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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. Parcel Size: 1024 sqm Region Rating: G Mesh treehouse and epics views are included in the sale. All prims become yours when you purchase the land. Price: $2,500 L Visit the Property Here
  2. This would save the Land Team so much time in tickets.
  3. Where can I go to play this? Where does it start?
  4. Since the start of the #ForeverTourist program, over 3,000 residents have collected Passport HUDS from all over the grid - 3,141 to be exact! Almost 300 locations have registered their kiosks for residents to visit as well! Thank you so much for your support! ❤️ The new list is up - use this link to check out all of these new awesome places and have a look at the updates! https://www.operationmainland.com/locations-list/102921-updates-amp-location-list
  5. Talkin’ about the old Teen Grid with Jacoby Catseye!
  6. Boy that testing thing in brutal - when the FT passport came out I got slammed. But I’m grateful for it now… it’s a good way to know when things don’t work. And now I know who to ask when I need something tested. 😁 I’ll check the kiosk on my rounds on Tuesday & Wednesday!
  7. I wish them luck. I put my parcels up for sale and they were promptly purchased by said land owner and offered up for rent. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. Exactly. The parcels I bought were even named Campbell Coast Lot numbers and had descriptions that they were part of the community. It was a pretty shady sale - and that’s coming from someone who sells parcels to residents daily.
  9. Yukiko - I mean no offense here...but is there any way the people that own the land can put the parcels in a more realistic type of way so if someone wants to come buy it, they could buy more than just easements? I mean.. I'm really good at using weird shaped land...but some of these parcels are just swiss cheesed into long skinny lines. Could we join some of them and make them useable pieces?
  10. Me too!!! I bought two parcels right in the middle of it all. @Prokofy Neva I appriciate you bringing it up, otherwise I would have been stuck with mainland I invested in and couldn't really resell. I'm not in any group and I'm too new to the community to have seen any offical statements cause I don't even know where to look yet. Hopefully someone will grab it from me before everything gets abandoned.
  11. Why wouldn’t they talk to the community before just putting it up for sale????
  12. It’s been a busy week over here at Operation Mainland! We’ve been working hard to scout out abandoned land for residents to claim as their homes, rebuilding the Operation Mainland HUB, updating the newest version of the Forever Tourist Passport, updating our website, and sending out updates to the Paid version of the kiosk! WHEW!Read all the details about the latest Forever Tourist updates in this blog post, and as always, you'll find the link to the Locations at the bottom of the page!
  13. Yay! Seeing this makes me so happy.
  14. Hey! I come across awesome parcels all the time and they are always super reasonably priced. Hit me up in world and I’ll let you know if I have anything that might fit what you are looking for!
  15. Hey Patricia! You are trying to delete your neighbors house. You have purchased 1024 sqm of what is called Mainland. You don’t own everything you see - just a piece of it. First, I would recommend turning on your property lines to see the land you purchased. I am going to assume that because I found you at the Firestorm Gateway, you are using Firestorm. I have attached an image from a quick Google search to show you how to turn those on. Next, I would highly recommend that you watch some videos and do a little reading to get a better understanding of Second Life. Here are some links that I think you might find helpful! Try this You Tube search for general beginner stuff : https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=second+life+beginner+ Try this search for info on land: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=second+life+beginner+land
  16. Hey! This type of post goes in the ‘Mainland: For Sale’ forum @Adonis Prinz
  17. NM! It fixed itself - but I'm still curious! Is there a Residental Manager for the Campbell Coast Community?
  18. So....... I got SUPER excited when I saw some affordable parcels in the area today and bought more than I needed. I'd like to sell one for Operation Mainland, but I don't want to do anything to mess up what they have going on in their community. Does anyone know who the current Campbell Coast current 'manager' is so I can give them a heads up?
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