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Loki Eliot

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Everything posted by Loki Eliot

  1. Im looking forward to showcasing my latest work at this expo. Have some stuff im really excited about
  2. OK so i worked it out. I spent all day yesterday thinking it was a mistake in scripting but you were correct it was 100% the fault of the animation. I was worried id have to recreate the animation again, since turning the root of the animation "the Hip" all the keyframse screwed up. Luckily i managed to google a page that explained Second Life imports basing the direction on the very first frame. So all i had to do was rotate the HIP in the first frame of the animation, imported and the camera settings started following the raft correctly. Thanks for your help and hope this helps others.
  3. Unfortunity 'CAMERA_FOCUS' is not activated.. as for 'CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET' changing that seems to have no apparent effect. Im going to Try llSetCameraAtOffset and llSetCameraEyeOffset and will come back to share my findings. Worst case scenario, i have to remake my animations to face the right direction, unless i can find some way to change the axis without having to remake the whole animation again.
  4. Hello, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to work out why my camera settings on my new raft wont point forwards. The raft moves in one direction and the camera persists on hanging off to the left. I thought maybe it was something to do with llSitTarget. Ive made little boats before and i have never had this problem occur so it's left me frustrated. Here is the Params i'm using. llSetCameraParams([ CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, // 1 is active, 0 is inactive CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 30.0, // (0 to 180) degrees CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.8, // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_DISTANCE, 3.5, // ( 0.5 to 10) meters //CAMERA_FOCUS, <0,0,5>, // region relative position CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.5 , // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, FALSE, // (TRUE or FALSE) CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters CAMERA_PITCH, 10.0, // (-45 to 80) degrees //CAMERA_POSITION, <0,0,0>, // region relative position CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 1.0, // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, FALSE, // (TRUE or FALSE) CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <-0.0, 1.0,1.5> // <-10,-10,-10> to <10,10,10> meters ]);
  5. As with every year i've made a documentory video of the Burning Barrel Race in New Babbage. It's good to see the difference from one year to the next. http://telly.com/6DNMH
  6. I visited the portals yesterday, they appeared to be closed for maintanance. Might be something to do with updating the Experience toolset.
  7. I try to work around the fact LL have not yet released the new Experience tools Permissions system yet to auto teleport and auto attach HUDs. Here is my Blog Post explaining some details some of the techniques i used to make the experience http://www.lokieliot.com/blog/?p=961
  8. Only just made it in time for Halloween. This is a short experience to see wether i could scare people. It uses Tempattach to attach a HUD which allows yout to experience the true horror of THE WELL. There is no shooting or clicking on objects, just explore, avoid and uncover the story elements. So if you would like to try out my little experiment visit http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Escapades/118/93/3002
  9. So im always looking for more simple efficiant ways to make things happen. With my latest game HUD i discovered 'Collisionfilter' and thought this would be great to have object activate the HUD without the need for listening messages. Oh accept it will only filter ONE object - how bloody naff is that!.. so anyway ive been trying to work around this as i seem to always be doing with LSL scripting language. Basically im trying to make a HUD that uses Collisionfilter to only react to selected multiple objects with different names..eg. 'Monster' Object says "RAGHHH" when collided with and 'Prize' object says "YEHY HAZ PRIZE" when collided with. I though maybe i could uses LISTS, but so far unsucessful, so i thought id put it out here to see if anyone has better ideas. list a = ["Monster","Prize"]; default { state_entry() { llCollisionFilter((string)a,"",TRUE); } collision_end(integer num_detected) { string name = llDetectedName(0); if (name == "Monster") { llSay(0,"RAGGHH!"); } else if (name == "Prize") { llSay(0,"YEHY HAZ PRIZE!"); } } }Any advice greatly apreciated as always
  10. Finally worked it out. As default characters avoid avatars, i had to set CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE to AVOID_NONE
  11. Ive been trying all day to make a pathfinding character Persue and tocu an avatar. Put not matter what i do, it wont actually persue close enough to collide. In Linden Realms the rock monsters seem to have no problem in getting close enough to trigger DEATH. so im wonering if any has any ideas how to replicate what the Linden Realms Rock monsters can do?
