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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Even though the pool water is solid, you can use a "floatie" or other device -- even just a pose ball. Give it a try with a chair or a pillow or even a cube that you rez. Just sit on it and then lower it into the seemingly solid water. Then you can hop on and parts of you will be "in" the water. If you had modify rights on the pool water, you would edit just that prim, unlink it from the pool and turn it phantom.
  2. If you are in the official Linden Labs Viewer 2, you need to log out and then when logging in again you need to choose "Advanced" from the drop down menu. This will give you control over all the options SL offers (well most anyway as some third party viewers have extras). From the advanced menu you can change your shape, buy clothing and skins (the outer look of your avatar) and do most anything you want to do. If you are not in the official Viewer 2, then please expand on your question by going to Options and Edit Answer from the drop down menu by your post.
  3. If you took up your magic box, it seem like you should have it in your inventory. I have moved often and the box is always COPY. So you should be able to rez another one from your inventory. I can't forsee any reason why this wouldn't be possible so take a look. I suspect you have a copy somewhere. If your DRAGGED your box as in "moving" and it disappeared, that is the first mention of this phenomenon that I have seen. Hopefully it is just hanging out in your inventory. Be sure and resync on the marketplace website after you put down your copy of your magic box.
  4. I am on the call your credit card bandwagon. I have done this many time for fraudulent charged (web based) and have always been credited the amount. ALSO if the object is around and you have taken out your credit card info ( I NEVER LEAVE CREDIT CARD INFO ON FILE ANYWHERE *wink) and haven't deleted the object. Look at it in your inventory (don't rez it) and see if it has a name attached. It might not depending on scripts and such. In case it does, take down the name. REPORT this if you possible can to Linden Labs. They may, in the end, be liable for this. Credit card companies are NOT going to be happy about this and they will want someone to pay. Since Linden Labs runs the game, they would be the likely target. So you would think they would want to know and figure out a way to stop this. As an aside, when the game was much younger there was a big break in and lots of personal info was lost. So it is always (ALWAYS) a good idea not to leave any info on the web. Huge companies have been broken into lately and those were ones we just know about. So while this doesn't seem like it (and I do very much empathize with your problem) it may be a relatively cheap way to learn. EDIT: It seems very likely that with your transaction info and the bank on board, LL and the bank would be able to track where that money went. There is always a money trail. Sometimes learning is painful. Been there. Done that. Have many T shirts in closet. Hope it all works out. If nothing else it will be a test of how well your credit card company will stand up for you.
  5. If you are looking for "finished" clothing templates to buy where you can just add a layer of pattern etc, you can find them on the marketplace OR in world. I searched for "clothing templates" and found a ton. If you use the Marketplace search I would suggest either filtering by "best selling" or "newest" to show the most popular and perhaps almost undiscovered ones. The issue with full perm ready-made templates is that so many folks use them it is very difficult to have your items look different . So going with the Chip Midnight's and other old time BASIC templates will teach you more. It is a long process for most folks to get their skill levels up be competitive in the giant cog that is SL fashion. But if you love to draw, this may be the perfect spot for you! Which ever road you choose, best of success and enjoy the journey!
  6. If this is a RECENT happening (like yesterday or from Friday) there have been LOTS of issues, so it is likely it isn't you and will fix itself when LL gets around to it. If it is a long time issue, you might try logging in with another viewer? It could be a viewer related problem. Those are my only ideas. EDIT: If you tell us the name of the group, then some folks could check and see if it is an issue for everyone and not just you. Use Options drop down and Edit Answer to add to your post.
