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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. Yes girl! We'll do at the stage in Bay City. I'll start working on my slides this week! LOL
  2. @RuffertaI will take you up on the class thing, though: I literally have the space to do classes like that in that new Bay City space and I’m good and that kind of stuff. And I hope I didn’t sound too negative - I am all down for anything that will bring good neighbors to the mainland. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll be there will bells on. And for the class? Challenge accepted.
  3. Thanks for the kind words. I try really hard to highlight the beautiful things I find in every parcel I sell. I honestly care and I hope that shows in every build I offer. That being said, I don’t know that the goal for the Lab is to encourage people to go to mainland. When I went by to look at those Embassies, all I saw inside were ads to go TO Bellisaria. Bellisaria does have that awesome passport program, but only Bellisarians can participate. Im sure the pitchforks will rise because I’m saying this, but I would say it seems like the goal for the Lab is, in fact, to get people to move TO Belli… not away from it. Then, if Belli is considered a ‘starter home’, I would think the upgrade from Bellisaria that the Lab would be hoping for is a private sim. Not mainland. And I say that as a die hard mainland lover.
  4. Price drop to $2,500 L - this one is one of my FAVES!
  5. I bet she could give him a epic makeover with a modern version of his normal avatar. Hair and everything!
  6. 1024 sqm (M) of beautifully landscaped roadside land. Includes mesh home - this parcel is ready to go! It's landscaped for privacy but the parcel is part of a set - two homes side by side. Perfect for you and your bestie to be neighbors high on a beautiful mainland hill! This parcel has AMAZING sunrise views - the picture below was taken with a draw distance of 623 m - if you lower it a little more, you don't see any neighbors over the water. The prims are no transfer, but I'm happy to set them to any group you wish. Price: $3,000 L Visit the parcel here Visit the Operation Mainland Real Estate Office here
  7. 1024 sqm (M) of beautifully landscaped roadside land. Includes mesh home - this parcel is ready to go! It's landscaped for privacy but the parcel is part of a set - two homes side by side. Perfect for you and your bestie to be neighbors high on a beautiful mainland hill! The prims are no transfer, but I'm happy to set them to any group you wish. Epic views with privacy, too! Price: $3,000 L Visit the parcel here Visit the Operation Mainland Real Estate Office here
  8. Size: 1024 sqm Moderate Region : Venostrate Price: $3,000 L Lovely beach home with water views located roadside off of Circuit La Corse. Most prims don't transfer, but can be set to any group. Part of a three parcel set!! VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE VISIT THE OPERAITON MAINLAND OFFICE FOR ALL AVAILABLE PROPERTIES HERE
  9. Size: 1024 sqm Moderate Region : Venostrate Price: $3,000 L Lovely beach home with water views located roadside off of Circuit La Corse. Most prims don't transfer, but can be set to any group. Part of a three parcel set!! VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE VISIT THE OPERAITON MAINLAND OFFICE FOR ALL AVAILABLE PROPERTIES HERE
  10. Size: 1024 sqm Moderate Region : Venostrate Price: $3,000 L Lovely beach home with water views located roadside off of Circuit La Corse. Most prims don't transfer, but I'd be happy to set anything to any group you like. This parcel is part of a three parcel set on the same road as neighbors! VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE VISIT THE OPERAITON MAINLAND OFFICE FOR ALL AVAILABLE PROPERTIES HERE
  11. I've noticed over the last 4 days or so, I've been having alot of issues with building - I wanted to circle back and see if anyone else was having these problems. Over the last 4 days I have built out parcels in three different mainland regions 4 different times. I'll build the parcel out for an hour or so, everything will be great, I'll set it to sale - see that it lists. Then when I come back a few hours later, everything is gone. Nothing was returned to my lost and found andall of the items used in the build are no longer in my inventory or on the parcel. At first I thought this was a lag thing in the region, but it's now happened to me in three different regions on three separate occasions. I don't have anyone that has access to my prims or the group they are set to, so I know no one is coming behind me to pick them up and I know it's not internet related because my connection is stable and everything else runs fine (I work on the internet from home). I submitted a ticket yesterday, but I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem as well.
