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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Pre-ordering a new phone. Come to papa, my little beauty!
  2. Still andro, still in lust with this makeup set. Credits La Malvada Mujer for Cosmetic Fair. Eyeshadow: Lady Ketamine Eyeshadow (Genesis, Omega) Lipstick: Lady Ketamine Lips (Genesis, Omega) Hair: Sintiklia - Francis (black & white) Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, classic) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) (Omega, mesh, classic) Head: LeLutka - Andrea (Bento)
  3. I'm a sucker for anything iridescent. Couldn't resist this lipstick Credits La Malvada Mujer for Cosmetic Fair, plus [Since 1975] for Hipster Mens Event. Lipstick: La Malvada Mujer - Lady Ketamine Lips (Genesis, Omega) Mask: [Since 1975] - Blind Mask (rare gacha prize) Hair: Sintiklia - Francis (black & white) Head: Lelutka - Andrea Body: Slink - Physique Male
  4. Still seal-clapping and giggling like a little kid over something incredibly exciting (SL-related) that I first saw last night, which will... come to fruition, shall we say, in the next month or so (Yes, I am so excited that I just used three emojis in succession.)
  5. Thank you so much @Maureen Boccaccio I'm so sorry I missed your tenth rezday party. I would have been there, but I was actually down the pub for a colleague's leaving 'do' and I didn't get home until the wee small hours. (And I was in no fit state to be online thereafter! )
  6. Bad Hair Day for Men Only Monthly, plus a freebie (no group required) face tattoo from Zibska - which is only available until Monday: Credits Hair: [Bad Hair Day] - Ludic* (reds) Face tattoo: Zibska - Pica (Catwa, Lelutka, Omega) - free gift Suit: Gild - Ribbon Tie Long JK Suit (black w/s) (Slink, Sig, Jake) Rings: RealEvil - Striker Rings & Claws (Slink, Sig) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Devilish Gacha* (Abyss #01) Eyeshadow: Zibska - Noir Pack Vol 09 Skin applier: Swallow - Martin (ivory) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Mesh ears: L'Etre - Ringed Mesh Ears *review copy
  7. Considering I'm featuring a hair called 'Boy Next Door' this shoot got kinda dark... Another pic here. Credits Exile for the Shop Til You Drop event, plus Meva for Men Only Monthly. Hair: Exile - Boy Next Door* (naturals) Outfit: Meva - Hakon Full Pack (Sig, Jake) Necklace: The Forge - Rockstar Necklace** Piercing: Cerberus Xing - Chained Deceit** (silver) Ears: L'Etre - Gem Pierced Ears Glasses: Zoom - Aviator Classic (petroleum) Rings: Meva - Tristan bento Rings (black/silver) (Sig) Torso tattoo: Identity Body Shop - Wild Nature (Omega, Belleza, Maitreya, Wowmeh, TMP, classic) Belly tattoo: Sn@tch - Mayhem Tattoo (Omega) Facial hair applier: Volkstone - James Facial Hair (Catwa, Omega) Skin applier: L'Etre - Hugo (buttermilk) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Signature - Gianni Poses & gun: Wrong & the Owl *review copy **free gift for L'Homme Magazine readers group
  8. So, having spent around L$15,000 today at Apple Fall (I told you I was buying the entire bloody store!) this is what I've spent the rest of my day doing: working on remodelling our own store locations using some of the items I bought. We've been wanting to reduce the size down for ages, but until today I didn't know how I wanted it to look. Just the empty stores, the sidewalks, and the surrounding walls are in for now, but it's getting there slowly: ETA - night time view with lighting:
  9. Great tip, Claireschen! And Lexxi, try the camshopping sim (Rocky Bay) next door. You can set the FS search options to include neighbouring sims as well.
  10. Look for the Buildings sign and teleporter in front of the store building where all the main items are. Visit each one; they're ALL on sale. ETA: A couple of gacha skyboxes are there but not for sale (Paris Loft and Mayfair Skybox that I've found so far, but I won the Paris Loft in the gachas anyway). And the New York Apartment is free.
  11. Look out for this set in the second lot of buildings (same room as the Christmas trees). It's all FREE (rug not included) and the total land impact as rezzed there is just 12:
  12. LOL! I'm high up in the air in the middle of the region.
  13. I've cleared the outdoor area. Now heading inside. God help me, I'm SO glad that money went onto my account!
  14. Just a heads-up: I've found some freebies at Apple Fall, too. So far: the hedge by the big Hardwick Manor build (behind the vendor), a customisable suitcase/vanity set in the main store building, and some walls in the outdoor area.