  7. Hey there one of long prose I read it all. I had an issue long ago with that same sandbox. I have found, here and there and in various Linden public sandboxes that the info on the About Land tab often doesn't match what is actually happening in the sim. As a rule in public sandboxes, always look at the About Land tab under OPTIONS to see what the autoreturn is actually set at. In the "olden days" The Labs would wipe the main public sandboxes at a certain hour -- twice a day if I remember correctly. It was really impressive to watch all that things disappear. Now, it is most often based on autoreturn. I haven't had any issues in the big LL sandboxes but I stopped using the one you had problems with over a year ago. Actually when I was using that sandbox (again at least a year ago) the message in the about land tab said something about saving often as unexpected wipes happen. Have no idea if it still says that. Assume not since you would most likely have not put down a no copy item. I was always nervous building there and found some PRIVATE sandboxes to work in as well as 3700 meters in the sky at the public ones . I agree with previous comments that it was a tough day in SL yesterday. It is most likely that they needed to wipe the sandbox unexpectedly. I am guessing you already checked your Lost and Found as most Linden sandboxes WILL return no copy items when they wipe. If this was an unplanned occurrence though, I'm not sure it will happen. One thing you can do when the server seems to be unhappy and things don't want to rez, is to ATTACH the item to yourself (assuming it isn't coalesced). This let's you know that the asset server has FOUND the item and can access it. THEN you can rez. Best choice though with no copy items is not to rez if you think there are issues. Just a tip for another time. And about your comment here: I just find it strange how EVERYTHING I had placed down no more than 20 minutes of me departing to attend to reality would of vanished by the time I came back, another issue I've had is: As far as I'm aware, and the merchant has stated, the building was Modifiable, Copyable but non-transferable, however the item had also vanished from the box it came from, so I'm starting to question if it was or not. You said in the paragraphs above that the item was NO copy. In that case it would disappear from the packing box. If it is a no copy item, it is less likely the designer will replace. They could be a good guy, though. 
  8. Hey there! Sign into your account. Choose My Settings> Social Connect and you will see choices of backgrounds. You can also upload your own. Choose what you want and check boxes of statistics you want to show. Make sure you put a check box in the "Display your profile badeg on your posts".
  9. Would be good to know what viewer you are using You can add to your post under the Options button. Choose Edit Answer. I am guesing in may be a Viewer 2 type and you are somehow accessing the "newish" camera possibilities, perhaps by accident. Since I am not in the Viewer 2 camp I can't really help I guess. But someone here must be using the official viewer or at least have heard of the problem.
  10. Rolig has answered things nicely. I just wanted to add that starting SMALL is a good thing. I see new retails setting up huge buildings and buying large pieces of land when they have nothing to actually sell . That's fine if you just want to play at being in business -- and maybe that is all you want to do. But you can spend a lot of real life dollars playing at business in virtual lands. So if you want the experience without using up your coffee money for the next month or two, then a small shop in a nice locale would be good. Prim rates range from 0 linden per prim to the most popular 4 lindens per prim and up from there. The marketplace is a great place to sell now. I sell most of my products that way even though I have a small shop. But the marketplace doesn't give you the EXPERIENCE of being a retailer and that is fun for some. Above all, enjoy yourself. It shouldn't really be work -- in my mind anyway. We are here to enjoy ourselves and have new experiences.
  11. Every once in awhile I get an announcement coming into chat that some has changed their name. "John Smith is now known as Naughty Johnnie" or something like that. These are not folks on my friends list or anyone I have ever met to my knowledege. I am thinking that they are people in groups that I belong to? Wondering if that was a good guess. Thanks a bunch.
  12. This is an answer that I just posted to someone who asked after you : As someone who has spent a long time getting, losing and trying to get shadows again *wink*, I can tell you that the most important thing is the graphics card. A new NVIDIA is best in that Linden Labs "prefers" that card and designs for it. I had shadows on my old computer but when I got a new faster and better but with a ATI Radeon, not so good. I haven't tried Kirsten's viewer in the last few builds and it may be better now, but if you are looking for GOOD shadows you might want to take a look at this post on the Kirsten Viewer awards. It is on the best cards **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-very-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyvery-happy:" title="Smiley Very Happy" /> http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Blog/177/__Kirstens_GPU_Awards_2011_!__.html You could also write to the forums for Kirsten's viewer. Since most of the folks that are serious about great shadows, photography and such use this viewer, there will be people there that can answer your question. I "asked" the right questions before buying my new computer (my card is second in the Awards list but has had problems with shadows), but to the wrong people. I haven't had a new notebook for awhile but if you can get one with a graphics card that you can replace, that would be great. The integrated ones are problematic, especially for shadows. Hope that helps. 