  12. Hollowing would be amazing. I’ve only ever see it in one video game - No Mans Sky.
  13. PRICE: $3,000 L 1024 (M) parcel located ROADSIDE on the Circuit La Corse. This aprcel is built out with a beautiful mesh house and landscaping. Transferable Trompe Loiel campsite included in the sale as well. All other objects are no transfer, but I'm happy to set the prims to any group you desire! VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE Visit
  14. I keep watch on spots like this - parcels that are really hard to do something with. I’m glad this one turned out well! Thank you for the kind words!
  15. TOTAL SQFT: 13,216 sqm REGION RATING: Moderate CONTINENT: Heterocera REGION NAME: Emmelia SALE PRICE: $60,000 L Total Prims Used: 1818 Total Prims Open: 4537 The Emmelia Bay Drive-in & Residential Community is 13,216 sqft of mainland located in the region of Emmelia. The parcel itself straddles a private mainland river with excellent neighbors in a beautiful part of the mainland. The river is slowly being claimed by Linden Labs as protected water - this parcel is only one away from the protected part of the canyon and the river that flows through it. The river, while extremely narrow, goes out into sailable waters around the north part of Heterocera and beyond making it an excellent place to have as a ‘home base’ when exploring high seas. Interestingly, there is a GTFO HUB on the river, so for those looking for natural traffic, this parcel houses the GTFO HUB point for the region. The Drive-In can also be accessed via the road - a narrow strip to access the road is cut and decorated to take you further back into the parcel. Technically you have two strips to access the road - one on either side of your ‘front’ neighbor. Your front neighbor against the road is me - I have a skybox for Forever Tourist high in the sky for the Operation Mainland project that I cannot move at this time. As such, I will leave the skybox there and the bottom will always be trees decorated with the surrounding neighbors homes and always be public space for explorers. (I’m happy to work with you here and put whatever you need to have to promote your business moving forward.) Starting at 1,500 sqft up (and continuing every 250 sqft) are 8 skyboxes from Scarlett Creative. They are designed to have an urban feel and make it easy to block out any unsightly views for your tenants (should you decide to rent the skyboxes out). There are LOTS of open prims on the parcel, so I would recommend renting each unit for somewhere between $250L to $300L a week for 300 - 350 prims. I like to use CasperLet when I do my rentals as well because you can pretty automate the process. In summary, this parcel comes with the following: *13,999 sqft of land in the Region of Emmelia *Your own private stretch of mainland river and a large parcel that touches protected mainland road *8 mesh skyboxes *A complete ‘drive in’ theater set up with concessions, sample cars, a screen, decor, and landscaping. *A copy of all the graphics and images created for this 'Business' ***NOTES: The other prims for this build are NOT transferable, however, I am happy to set them all to whatever group you like. The move screen is just a display as well - you will need to purchase a SecondLife TV or YouTube viewer on your own (Don't worry - they aren't too much) For additional information, please reach out to Feorie Frimon. VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE
  16. Total SqFt: 8,192 sqm Region Rating: Moderate Continent: Heterocera Region Name: Lota Sale Price: $25,000 L Total Prims Used: 1305 Total Prims Open: 1507 General Information The Cliffs at Lota is an Aviator themed mainland neighborhood designed with helicopter pilots in mind. The community is situated roadside on a large mainland mountain overlooking Route 6 and a massive mainland valley leading out to the ocean. Views from both side of the mountain are available and each home is surrounded with detailed landscaping designed to not only provide privacy, but amazing scenery as well. The community comes with FIVE units built into the neighborhood. Each unit not only has stunning overlook views and excellent privacy, but each unit also comes with it's own private helipad for their rental. Two public helipads are available on one side of the neighborhood - the intention is to build in the 'right kind of traffic' should you decide to use these homes as rentals for your own business. These public helipads are where the information board is at the landing zone as well as the entrance to a skybox style cave with secret baths inside. This neighborhood comes as is and the LOGO prim you see located at the 'For Sale' sign includes a copy of all the graphics and images created for this 'Business' as well as a link to download an promo video of this property. You can see the video here. You will gain ownership of this box and all the contents inside. The other prims for this build are NOT transferable, however, I am happy to set them all to whatever group you like. Once you've purchased the parcel, you'll need to reactivate the experiences to make the 'cave' teleporter work again. The details are at the property. If you plan to use this neighborhood as prebuilt rental units, I recommend using Casperlet Vendors. You should be able to comfortably allow each tenant 250 to 300 prims for a weekly rental without having a problem with going over your limit without a single change to the neighborhood. For additional information, please reach out to Feorie Frimon. VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE
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