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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You can already see some on the SSP map -- at least there is one newish changed sim that has different colors than all the other houses. Also it has been clear that there would be THEMED areas (I am thinking at least one that is of Asian influence that I would likely love -- not sure about what else). So community themed has been mentioned a lot. The big sign at the demo showing textures says these are the ones for the TRADITIONAL houses. So I am looking forward to seeing the others.
  2. Yes. For the traditional homes there are four choices (two big and two small houses) and you can then change textures via hud.
  3. I know we found out WHERE the continent is going but I didn't pay attention as I didn't care and I can't find that post now. Can someone refresh my memory. A friend wan'ts to know. Thanks. Think I remember Jeogeot? I see lots of empty water out there :D.
  4. Can you point to where it says shop rentals aren't allowed on THIS section of the forums. It is after all "Region Rentals: Homestead". I have seen shops advertised here for years and I even advertised some once and never received any message from an admin. I would like some clarification.
  5. LOL. Actually I am a GREAT shopper and I have a track record of finding the best deals. My current shop was $4,000 for a 4096. Top of a hill with few neighbors. But I do concur that the new homes are a great value. Most folks don't want to shop that hard OR may not have such good "land karma" as my RL friend calls it. I make it a game and enjoy the journey. . Generally though I have found some great deals including protected waterfront that I bought for $5000 and sold for $20000 (a 512). And if folks just want a skybox they can get land very very cheap. It all depends on what people are looking for. I will admit that I have a nasty neighbor now and have had to make a fake sky to block them out (floating in the air way above land but RIGHT in my view -shame on them). That is an advantage (hopefully) to the new area. No doubt LESS of the ugly stuff.
  6. Actually as mentioned on this thread today (not by me) and by my tour of Meadowbrook (the most popular 512 home area) there aren't many folks actually there. I didn't find one house with furniture when looking around. Lots more people tonight than this morning. Maybe a weekend thing. Edit: According to Patch after a time folks will need to vacate the current homes. They can go to the new ones or I guess get their own mainland.
  7. I know a ton of folks that CAN'T wait for the homes to be open --- and who are not on the forums. So I think you are wrong there.
  8. Poke me if it gets fixed PLEASE!! :D. I don't venture out on "the Internet" all that much so I am pretty safe. When I uninstalled I told them it was because of a conflict with Second Life, so maybe they WILL look into that. We are likely a very small part of the puzzle though.
  9. Just reading this now :D. Let me start by saying that I SELL MOD items. But beyond that I fully support creators that want to sell there items as no-mod. I have seen what some folks have done to my meshes that sometimes take a day to make, sometimes longer, sometimes just a few minutes :D. No matter, I take a lot of care making the best products that I can. When someone turns the texture on my buildings (Cycles baked so a time consuming process that looks really good) and replaces them with solid white (as in no texture) and tints it bright PINK, it hurts. It really does. But I still sell things mod because I know how important it is to be able to resize and sometimes link together to save land impact. I don't buy things much at all, but if it is hair or skin or rigged clothing, I never expect them to be mod. I am fine with that. I honestly don't even pay attention to the permissions before I buy. I either like the item or I don't. It is either well made or not. If it is made for a giant it's likely I wouldn't like it even if I could make it smaller). I pay MUCH more attention to LODs and triangle count and texture size. MOST items that I buy ARE mod (in the Home and Garden area and that's mostly what I buy).
  10. Yes, certainly a possibility of misdirection--- BUT we haven't heard anything in a long while about Premium tier levels. So perhaps some of the currently empty land on that continent will be larger parcels. They could even make a giant lake -- or add on. I went over to Meadowbrook this morning as I was wandering and testing (loading is better for me now after a couple of weeks so thanks again for that reminder and nudge) and FOR ME the Meadowbrook sims had much higher framerates. That's to be expected I guess since they much more simplistic (especially the flora). But most of the place that I saw were empty too. So I am guessing a lot of Linden Homes folks migrated when the 1024 tier allotment came into being. Wasn't watching to see that, but it is pretty empty. AND to be fair, even if the new homes and environment comes with a lower FPS, The Lab is building for the NEXT ten years (or whatever) and we can assume that folks will have faster computers and better cards in the years to come. I am still looking forward to seeing what other types of housing will be available besides the four "traditional". Since Meadowbrook was always the most popular type it seems logical to show the traditional houses in the preview.
