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Thinkerer Melville

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Everything posted by Thinkerer Melville

  1. In viewer 3.3.x (current standard viewer), some favorites will be listed in bar near the top right of your screen. You can click on a name there and go. If the list is too long, there will be a drop-down menu with the remainder. The favorites list is also offered on the entry screen, in place where it says Start at. To add to your favorites, drag a landmark from the landmark list to the favorites bar. To remove an item, look in your landmarks folder. Not the one in the inventory, the one from the Globe button. There is a section called Favorites. Delete the item just as you delete other things from inventory (right click, select delete). TKR
  2. I think outtaspace means that the vendor is not in your land, but just outside on other land. That is why you did not see it in the list from About Land. If that is so, you cannot do anything about it. You can message the owner of the land where the vendor is and ask that it be moved. TKR
  3. The landmark is probably being offered by an object on your land. Right click on you land (the ground) and select about land from the menu. Select theobject tab. Look at the bottom panel, under object owners. If you 'dont see a list of names, click on the circle arrow (Refresh). In the list, look for the name of the person that you tried to contact. If you find it, click on it to highlight it then click the on the Rerurn Objects button. TKR
  4. If Windows update installed "new" drivers for you, the video driver can easily be out of date. It did that to me a few years ago--ubstakked an old driver over a newer one that I had gotten from Nvidea. I hear something like that has happened with the latest Windows update, but I have no details. To check, go to the manufacturer site for your video card and see if your driver is still the most recent. TKR
  5. Sure. If you are tthe sim owner, you can reclaim all the parcels . Then you can join all the parcels-- you own them. TKR
  6. Be sure that the sim and parcel settings let scritps run -- you may need to check with the owner on that.
  7. If you mean your inbox in MySL, people can find probably find you in search unless you have your privacy setting to turn "show in search" off. They can then send you a message (MySL or IM) unless you have privacy settings set to pre4vent that. If you mean your email inbox, there are plenty of ways for spammers to get your email address, and not specifically from SL. I get those all the time, but Gmail always puts them in my spam folder. So I don't see them till I want a laugh. I have not seen any SL messages like this, but I have seen a few IMs that sound the same. I just block the sender. TKR
  8. You have tried most everything -- I syggest you try a different router or bypss your router. They can fail in ways that affect ports used by SL but not by other more common programs. TKR
  9. I did a blog report on the Flying Tigers. They seem to be pretty active, at least at times. And they have a schedule of events, Flying Tigers in Second Life http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/05/see-flying-tigers-in-second-life.html TKR
  10. Here are some suggestions: How do you get Lindens in Second Life? Summary 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/12/kit-how-do-you-get-lindens-in-second.html TKR
  11. I have seen the patttern of partial fails before. At least twice, it turned out to be a router failure. SL uses ports not commonly used but other internet progams. The problem was resolved when I bypassed the router and got a new router. Here is some more info: Login fails? Lots of logouts? Summary http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/12/kit-login-fails-lots-of-logouts-summary.html TKR
  12. You might want to drop over to Cookie writers/performers hub: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cookie/129/111/22 There are 2 writers groups there -- You cound join both and find some kindred writing spirits. And maybe a few fellow bloggers. TKR
  13. Here are some tools that can be used to do what you want: Save prims and space: rezzers and holodecks http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/11/save-prims-and-space-rezzers-and.html Yuo cant use no-copy items i this TKR
  14. The position of the IRS has been that if you leave earnings in SL, they dont could. If you convert them to dollars, you will owe fed taxes. In principle, Texas could demand that you pay sales taxes on such money. I have not heard of that happening. It is not clear where the transaction took place, so the situation is ambiguous. I think at most you would have to pay the sales taxes and perhaps a penalty for lateness. You may want to seek legal advice re state of Texas laws. What you are doing may not amount to a business. It may amout to private transactions. TKR
  15. With the suggestion from Carn and some further testing, I think your cat turned off "Showhovertips" If you are using Viewer 3, you can turn it back on thiis way: use the advanced menu to turn that on, go to ME--Preferences -- Advanced -- click show advanced When you have the advanced button, click it, then click "show debug settings" in the little window that opens type Showhovertips If you see a dot next to False, you have found the problem. Click True If you are using some other viewer, you may need other instructions for finding debug settings, but it will be available TKR
  16. You did not say whether you use a Mac or a PC. You may get more help if you say which. Have you restarted your computer? If the cat reset something in SL, you may need to do a clean install - a regular install may retain the same settings, Here is how to do a clean install, it it gets down to that: How to do a clean install http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall TKR
  17. You can buy or rent land. If you buy, you will have to pay "tier" That amounts to a maintenance fee> Here is info on that: Land Use Fees https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php Here is further info about owning land in SL Landowner in Second Life. Summary 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/03/kit-landowner-in-second-life-summary.html TKR
  18. Here are some suggestions for meeting people that share your interests How do I meet people? 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/04/kit-how-do-i-meet-people-2012.html TKR
  19. You have to get age verified -- see this Can't go to some places? http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/02/kit-cant-go-to-some-places.html TKR -
  20. Here are some suggestions on how to find people who share your interests How do I meet people? 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/04/kit-how-do-i-meet-people-2012.html TKR
  21. I have not seen a recurring problem where Task Manager could not end the program, at least not on Win 7 --maybe on Vista. But when a recurring failure appears after running a program for a while, the cause is often overheating, Be sure your fans are operating and the computer is well ventillated. Especially the graphics card. And be sure the room is not too hot. TKR
  22. But does market place have your money? Did the customer pay? Did marketplace deliver the product without getting the money? Or did marketplace get the money and keep it? Try describing the problem in these terms, in the first line. TKR
  23. I suggest you look up Builders Brewery. Lots of advanced and intermediate classes http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/05/kit-builders-brewery-lots-of-advanced.html Lots of experienced creators there TKR
  24. Here are some ways to use the SL technology tomeet people: How do I meet people? 2012 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/04/kit-how-do-i-meet-people-2012.html TKR
  25. If you want to cause screen action, the screen has to be the focus of attention. If you are using any other window (such as the typing input bar), you need to click the screen to set the focus on the screen. In Viewer 3, you can set "arrow keys always move me" (Prefs, Move & View). If that option is not checked, the arrow keys will act on the chat bar when it is open, so they will not move you. Also in Viewer 3 (Prefs, Move & View) you can set mouse click(s) on land to walk your avatar to the clicked point or to TP the double-clicked point, This move will work while you are in chat. Many other viewers probably have the above options also, but I don't know the access route. TKR
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