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Noel Loordes

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Everything posted by Noel Loordes

  1. @Eowyn Southmoor I tried, but for me they didn't have any discernable effect on mouselook. The problem I am ahving is indeed head movement due to animations, but for the occasions where I use mouselook I don't want to switch AOs.
  2. When going into mouse-look, the camera follows head-movements, regardless of whether "show avatar in mouselook" is enabled or not -- at least with Alchemy Viewer and Firestorm Viewer. Sadly, this is causing me motion sickness, but I'd rather not switch off my AO or change the animations every time I enter mouselook. Is there some way to disable this head-follow behavior in mouselook? Normally, I have "show avatar in mouselook" on, but disabling it would be an acceptable compromise.
  3. I am having this problem excessively too recently. Given the thread, I suspect it might be related to using Alchemy Viewer through Wine on a Linux device, where I have recurring "invalid file descriptor" errors, causing the Viewer to crash. Nothing else has changed since the issues started happening. Still strange that a crash would have such an effect...
  4. Actually, your original post (preserved on my mail account) was spot on. Since I'd loathe to leave behind the animations I like, I purchased a bento hands AO, and that fixed the issue. The root cause still is that tails/wings/ears may set the hand pose, which even affects classic avatars.
  5. A lot of bento attachments – be it wings, ears or tails – suffer from a bug, where the animations meant to those body parts set the hand to the "spread" pose, which looks awkward under almost all circumstances, both for classic avatars and mesh avatars respecting hand poses. This seems to have its root in the "spread" pose being the default for animation uploads (while previously it apparently defaulted to the "relaxed" pose). In order to fix this, I was trying to create a "hand pose only" animation, that I would run from a script to produce the wanted hand pose. But when trying to upload an animation that is supposed to do nothing (except for changing the hand pose), I get an error message "failed to initialize motion". Is there some way to create a "noop" animation, which will be accepted for upload?
  6. I am looking for new places to visit, but I cannot find a way to exclude the majority of results, that are definitely not interesting to me. So: Is there a way to filter search results by excluding keywords? Specifically, I am searching for casual adult themed hangouts; If the description mentions "poseballs", "escorts" or similar keywords, I almost certainly won't like the place, but that's the vast majority of the search results. The FAQ makes it clear, that the web search doesn't have such features, so I was hoping for third-party solutions for refining search results.
  7. Solution: Change the "Alpha mode" from "Alpha Blending" to "Alpha Masking". Then the color of default avatar skin and mesh match regardless of light. I have yet to see undesirable side effects. Took only 20 months to come across this
  8. Meanwhile, the issue seems to happen everywhere, with a large number of Bento attachments, combined with the classic avatar (which I prefer for easy modding). Supposedly the issue is caused by the way the animation uploader is designed: It seems to default to adding the splayed hand pose to the animation, instead of a neutral "do not affect hands" setting. Since many creators will be using mesh avatars where the hand pose is explicitly set, they may not notice, that they produce attachments that breaks other configurations.* My current workaround is to use mesh hands instead. For my own use, I've created simple tintable ones based on the female "avatar.blend" template, for when I am not using other mesh hands. It looks a bit awkward since the hands are always static, but definitely better than splayed hands. The other option is to use expression HUDs and hope that the attachment animations haven't been given maximum priority. If they have, only mesh hands remain as possibility. * This is hearsay essentially. I couldn't find the thread where I found that claim anymore.
  9. I found a fix specifically for when the issue is caused by an ZHAO-II based AO. Acquire a modifiable version of the "ZHAO-II-core" script. (In my case version 7-29.1). In the control(key ...) event handler, Comment out the lines if ( haveWalkingAnim ) { llStopAnimation( "walk" ); llStopAnimation( "female_walk" ); } Replace the "core" script in the attachment with the modified one.
  10. I am seeing that some issue with some bento tails and wings now Though in my case the issue was an incompatibility between the firestorm AO (which I didn't turn on intentionally) and the wings. Disabling it removed the issue for me. In hindsight probably unrelated to the original issue, but I leave this here as a hint for others coming to this thread with the same problem. ... or not, I think the problem returned shortly after, or maybe I misjudged it as being solved in the first place.
  11. In most software, pressing the apps key has the same effect as right-clicking the current selection. This is incredibly useful when working on a laptop, where only a touchpad is available, or when otherwise preferring keyboard-based operations for increased accuracy over clicking. Is it somehow possible to enable this behavior for the inventory? I am using Firestorm in particular, but I think that the inventory behavior is mostly inherited from the official client.