  11. Came in to update the thread for the future. My experience is much like yours although your card is way heftier (which doesn't seem to help the issue at all LOL) So thanks for your input. Here is what I discovered last night. It was indeed AVAST virus. However, white-listing did no good at all. I disabled the Avast temporarily and logged into to my usual spots and tested. MUCH better. Not as good as my "norm" which of course is no longer my norm, but very little gray and textures loaded faster. After a lot more testing I uninstalled Avast so that I could use Windows Defender. MUCH better. Note that testing both Firestorm and SL viewer with and without white-listing on both AVAST and WINDOWS DEFENDER -- all results were the same. White-listing didn't work at all and has no affect (for me). Currently framerates are better (although again not as good as historically) and textures are loading better and faster. Something is still OFF, but that may be completely beyond my control to fix. Along with the Avast issue there may be a new Win10 (I have pro) conflict for some of us. So that's the scoop. I hope it helps some folks down the road.
  12. The biggest issues that I see looking into the future is that while people must keep one of the Linden homes (see the rules from the land tab) it does appear from my reading that they will be able to add plants and trees and outdoor furniture (more than with the current Linden Homes that mostly minimal areas for outdoor additions). So LAG could easily increase. Truthfully lag could also increase over by the houseboats UNLESS you had one of the parcels that have mostly you and the sea as vista. Of course folks can derender some of the pretty if necessary -- or spend time indoors with windows closed LOL. The BIGGER issue -- judging from the past -- will be keeping down the offensive rezzing. The AR "neighborhood watch" police hasn't worked well with the current Linden Homes. I ARed a huge (HUGE) floating cube atop a building that was advertising a store. That was at Meadowbrook during the glytch hunting times. It never went away in well over a month. And Horizons was supposed to be futuristically themed and that didn't turn out. Personally I like the idea of covenants and rules; they just need to be enforced. Hopefully if this new area goes over well (and perhaps the old Linden Homes get redone) someone will be in charge of keeping the neighborhood neighborly. I had a HUGE bathroom in a rental house once. Really. It had a big clawfoot bathtub as well as a shower and other fixtures and enough empty space for a small party. So most any room can be a bathroom. Plop down a prim for a tile floor and decorate. And many of the houses -- even the tiny ones -- could be decorated with kitchenettes with adjoining dining rooms. It's all about imagination! Went back over to the preview homes this morning and think "I" would pick the two story Winchester -- mostly for the balconies and French doors. There is a downstairs room there that would make a fine kitchen - dining area. Agree with the comments that the boathouses are a "little" too close, BUT that being said, they are that way in real life too so that was probably a consideration. I am still very interested in seeing the NON-Traditional styles of houses. I spied some new house styles out on SSP this morning. I typically like DIFFERENT so one of those may end up being my favorite!
  13. Been testing all this while (boooooring) and it is indeed Avast. White listing both folders in AppData doesn't help. Framerate doubles more or less with Avast off. I can try Windows Defender and see if that solves the problem over Avast. OR I can just turn on virus before I go to the web. I DID have the same issue with the Linden Viewer so not really a Firestorm directory thing for me. Thanks all. Need to calm my head down now. HOPE YOU ALL GET GREAT NEW HOUSES AND HOUSEBOATS SOOOOOON. Lots of folks looking at the houses this evening. My framerates were still well below Blush's. A mystery. PS as this is of course off topic -- uninstalled Avast and using Windows Defender. BETTER but still not like it used to be. But better is better. The exclusion of folders didn't seem to matter for me in ANY test but they are in there anyway.
