's bad design.
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