  12. Sadly, it also ever only worked on Android, since the rendering library was never ported for iOS, and since iOS doesn't allow the facilities to allow the client to stay connected while the app isn't in the foreground. And, sadly, that means that only Linden Labs can provide a real solution. My main use-case would be to hang out with friends while reading or watching movies on an iPad. But that would require server-side changes, that allow clients to remain connected for receiving push notifications of local chat and IMs, while the app is otherwise inactive. Ideally even the ability to be connected from multiple devices at once. I'd very much love a Firestorm solution, but a robust solution requires involvement of Linden Labs for server-side adjustments – and, maybe as importantly, strategic decisions regarding what kind of connectivity should be allowed.
  13. I was wondering if there is any manner to rename inventory items in bulk. For instance, I have 20+ variations of many outfits (different clothing combinations, different cyber-limbs, tails, harpy wings, ...) but would like to to change the common prefix in the name of these outfits. Or in other cases, I have as many variations of some attachment (color-adjusted for different outfits, maybe size-adjusted for different body shapes) and want to rename the attachments or their parent folders. Is there any viewer that contains features, that help with such bulk operations?
  14. As an intermediate workaround I am reducing chat-log clutter by using the @recvchat_sec and @recvemote_sec RLV settings. This was, the names still are duplicated, but at least the messages are not. Hope I will eventually find a better method, that doesn't require RLV...
  15. Doesn't look like this bug can be used to detect the AFK status from within an attachment I am wearing myself
  16. I am trying to write and refine a relay, that relays local chat to Growl for desktop notifications. Since the only such possibility is to mirror all local chat in an llInstantMessage() to the llGetOwner(), which spams the chat console for the user of the script, I was wondering if any of these things is possible: Detect if the SL Viewer is the active window. Display instant messages from the relay as a separate tab. (Firestorm specific) Relay messages to Growl explicitly, without making them visible inside the client. Is there any such facility? Things that did not work Querying the AFK status with llGetAgentInfo. The script is supposed to forward all local-chat messages the user has received while not having SL in the foreground, starting the moment they tabbed out. AFK won't kick in until at least 2 minutes after doing so, and it will also kick in if the user just doesn't make any inputs. Also, it is not desirable to be considered AFK, while being able to instantly react to local chat because of the relay. Disabling Firestorm's "Show Growl Notifications while Firestorm is active" option. This reduces the notification spam, but the relay script would still spam the local-chat log of the user with duplicate messages, while the client is actually the focused window.
  17. Probably won't for for me. My common use-case would be tabbing out of SL, and kind of forgetting I'm still logged in, so it would need to automatically detect, if there is user interaction ^^' Or reading on the Sofa while having the PC in looking range, but idling in some home Sim, and occasionally looking to see if someone has dropped by.
  18. Based on the explanations I whipped together my own "local chat" script. Very basic, but sufficient. Most important improvement would be a facility to automatically disable it, when the viewer is focused... // Mirror LocalChat in llOwnerSay. // Meant to enable listening for local chat in Growl. // // Usage: // 1. Put script into a prim, put prim into your hud. // 2. Click prim containing the script to toggle mirroring of local chat. integer g_listen_handle = 0; do_touch() { if(g_listen_handle) { llListenRemove(g_listen_handle); g_listen_handle = 0; llOwnerSay("(stopped listening)"); } else { g_listen_handle = llListen(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llOwnerSay("(started listening)"); } } say_as(string name, string message) { string oldname = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(name); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), message); llSetObjectName(oldname); } default { state_entry() { llOwnerSay("(started)"); do_touch(); // Initialize } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i; for(i=0;i<total_number;i++) do_touch(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { say_as(name, message); } }
  19. Turns out that all that was needed was a reboot after installing Growl.
  20. Weird... I'll try more. Thanks for the hint with the HUD; By any chance, is it a commercial one or self-written?
  21. Related: It seems that none of the options supports notifications about events in Local Chat
  22. On Windows, "Tray tips", sometimes emulated, have always been common for messenging apps, even without native support. Tray icons were traditionally used to give numerical "number of new messages" indicators. Honestly, for laptops and PCs that worked much better than the Win10 notification center, and notably Skype still uses that system.
  23. Thanks for the hint. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work, possibly related to Growl being discontinued.
  24. I am often idling around a friend's place while doing something else on my PC. Is there some client that allows getting notifications about new IMs, that are visible without bringing the client to the foreground? E.g. as tray-icon, as popup or as blinking of the window in the task bar upon unread content.
  25. At best this requires jail breaking, which throws out some of iOS' advantages. Also, if an app can only be installed through jail breaking, it's reach becomes extremely niche, so I doubt Linden Lab will go through with the project, if it can't get into the app store. If they have to block users from accessing even potentially adult content though, I won't be able to access my usual hangout places None of the Sims I am interested in are rated less than M.
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