  14. EDIT UPDATING: I just turned off my antivirus temporarily and it is INDEED that. So Whirley was correct about the cause, just not how to fix. So I will research that. Sometimes the forums can be pretty toxic (I have muted the most toxic folks so for ME it is much more pleasant now :D) but sometimes it is REALLY the best way to get the information you need. So thanks. @Syn Anatine I am thinking you had this same issue start at the same time I did -- hence the poke. FOR SURE the houseboat area ran much smoother for me than the the houses with all the bushes and trees (not unexpected). So folks really should test that before settling on a spot. But yes, absolutely ME, and as I said it was better later. They may also have restarted the sim. Who knows. If I get super frustrated I could try a different virus protection. Do we know which ones AREN'T an issue?
  15. Actually something akin to that happened in Sansar. Some folks see there numbers, older ones not so much but I have a number after my name now also. :D.
  16. Here is the official land info from the land tab for those interested. My framerate is now up to 28 so that's a huge improvement over earlier. ******************************************* Introduction: Welcome to Linden Homes for Premium account holders. Linden Homes is a residential community, located on the Bellisseria continent, owned and managed by Linden Lab. The purpose of Linden Homes is to provide an opportunity for Premium account Residents of the Second Life virtual world to quickly own a home and belong to a community. Linden Homes is available to Premium account holders with 1024m2 of available tier. Premium accounts are provided 1024m2 available tier at no cost. As a Premium Account holder, you're eligible for live chat and ticket support from our Support Portal. If you need support for your Linden Home: 1. Go to http://secondlife.com/support and submit a ticket. 2. Select the "Land and Regions Issues" ticket type. 3. Under the resulting "Region Request" dropdown, select "Linden Home". Linden Homes is governed by this Covenant, Linden Home Terms and Conditions, Terms of Service (TOS), and Community Standards (CS): http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php == Linden Home Restrictions == Linden Home has unique restrictions in addition to those outlined in the Linden Home Terms and Conditions. By accepting a Linden Home, you agree to additional restrictions as follows: - Land cannot be terraformed, sold, deeded to group, joined, or divided. Land can only be set to group. - Land cannot contain temp-rezzers, or individual prims beyond the allocated size of the Second Life Viewer build tools. (64,64,64). - Skyboxes are only allowed above 2000m. - Your Linden Home may not be removed, modified, exchanged, set or deeded to group, or transferred. - Residents must use one of the houses provided. Modification of the house itself beyond what is built into the controls is not possible. Additional buildings or structures are allowed as long as they are in theme and meet the height restrictions. - Privacy walls or fences should match the theme and extend no more than 4m above ground level. All other structures should not extend higher than 15m above ground level or sea level, whichever is higher. - Linden Homes should be kept presentable and in-theme to their unique areas. - Linden Homes can not be used as sandboxes. - Linden Homes do not include traffic tracking. - Linden Homes can not be shown in search. - Ownership is limited to one Linden Home per Premium Account. - Changes cannot be made to roads, paths, plants, trees, rocks and other landscaping. Trees or other objects that overhang into parcels are meant to do so. They cannot be moved or removed. - Objects that extend outside of your parcel can be returned without warning or notice. - Residents may decorate the interior of their house to their liking. The exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors. - Linden Home regions are Moderate rated regions. Please see the http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ regarding adult content and behavior. - Using prims or objects on parcels meant as advertisements on the world map is not allowed. - Lights or particles on your parcel should not extend into your neighbors parcels or houses. - “Off region” decorations extending from your parcel are not allowed. - Public space outside your parcel lines is just that… public space. Do not extend objects outside of your parcel in a way that will block, wall off, or “claim” public areas for yourself to the exclusion of other residents. == Linden Home Benefits == - Use your Premium account's 1024m2 included land tier allocation towards your Linden Home. - Ready-to-move-in themed home on a 512m2 or 1024m2 parcel. - Select your own Linden Home theme. - Decorate your home with furnishings. - Invite your friends to your home. - Meet your neighbors and make friends. - 1024m2 parcel Linden Homes are allocated 351 Land Impact. - Set Home to here at your Linden Home location. (World menu > Set Home to Here.) - Set land to group. == Linden Home Etiquette == Living in a community includes courtesy towards your neighbors. Here are some guidelines for etiquette in Linden Home regions: Use local chat say, rather than shout. Adhere to the Maturity Rating for the Linden Home region you're located in. Respect your neighbors' privacy. Review general Second Life etiquette suggestions and incorporate them into your Linden Home experience: http://bit.ly/sletiquette == Help == The Second Life Knowledge Base (KB) includes many helpful articles for beginning landowners and Residents new to the Second Life virtual world. Check it out: » http://secondlife.com/kb We hope you enjoy your new Linden Home!