  13. As someone who has spent a long time getting, losing and trying to get shadows again *wink*, I can tell you that the most important thing is the graphics card. A new NVIDIA is best in that Linden Labs "prefers" that card and designs for it. I had shadows on my old computer but when I got a new faster and better but with a ATI Radeon, not so good. I haven't tried Kirsten's viewer in the last few builds and it may be better now, but if you are looking for GOOD shadows you might want to take a look at this post on the Kirsten Viewer awards. It is on the best cards http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Blog/177/__Kirstens_GPU_Awards_2011_!__.html You could also write to the forums for Kirsten's viewer. Since most of the folks that are serious about great shadows, photography and such use this viewer, there will be people there that can answer your question. I "asked" the right questions before buying my new computer (my card is second in the Awards list but has had problems with shadows), but to the wrong people. I haven't had a new notebook for awhile but if you can get one with a graphics card that you can replace, that would be great. The integrated ones are problematic, especially for shadows. Hope that helps.
  14. There has been a long time history of groups being deleted by LL when there were plenty of members. So if there ARE members in your group, I would send in a ticket. The people that I know who had this happened did not get there groups reinstated, but it is worth a try.
  15. There have been times in the past when there was a change in TOS and the third party viewer(s) could not let you OK. They made a quick patch, but their advice was the same, log on with another (perhaps a LL viewer) and accept the TOS and then log into your old viewer. I just logged in with Imprudence and didn't see a new TOS so maybe this is from awhile ago if you haven't been in world lately.
  16. Any chance you derendered yourself by accident? Some third party viewers have this option. In Imprudence whatever (or whoever) you derendered is visible again after leaving the sim and returning (or relogging of course). I don't use Phoenix, but I read on their blog that they were going to make "derender" a premanent thing. I remember as I thought that was a BAD idea . If that is the case and you have relogged, then chat with the Phoenix user group or someone here that uses Phoenix.
  17. Probably the easiest way to do what you want to do is to make new product boxes with your new landmark and products. Rename them something similar to the old product names maybe with a new VERSION NUMBER. So "Cityscape Surround 64 x 64" becomes "Cityscape Surround 64 x 64 v1.4". Put the new boxes into your existing Marketplace Magic Box and resync. Then go to your item listings and find the boxes you want to change. EDIT the listing and under "SL OBJECT NAME" click the box that says "Edit Associated Object". Find your NEW item and associate it with the old listing. This keeps you from having to redo it ALL --- BORING and tedious job -- and saves lots of time. Be sure and change your "see in world" SLURL while you are editing . When all the new listings are up, you can go into your Magic Box and delete the ones you no longer need (optional but a good idea). You will then need to get rid of the listings on the Marketplace too. They will most likely show up as "unavailable". Cheers.
  18. Well there could be a couple of answers. Is it only your avatar's face that is too dark or is the whole screen very dark. If it is everything then you might want to change the windlight setting to a brighter time of day. World> Environmental Settings in my viewer. If it is just your avatars skin, then you may have put on a dark skin by mistake. Look in your Inventory on the WORN tab and see what skin you are wearing; it will look like a small person. You can change your skin to another one you have in inventory. In the SEARCH drop down box of your inventory choose "Body Parts" when you are in the ALL tab and you will see a list of all the skins you have as well as shapes and hairbases etc. Hopefully one of the skins you have will look good to you. There are lots of inexpensive and free skins around now in hunts and as gifts, so getting a skin you like is much easier than in the Olden Days. Good luck.
