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Jonathan Sivocci

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Everything posted by Jonathan Sivocci

  1. Usually teleporting to another region will fix the issue (unless the notecard is set with the wrong permissions then it wont allow you to read it anywhere)
  2. Hello Scunky, Are you talking about taking items back into your inventory or de-rez a prefab ? Maybe this is the same issues as in a previous thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/Inventory-Issues/qaq-p/1627613
  3. You can always check the status report website, http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ so you know if there is an issue if it's just you or for everybody in Second Life
  4. Hello Foxy, Lindenlabs is having issues on their side, please visit, http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ for more information .
  5. Depends what viewer your on, go do the following: Develop > Avatar > Character Test > test Male/Female If you dont have develop menu click: Ctrl alt D and Ctrl alt Q. Then you will rez as a regular avatar again after the Test male/female and you can reattach your clothes again and be normal: )
  6. If it's crashes click, Check I'ms, and close all your notifications and messages you have pending in the upper right corner of the viewer, wait a few seconds and then close the viewer and then Log back in, should work fine then.
  7. Yes you can altho you will pay tiers seperately to the estate owner, instead of Lindenlabs, You can keep your mainland home, or buy extra land on mainland and rent that out. or buy land from an estate owner and rent that out without it raising your lindenlabs Mainland Billing.
  8. Hello Sweet When you login try to login to a different region like, Your name, last name, Location (last location or Home) or type there, like Help Island and then login. Sometimes you can't connect to a simulator becuase it's either full or down.
  9. Hello Jack, There is no such thing as free land, The only way you can get free land is if there is someone who already owns land and would like to give you a piece of their land without charging you. Maybe post something like that in the wanted section. Goodluck
  10. If you mean that you log in and either everybody is offline in your friends list, or people are not even showing in your friend list, sometimes your L$ balance says ????? and inventory also does not work. Sending Messages to friends, or people messaging you will be directly sent to your email? Any of this, usually is an SL issue i have it happen to me once in a while, it can take up to a day sometimes before it gets fixed. When contacting LL they ask me what viewer i'm using. I always use Firstorm, but after downloading the Official Viewer from Linden Labs everything worked fine again. So i suggest try a different viewer, or download Metabolt, http://metabolt.net/ and see if it loads your friends up in there.
  11. Здравствуйте, Пробуйте загрузить регулярного зрителя SL, или загрузить зрителя Огненной бури Финикса. ИЛИ попытка очищать ваш тайник, пойдите inworld и щелчок, Ctrl-P и затем пойдите в Сеть, и затем Очистите Тайник.
  12. You can't change them back, the only thing you can do is, if you know a bit about building is rez the club out again (maybe on a sand box) remove 1 prim with that texture and take that into your inventory and then go back to your club, remove the prim you messed up and replace it with the one you took (from the sandbox area) You could aldo unlink those prims that were messed up and unlink 1 prim where the texture on it has not been change and then (if mod/copy) select the prim and hold the ctrl button and drag the prim to make a copy.
  13. Hello Olivetti, You can still access your account yes? with your own password. (would be the only way you know you lost your money). Tried to update your contact information ? but it would not let you change the Email Adress?. It should let you change your email adress if you can login with your own password. Also how much money was lost, If it was a few linden 100 or 200 L$, you could submit a ticket (not about that your account has been compromised). They will block your account (put on hold) which could take up to 4 weeks sometimes. If you still have the ability to login to Secondlife.com you can check where your money went to by going to; https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en
  14. Were they flagged items? usually if Lindenlabs removes a listing becuase of (keyword spamming or something like that) they disable it, and sometimes leads to the item not being able to be sold at all. what you can do is re-upload the item again (just add a dot or a * to it's name so it's not similar in name) and relist that one. That should work.
  15. Hello Marybeth, When i asked LL a few years ago about what would be allowed on G adn what would not. they simply told me "on G you can't do anything you do not want your mother to know". So that would mean no nudity ofcourse, no "sexual content" underwear is not sexual content even if it's a lady with long leggs and a mini skirt I mean personal preference ofcourse, the only thing you can do is if you think it's not appropriate to contact the owner or report it to LL.
  16. I have had the same thing happen to me at some point, but for me it cleared after a day, If you try to login on SL's regular viewer, see if the same thing happens again, if it does then it's probably a Bug with SL. If it works on the regular SL viewer then it's probably something with your firestorm viewer that got issues. maybe uninstalling/installing again would fix.
  17. Does also depend on the score you're trying to beat, a lower score will be alot easier to beat than a higher score. I dont play zyngo anymore so maybe things have changed.
  18. Are you talking about a L$ order or Marketplace order or somethign else?
  19. Hello Annette, You shoudl not use your Magic Box anymore, Depending on which viewer you are using you should: Open the MERCHANT OUTBOX by choosing Me > Merchant Outbox... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guid... Much saver and better and faster. read through it,
  20. Hello Annette, You shoudl not use your Magic Box anymore, Depending on which viewer you are using you should: Open the MERCHANT OUTBOX by choosing Me > Merchant Outbox... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139 Much saver and better and faster. read through it,
  21. Hello Terry Land is never free, and even if it is for you it's not free for the person providing you the land. If you maybe can get friends with people they might eventually invite you to stay at their land
  22. Hello Terry There are many ways for you to earn linden, you can fish for linden, hunt for linden, http://www.e2l-net.com/ is one of them, altho if you just go to Google.com and search for it i'm sure you will find many more ways.
  23. TO run SL on LOW graphics you can basically use a 6 year old laptop, without lag, specs is just to being able to run the game (Dont expect much of the graphics and you'll lag probably). Also depends which viewer you're using, Metabolt you can run on a 1996 PC. if it's compatible with windows 3.0 . but yeah they should maybe post system requierements for "maximum usage" to get the best out of sl like. SL Is best experienced with "AlienWare". but anyways I see your point
  24. Real Life was better for me altho i got more christmas wishes from people in SL than in RL so in a way of being gratefull i think 50/50. Did not really celebrate Christmas in SL altho i did have fun with some people i haven't seen for years. good way to seek contact with lost "SL"Buddies.
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