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Carl Thibodeaux

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Everything posted by Carl Thibodeaux

  1. Is there something going on with voice? It's been working on one account, but others it hasn't seemed to be working. It's rather strange. Not sure if its the region, or what. Anyone else having this issue at all?
  2. Using this one as a example, as it is the most recent one.. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/2015_Photo_Booth_Fun_Snapshot_Contest I am curious, but do you have to pay taxes on whatever they reward you?
  3. So, i accidently bumped into someone.. Chat popped up with the persons name saying "Push Detected and Saved".. Then it told me my full username and my avatar key, the date, and time of incident.. and the location with map coords all in local chat. This is happening at a info hub on SL. Should i be worried?
  4. So.. i was browsing the Marketplace with $980Ls on me. I got money from friend, as hes getting married. Had to pick out a suit. But the marketplace total doesn't update. I refreshed page a few times. Logged out and back in.. Doesn't update. Stays 980. I logged into https://secondlife.com/ and it has updated there. 1,329Ls Is it safe to buy something on the Marketplace?
  5. Sounds crazy. Hard to believe people will follow this. Sounds like something you would see out of Jerry Springer or Maury.. Wait till you hear one or the other is pregnant and they start poppin out kids.
  6. The most you can do is just ignore it on SL.. and you will be fine.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe i should hunt you down now.
  8. Possible to do so? And if so, what would it be filed under?
  9. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Ya know...every time this happens people come running to the forum...the sky is falling, I can't get in....it there something wrong?....SL has a grid status page at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ You can also get there from you dashboard. If you checked there first instead of running in here, you'd save yourself a lot of anxiety... Just Sayin... Problem is they didn't update it for like 30-45mins after everyone crashed.
  10. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2015/01/12/post2450/ They finally updated their page.
  11. Took me clicking links to find this on the grid status page.. https://twitter.com/SLGridStatus/status/554863662389678080 To find this. They need better ways to inform the public.
  12. Mine now shows this when i try to log in.. Looks like a code blue situation now.
  13. Even the beta grid, and the OSgrid is down. Surely, what will i do now?
  14. All my friends and what not are having a terrible time to get online. That and payments and L's are bugging out.
  15. Starting to see Unicorn items being released like crazy in SL. Any one notice this, or only me?
  16. Exercise the mute button and everything will be alright.
  17. Where it shows my name by my post.. <----- That way somewhere. How does one make it fancy or some sort like you see people have.
  18. All the safehubs and infohubs have those who graphic crash and just run around trolling. Having no scripts is a good sign in my opinion. It stops alot of the griefing and attacks on people.
  19. So lately, on the sim i work upon, I can see people on my minimap/radar, but I can not see them in avatar or cloud form. It's as if they are not even there. I hear/see their chat and conversations, just cannot see them. No name tags. No nothing. At times, i gotta relog to fix this problem.. Is this common?
  20. Did the skill gaming policy finally go into effect? Meaning, if we see a machine outside a gaming region that is operatable, can be reported?
  21. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/11/22/post2421/ Unscheduled Server Maintenance We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may be logged off or experience degraded performance. Additionally, during this time Group Chat may fail. Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects and making L$ transactions during this maintenance. Please check back here for updates.
  22. Depending on viewer you can. Problem tho, I have a mouse that has a tendancy to click twice at times.. (Need a new one)... So it happens to me at times with others, people who i don't want to talk to at that given time. It's embarassing.
  23. Standing at a Safe Hub on adult land and I see hovertext reading i should touch for a free drink. Upon clicking it i see this.. (It's a official and real drink dispenser owned by Governor himself) Looks like I'm going get drunk with the moles and Lindens, with a Rez and Primdriver. Woo.
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