  19. Well "I" can see info in your first life tab: "I am with MagnusX both in SL & RL, so keep on looking." etc. so if you just put that in, something must be solved. Everything else is blank for me too. It looks like you will have to put in new info. Not a bad plan as I am sure things have changed for you during your hiatus. If you moved over from the teen grid, your info may have been wiped then. Don't know. Just guessing. Welcome back.
  20. Assuming you want to keep your premium account and just not get billed for land you no longer use, you need to go into the LAND MANGER in your account: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US From there you can downgrade your land use allotment (not sure what it is actually called as I can't see it ). Linden Labs used to bill on the largest amount of land you owned during the month. A couple of years ago or so they changed to a new system that bills on your ABILITY to own land. So currently you pay each month for the opportunity to own land. You get 512 free of course, so if you have owned more -- which seems you have -- then you need to update that info so that it is back to 512. It no longer does that automatically for you. Hope that helps.
  21. Here is the wiki page with all the pertainent info on things you can try. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss Most likely this will get your things back. HOWEVER, being someone who lost over 1,000 items a couple of months ago that were REALLY gone, know that they can disappear. If you are a premium member, send in a ticket RIGHT AWAY and the techs may be able to retrieve your inventory. While I have moved on from loosing my whole House and Garden folder (sigh), I did learn a lot. I wrote some hints on preventative measures that you might want to read AFTER your inventory retreival journey is completed. Find the article here: http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/05/possessions.html The sort of good news is that while REAL inventory loss does happen and is pretty devistating, we can move on. Life is better than ever for me. I wish the same for you!
  22. If the account was set up in your sister's name and with her info, you might want to just let the avatar "die". Taking over someone else's account and avatar are agains the Terms of Service (section 3). I know of one case about a year and a half ago where accounts were frozen when LL found out someone was using another person's avatar. Eventually the accounts were reinstated but it was a long process with lots of real life letters and calls. Just a thought
  23. It sounds like the database thinks there is something in the text box when you can't see it. Did you possibly try and paste in from a word processing program? If you can, try scrolling through the whole box and deleting everything. Keep hitting the delete key until your cursor is in the top corner in the first space. Then go from there. If that doesn't work, then you might try sending in a support ticket if you can. Sounds like it would be a database issue. Good luck
  24. Well good news (maybe) is that it isn't the shoes, but the pants. If the pants are MOD (modifiable in the appearance editor) then it is a simple case of making them a little bit SHORTER. The minute you do that they also tighten up around the ankle. You might also need to make them tighter overall if they are baggy. Many pants come with a 'boot cut' option so that this is done for you AND you often get an underwear layer version that will automatically work with boots as they fit skin tight. So while those pants may not work for boots, I am guessing you have some that will. A dip into your closet is all you need. Signed the fashionista *wink* PS. If you are tired of spending lindens on pants, spend an hour or two on one of the hunts that are on until the end of the month. Two great ones for guys with so many pants I can't tell you OR join one of the desginer groups that regularly give out product gifts. ALSO the next time you buy pants, look for ones that are either mod or have a boot cut in the pack.
  25. Chic Aeon


    While I have seen land for rent (mainland) for around that price per prim, it is most likely that you would have to go with a 512 lot which is only 117 or spend a bit more and get 234. This would NOT be very beachy *wink*. Now and then on my days with nothing to do, I simply go look at land to see what there is out there, and unless you know someone it is going to be very difficult to find what you want. A better bet -- or at least one that fits your budget -- would be to rent an apartment or cottage. I have had several nice ones in that prim per linden price range -- even one for $50 that included private sandbox use. I agree that most private estate land starts around 2 per prim and is mostly larger chunks. You could get lucky though. You can search for rental land in the classifieds. SEARCH > Classifieds> Land rental. I typed in 512 to see what was there and the cheapest I could find was $188 for 117 prims. It was close to the beach by the photo. I also found a 1024 for $300. There may be cheaper ones, but you would need to visit each rental office to find what is available. Good luck.
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