  17. Yes, named during a time long ago when citizens were forbidden (under threat of legal action) to use anything at all connected with Second Life on their blog or website titles. Many blogs renamed or closed (iheartsl stayed firm and as far as I know had not legal repercussions). Some clever gal (don't remember who) started calling Second Life "Phil's Place" to circumvent the edict. All very stupid lawyer stuff that eventually went away. But it was VERY messy for awhile. So the blog I was on closed and I started my own and named it with her clever title :D. That's the story there. A bit of SL history.
  18. LOOONG post in the technical area. Tried everything I could think of. Happened to a few of us all at the same time (almost two weeks ago now). My best guess is that it is a Win10 (I have pro) update conflict with something on my system. There was an update right before everything DIED big time. It is basically like I have NO cache at all and the textures reload even when just coming out of minimized. Not sim specific but Expo is ALWAYS LAGGY for most folks -- even when not crowded. Other than uninstalling those updates (which I really don't want to do) I have pretty much exhausted all other ideas. Syn had the same issue but left that thread. Good news is that it isn't my SIM, it is running fine for systems much slower than mine. Typically though I would get up to 200 fps on my building pad, now 70. Whenever I go anywhere (ANYWHERE) I have to download the textures again. A very new issue. Hoping that the conflict "fixes" itself eventually. That has happened in the past. Meanwhile I am just living with it.
  19. Let there be HOUSEBOATS! Full post with more photos on my blog. If in doubt type in "Chic at Phil's Place". Google knows me well LOL.
  20. I was down to 3.7 but got up to 17 finally. I have some computer issues that seem unsolvable at the moment. The whole Expo isn't working for me. THAT however isn't a new problem. I pretty much would leave and not come back after opening :D. But not there this year. HOUSEBOATS had better FPS for me. Much. No "flora". :D. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.09 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17763.379) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
  21. When someone finds the Linden Homes (happy to have that official) can they post a link please. Sims aren't that full but 6fps for me so not able to find them. TPing directly will probably be better. THANKS!!!!!
  22. I didn't exactly understand things that way. Can you point us to where that seemed to be true? I was thinking that the new folks IF they opted into premium when signing up go the chance at a last name (much like in the old days -- of course then you didn't need to be premium). I am certainly open to your scenario (and again we won't know until things are finalized) but would love to know what I missed along the way. Such a curious gal :D.
  23. Double post. Something that I didn't mention in the OTHER post was that schools often have SL blocked, so the hospital certainly could also :D.
  24. Sorry you are in the hospital but you will have to hold out until you are out. Second Life doesn't run in a web browser; you need to have the viewer installed and obviously the hospital won't let you do that. If you have your own notebook with the viewer installed you "should" (I would think) be able to connect via their wifi. But they may have a lot of things blocked, so who knows. There are some aps that let you do minimal text things in SL but again they need to be installed (and paid for). So you are stuck with the gossip and questions for awhile. Cloud Party used to run in Chrome and did well. Unfortunately it is no longer with us. If I am wrong on this I am sure someone will pop in and correct me.
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