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Loki Eliot

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Everything posted by Loki Eliot

  1. thanx for the hints, i'll start looking into 'findlist'
  2. I have a scenario im trying to work out, any advice would be spiffing. Scenario... I have an object that tells the user info on where to find a key object say: Find key in the woods I want the user to find the key and return then drop the key next to the object Object says: you found the key. That bits simple. BUT between the first click of the object and the dropping of the key, i want the object to say something else when clicked object say : Have you not found that key yet?" this bit i dont know how to do. The object would have to remember the person who clicked the first time so that it does not repeat the first message. It's probably dead simple, i just need pointing towards the area of scripting. :)
  3. Escapades Island celebrated it's 2nd year on the grid by holding a number of events over the weekend from pirate parties, boat races, battles and shopping trolly race. Here is an 18 minute machinima documenting highlights of the weekend - http://telly.com/CYP36
  4. Me and my Goony Friends chck out the Axis of evil sim. http://telly.com/AX3GD Unfortunitly my capture software was not set to record sound, or remove cursor, so i had to make do.
  5. Now that Apple have released OSX Mountian Lion, can we have an 64bit OpenGL3.2 supporting Viewer please? I'm only assuming we are stuck on openGL 2.1 to stay compatable with Leopard users.
  6. Im trying my best to script a bug to attack me but it never gets close enough to my avatar to activate a collisoon detect. Is it possible to get pathfinder characters to get closer to the centre of an avatar/agent? Maybe it has something to do with the size of the pathfinding character object, or maybe its another caveat.
  7. When using SL's import feature for mesh from Blender, i find LOD generation results can depend on which i decides is the root prim in a multiobject mesh. My question is, how doe SL importer decide which part of a Blender exported Mesh file is the root prim?
  9. Im trying to make a health bar instead of having floaty text. It's sort of working, in that when the health goes down to specific levels it sends a messagelink to the health bar to change the texture to a lower bar. Issue i have though is as the health goes down it's showing each stage before the current level ever time the object is hit. integer hit_value = 20;//How much health we loose each time we are hit. integer health_value = 500;//Our total health default{ state_entry(){ llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"full",NULL_KEY); } collision_start(integer total_number){ integer i; for( i = 0; i < total_number; i++ ){ if(llDetectedType(i) & AGENT) return; health_value -= hit_value; if(health_value == 400 || health_value < 400) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"400",NULL_KEY); } if(health_value == 300 || health_value < 300) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"300",NULL_KEY); } if(health_value == 200 || health_value < 200) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"200",NULL_KEY); } if(health_value == 100 || health_value < 100) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"100",NULL_KEY); } if(health_value == 0 || health_value < 0) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"empty",NULL_KEY); state collapse; } } } } state collapse { state_entry() { llSay(0, "You died."); } } Im wondering if anyone has any ideas or advice on making this so the Health bar images are changed only when a health number is reached rather than going through each image every time its hit. Sorry for my limited Scripting experience.
  10. Well in the end Mountain Lion did not implament OpenGL4.1 which is no big deal for Mac SL users anyway because even though OSX Lion supports OpenGL 3.0 , the Second Life Viewer for mac only supports OpenGL2.1. So Apples behind the Current version of OpenGL by 2 years and Second Life is behind by 4. So why doesn't the Second Life viewer for Mac support 64bit or OpenGL3.0?
  11. Currently yud have to do a work around where llAttachToAvatarTemp attaches a HUD or object that contains the llTeleportAgent script then trigger the attached object by some means?
  12. Thanx, the cans appear to be returning to their positions now , and i love the added spin to the cans. Thank you to both of you for your help with this, i shall send you my finished game as soon as its ready
  13. Thank you so much for cleaning up my script. Unfortunitly what i originally thought was the reason for Cans not returning to their original place is incorrect. Even with this tidied up script the cans after a while stop returning to original place, so im not sure why that is. :-s a mystery to me. Could it be something to do with cans rolling more than 10 metres away?
  14. Im making tin cans that you can shoot with my slingshot. I want then to return to where they were last placed before being shot. To do this i made it so the can when shot GetsPosition before jumping in the air. Then after 15 seconds the can returns to position. So far so good, BUT it was discoverd in testing that when lots of people are shooting at the cans, sometimes a can will get hit while its up in the air or roling on the cround and this tells the can to GetPosition again meaning the can wont return to its position before it was shot the first time. Is there a way to stop the can registering being hit for 15 seconds after its first hit? I am not a very good scripter, i mainly cut and paste so sorry if my script is unprofesional :-p here is my script default { state_entry() { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetAlpha(100,ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(0,1); } collision(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedName(0) == "shot") { vector pos = llGetPos(); rotation rot = llGetRot(); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); llApplyImpulse(llGetMass()*<0,0,10>,TRUE); llSleep(0.3); llSetAlpha(100,ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(0,0); llTriggerSound("tincans", 10.0); llSleep(15); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetPos(pos); llSetRot(rot); llSleep(0.6); llSetAlpha(100,ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(0,1); llSleep(0.6); llResetScript(); } } } Any help would be most apreciated
  15. I wrote a blog post which is to big to post on here about how i think LL could try and secure long term users. It's mostly about making it more visible and easier for newbs to join or create communities to which they will feel connected. Improve communications and groups. If you feel you belong to something, then you are more likley to put up with the shortfalls.