  15. And they must have fixed it, because one payment just went through, finally! I'm going inworld after I've made a HUGE mug of tea. Lil, you won't regret it. The place is really busy, but it's so worth it. This whole building - - is just L$75 The sale ends tonight.
  16. Apparently I have discovered that payments are not working today. I tried to add USD100 to Skell's account because I want to buy practically ALL of the Apple Fall store in their ridiculously-cheap (all items either 25L, 50L or 75L - even the houses!) sale (which ends today, damn it) but nothing happened. Tried again five minutes later. Still nothing. Then I checked my payment method, saw that two amounts of USD100 left that account, but they're not showing on my L$ balance. Opened up a Live Chat, and it turns out that said chat made LL realise that payments are down, and they'll be putting up a blog post about it. I've been told I'll be refunded both payments, but damn it, I can't buy all of Apple Fall at those ridiculous prices now; only most of it.
  17. Muting an object's owner will always mute the object. Since muting the store owner didn't work in this case, the object is likely owned by an alt. When it spams you, click its name in local chat and you'll see the owner listed in a popup window. You can then mute that person. (There may be more than one object, each with an alt owner, so if you keep getting messages just keep clicking to get the names). If it is genuinely spamming you every five minutes (and not just feeling that way), then file an inworld abuse report against the object owner for spamming. Go to a quiet place, so nothing else will fill your chat window, wait for a while until several spam messages are in the window - with timestamps visible - then click to get the 'owner name' window again. When you submit your AR, ensure that both windows are included in the screenshot. Also, leave a review on the Marketplace listing. I'd suggest not getting angry or negative with it (it may be removed if the store owner complains and LL deem your language to be abusive, etc). Just write a simple "After purchasing here on marketplace the store now spams me with constant messages every [x] minutes," and maybe paste a few of them into the body of the review.
  18. The neck fix is already on, which - in this case - isn't helping: Those arrowed 'protrusions' are the body's neck fix. @BbytheLake, As Lil said: you need to have a matching skin in the same tone and by the same designer for both mesh head and mesh body. From an earlier screenshot in this post I see that you were demoing the Tonic Curvy body, although you've not mentioned which mesh head you eventually bought. I'm not sure (being a guy and all that!) how well catered-for Tonic is when it comes to skins, but if you opt for Omega head and body appliers (together with using the Omega relay for the Tonic body and whichever brand of mesh head you're wearing) in the same tone from the same designer then you should get a closer match. For example: let's say you've bought the Tonic body and a GA.EG head, and you like the skins at WOW Skins. If WOW don't make appliers for the Tonic body, but they do make Omega skins, you would need the following: an Omega head applier by WOW Skins in your favourite tone (for this example, we'll use 'sunkissed') an Omega body applier by WOW Skins in the same tone (sunkissed) the Omega relay for GA.EG heads the Omega relay for Tonic bodies. Wear the relays. They may need to be clicked to install Omega, or you may just need to wear them while applying the skin appliers. Try both, to see which works. Then wear your head applier and click it, followed by your body applier. You should not need the neck fix enabled (look for the option to disable it on your body's HUD) if you're using a matching tone, although that varies from designer to designer when it comes to skins. Some match better than others. DEMO is - as always - the watchword. Addendum: When you're looking for skin matches, change your viewer's Windlight setting to something clear and well-lit, such as CalWL or one of the 'optimal skin' settings. You don't need to keep it that way once you're done, but that's the best way to check if your match is close.
  19. Writing a Fashion Photography for Beginners post for the blog, since I've had a few people asking me for photography tips.
  20. Can't be arsed to shave today Credits Stray Dog, VoltHair, Identity Body Shop, and Volkstone for Man Cave, plus Clef de Peau for The Men Jail. Skin applier: Stray Dog - Chris (Catwa/Lelutka) Facial hair: Volkstone - James Facial Hair (Catwa/Omega) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Clear Eyebrows (Catwa/Omega) Hair: VoltHair - Bruno (black) Coat: Clef de Peau - Bomber Coat (noir) (Sig, Slink, Jake, Aes, NX) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (pearl) Makeup: Clef de Peau - Urban Makeup (Omega) Ears: L'Etre - Stretched Mesh Ears Pose: Wrong & the Owl *review copy
  21. Blame the RL fashion designers. They decided that sweatpants and sweatshirts were 'in' this season. The runways were full of them
  22. You may have been flippant, Callum, but that's a fairly accurate summation
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