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Jonathan Sivocci

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Everything posted by Jonathan Sivocci

  1. hello Johnathan, This is an SL issue, after an update it can take a bit before everything is loaded correctly on the sim, things such as contact list messed up (would be on every sim in sl) not just on that 1 sim. This is just something we have to live with, just give it some time and everything will be loaded correctly. What you can try is login with another viewer and see if that solves your issue. I use Firestorm myself, but if i have viewer issues i log in with the original Sl viewer and everything works fine, log out again and back in with Firestorm and my issues have been resolved. (atleast it worked for me).
  2. they already fixed paypal issues. try to remove it and then re=apply
  3. if you mean the green dots on MAP. it means it has not yet been restarted, when those green dots int he MAP dissapear then you should probably be able to teleport back either by map or LM.
  4. LL recently fixed a paypal issue, If you cannot get the money back through paypal you could submit a ticket to lindenlabs under billing, https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  5. hello Cowboy You will still be able to login just login to a different location other than Home or Last Location (just type in Help Island or another region name you know ) and if that sim is online you'll be able to login, You can always check for info here, http://www.secondlife.com/status
  6. Did you check your recent folder? drop down from inventory, user to user sales get delivered in there, I never have had any issues since the new marketplace direct sale. But if it's a copy item you purchased, you could kindly ask the creator to send it again or verify with the seller if the sale went through or not.
  7. USD Transactions can be found under Account Summary, LS Records only are saved for a month, so i suggest you save a print to your Hard Disk every month of your LS transactions and file them on your PC
  8. when you start up Second Life, before you login, the area it says "where you teleport to" Home or Last Location, Just type Help Island there and log in, or any other region name, The sim you're trying to login to doesnt allow you to which makes you crash, so try a few region names and login to that region.
  9. Hello Seme, when you login to SL where it says where you going to login to (home or last position) write Help Island there or some other region name and try to login.
  10. HI Shao. That's easy to fix, when you start up Second Life, before you login, the area it says "where you teleport to" Home or Last Location, Just type Help Island there and log in, or any other region name, The sim you're trying to login to doesnt allow you to which makes you crash, so try a few region names and login to that region.
  11. Perform a character test will fix it for you, http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/How-do-you-do-a-Character-Test-in-V3-or-can-you/qaq-p/1308175
  12. Make sure the land's setting is set to direct teleport (teleport routing) = Anywhere and not Landing point. Having land's teleport routing set to Landing Piont sometimes can cause issues iwth teleporting up. since the land wants you to land at a landing point isntead of letting you TP anywhere.
  13. Can you still login to Secondlife.com? i think you can since you're on the forums. When you login is there a error message you get? Maybe try to login to a different destination change (last position or home) to Help Island, and try to login. see if that works. More info can be found here. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109
  14. Hello Parrish, If you live on a private estate? (not mainland). contact your land lord and ask him/her to check if Collissions on the sim are turned on. if they are turned on, this often can create issues with objects becoming phantom. Commissions would need to be turned off (as in Unchecked). Should fix the problem. If it's on mainalnd then i dont know what the issue might be, maybe it needs a restart.
  15. Try logging in with a different viewer, IF you use Firestorm download the official SL Viewer, and see if the same happens. i'm sure it will be fixed after that
  16. usually between 3 and 5 days, but dont worry, mine took 6 days the last time i transferred. sometimes it's faster but just expect ti to be atleast 5 days,
  17. Hello Amber If you login to sl and crash when it's fully loaded it's probably becuase you have to many notifications, When it shuts down click Read IM's. and then in the upper right corner clear all pending notifications, You can also download the official SL viewer and give it a try with that one, This worked for me when i loaded in SL and i could not wear anything. after using the official SL Viewer i could log back in with firestorm without any issues.
  18. I dont think that will be an option with a temporary card, you could use the more expensive way of buying L$'s from a company that is allowed to officially sell L$ (Link below). and then sell those L$'s on the L$ Auction, https://www.google.nl/#hl=nl&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=buy+L%24&oq=buy+L%24&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i30l3.1120.1728.0.1996.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.d2k&fp=ec065665147c5dc0&biw=1920&bih=979
  19. If you are using regular "SIZES" and not the BUILDER SIZES, then it's 512 sq.meter 16x32 - 1024 sq meter 32x32, etc etc. Creators sometimes use weird methods of calculating the surface requiered for a building like they have a very narrow but deep building. like, 20 x 40 meter and they will tell you fits on a 800 SQ.Meter parcel. so always make sure the dimension are listed when you buy a building. A short list, 512 = 16x32 1024 = 32x32 1536 = 48x32 2048 = 64x32
  20. Have you tried the original SL viewer? Usually this is the 1st piece of advice Lindens offer, when facing any issues, Try to download the original viewer and if those issues still arrise, then you could figure out it's either an SL issue or maybe joining the Firestorm support group in world helps out alot. They help out tons of people and answer all questions about viewer based (firestorm) issues.
  21. Hello Sarbear, welcome to Second Life If you login to Second life, go to the search bar and try to find communities or tro to find schools, there are many schools that teach you how to go around sl, building, how to navigate, learn to do stuff, or maybe meet new friends and have them show you all the wonders of the virtual world. the Hippo Building School is a good example. just go to search in world and search for it, i'm sure you'll be allright
  22. As Lindal Kidd mentioned, yeah that's the way to do it altho there is no need to delete an account. for whatever reason, it might come in handly in a year from now. I'd suggest you just keep it as an alt and not using it and make sure you leave all gruops, and dont show your profile in search etc. And just keep it on the side, Who knows in the future you need a new alt again you might as well use your first account.
  23. were you actually at the house or trying to access data from the website? usually inworld issues, could be caused by todays update, there was some maintenance done (emergency). maybe it will be fixed after tomorrw. however if you keep having these reports, please do as the other poster mentioned and submit a ticket. hopefully you get a response within 3 weeks.
  24. Hello Muhu, have you tried a different viewer, and is the file you're trying to upload SL compatible, Usually when you try to upload a texture into SL which is not compatible it crashes, (altho i suggest you try it on a different viewer to make sure it's not a viewer issue).
  25. The land lord (or LIndenlabs if mainland) needs to restart the region or make sure it's accessable, Contact your land lord to make sure the sim does get a reset (restart) and all will be fine, This usually happens after lindenlabs updates a region and it doesnt come back online.
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