  16. It's working fine for me also, but not everyones had a good day with upgrading - JIRA
  17. So with help from some people i ended up using this evolved version of what Rolig shared. timer() { if (have_permissions == FALSE) return; llSetTimerEvent(0.1); armed = TRUE; if (llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_WALKING) { if (walking == FALSE) { llStartAnimation( "sling_run"); llStopAnimation( "sling_stance"); walking = TRUE; } } else { walking = FALSE; llStartAnimation( "sling_stance"); llStopAnimation( "sling_run"); The biggest issue i had was understanding permissions and i'll need to get to grips with THAT if im going to be using LL's new experience tools which hinge on getting user permissions. Whether with this i can expand to include overriding other default animations i'll find out later when i start on some RP Mesh Avatars but it's a good jump off point. Thanks everyone who send me IM's of advice and ideas HERE IS A VIDEO OF THE SLINGSHOT IN ACTION on twitvid.
  18. Im pretty sure its all my fault :-p one of the changs i made ended up giving an object permissions to animate me even when not attached which caused alot of problems. Thanks Johan for helping me fix that.
  19. I've now realised that messing about with my Avatars default animations can cause quite the screw up. My avatar now appears to be stuck in my stance animation even with the overriding object off, even after selecting 'stop animating me' even after a relogging. I guess i screwed something up with permissions making the Slingshot stance a perminant stand :-s
  20. @Rolig Thanks for that, it's funny as i was just looking at a similar scrypt, but yours made more sense. Unfortunitly with this implemented it's sort of working but it takes up to 10 seconds for the animations to change and i cant figure out why, but im closer to my goal so thanks for that
  21. OK so i have animations and objects and i have a script that is dealing with all the permissions, and shooting the shot. the bit im trying to work out is the area in the script that will deal with when the avatar is standing still or running or walking. In this instance i need the script to 'play the STANCE' animation, then when someone clicks the keys to go forward back left or right to turn off 'STANCE' animation and turn on the 'RUN' pose which only animates the top half of the avatar to hold the sling shot while walking or running. This is the bit i've not had to do before.
  22. @Qie Niangao Yes these will be Rigged Mesh avatars The sited problem is making me learn how to script to override the sited problem. I dont yet know how to script to override the sited problem.
  23. So first thing i needed to do was create Two animations, one for when you stand with the Sling Shot, the second for when you release the slingshot. When it comes to uploading Animation it's 'Priority' number is important to how it is effected. It's a rather confusing subject but i think im beginning to understand it all. Animations override lower numbered priority animations, so for my two animations i made the 'stance' animation priority 3. This will overide default standing animations as they are set to 1 or 2. My 'Release' animation is set to 4 and will overide the 'Stance' animation. So i know need to script the Slingshot to animate the 'Stance' when wearing, and animate 'release' when fireing which should be easy. But i then have to script it to stop animating 'stance' if you run or walk. This is wear it gets really complicated since the UseNewWalkRun priority change.
  24. Ok today i plan to get stuck in and finally work out how to overide animations, or simply activate animations. Down the road i plan to make some characters for my island that i can use to run RP's. For this i need to learn and understand how to script so that animations kick in for various tasks, basically built in AO's for the Mesh Avatars. My limited scripting experience so far resulted in making a torch that could be held up in a custom holding pose and also weapons that you can swing to attack monsters. But i really dont understand fully how it all works yet so this is what im setting out to do here. Any help or advice would be welcomed. Im going to start with what im hopeing will be a simple AO task. The Goal : To create a Slingshot that (1.) when worn animates Avatar to stand in a bouncing ready pose. (2.) when fired in mouse look animates a pulling and release animation. (3.) allows default run & walk. Now i've discovered this was pretty easy to do simply in the way you upload with priorities, but for a while now the priorities have changed in the official LL viewer (which i wrote a Jira about here) making it now impossible without script intervention Unless there is some way to script a debug change.
  25. you look awesome dude, and not a Newb. You should not Listen to what the fashionistas say. You be who you wonna be, look how you wonna look and explore. Your Avatar should be a collection of what you think is kool and you collect and perfect over time. You do NOT look like a Newb and those who say you do are just douchbags!
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