  12. Thanx everyone for your advice @Qie Niangao i haven't figure out yet how to make auto temp attach on rez yet. I guess that will also need the iD of the person who touched the sign. At the moment the whole transefering of ID's is a new area for me.
  13. Hello good Peeps, Im working on a scenario where people can click a sign to rez HUD which when they touch auto Temp Attaches to avatar. What im interested in though is wether its possible to make it so that only the person who clicked the sign to rezz the HUD can auto attach it. Im trying to prevent the scenario where you Click the Sign to rez the HUD then someone else comes along and clicks the HUD to autoattach it to them. Is there a way to make the HUD only attach itself to the person who originally clicked the sign? Thanks in advance :) Loki
  14. ok i'll look into that,. final hurdle. Thanks your your awesome help
  15. Yes the avatar rezes a key which says on a channel the password which in turn twlls the object with the list to say well done and was hoping would remove the person who rezzed the key from the list so they could start again if wanted to
  16. Things were really rolling with this untill i tried to add a bit where after recieving the correct password the objects removes the person from the list. Im thinking this might be inpossible unless the object can figure out who owns the object the password comes from :-s
  17. just so i understand th '5' in this if(llGetListLength(AvList) - 5 > 0) { AvList = llDeleteSubList(AvList, 0, llGetListLength(AvList) - 5); makes sure there are always the 5 latest records in the list? so if i replaced the '5' with say '10' then the list would always be 10?
  18. how does one dictate how long a list can be before deleting , do i doe something like avList = llDeleteSubList(avList, 20); would this mean the list would grow to 20 then each time after record 20 would be deleted?
  19. Ok i think i understand this actually, but wouldn't i need to have more than 5 entries before this works,i'd never get a list above 1 becasue it would keep deleting the last 5 entiries?
  20. Really struggling to understand all this. Thanks everyone for your help though. I cobbled together this script, but it seems to throw out messages twice :-s list AvList;default{ state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); }touch(integer num_detected){ if(~llListFindList(AvList, (list)llDetectedKey(0))) { // AV is in the list, so already clicked once llSay(0, "IM IN THE LIST!");} else { // AV is not in list, say your thing and llSay(0, "I JUST GOT ADDED TO THE LIST"); AvList += (list)llDetectedKey(0); // Add the person to the list }}} As for implamenting a timed, old record deletion, your on a level thats byond my current abilities. :-p
  21. I would'nt have a clue how to implament removing oldest records, how would you determin how old a record is?
  22. AHA! found the missing piece of the puzzle ' [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]);
  23. OK thanks that got me pasts that error. Now it seems 'llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP, []);' does nothing. It says in the Wiki that it means 'Character is near current goal.' at which point is will change state, but im not sure wether it actually has a goal being that it wanderswithin.
  24. When saving it says 'ERROR : Global functions can't change state'
  25. I got this script from the Modular Pathfinder Kit but it doesn't work, can anyone out there fix it for me. I'm trying to make a multistate character but i need an example to work from, but since this is broke i have no idea what to do. animateGrassEating() { //insert a cunning grass eating animation here } animateTailWiggle() { //insert very cute tail wiggle animation here } startup() //called as necessary from events such as script reset or rezzing { llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 2, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 1.0]); //create the character state wander; } default { state_entry() //standard event, called when the script resets { startup(); } on_rez(integer start_param) //good to include so it scuttles off when rezzed from inventory or a rezzer { startup(); } } state wander { state_entry() { llWanderWithin(llGetPos(), <10.0, 10.0, 5.0>, []); } path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == PU_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE_REACHED) { //we're near the goal, we need to switch behaviour llExecCharacterCmd([CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP]); state graze; } } } state graze { state_entry() { animateGrassEating(); llSetTimerEvent(15.0); //replace this with random timer, see next section } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); animateTailWiggle(); state wander; } } Thank you.
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