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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Its in the (7S Boxed Stuff) More Fish Server Styles box that comes in the area kit.
  2. Plenty of tiny unicorns suddenly. - and whoops Cheesecurd answered quicker than me- Then I suddenly poked Doris! BREAK
  3. Try Wishing On Large Jupiter. And to try the 5-letters-must-be-a-word idea: A R I E S
  4. In SL I'm trying to get back the spark and excitement for doing up a new picture idea that I had last night, but not feeling super today so just idling- if I ever get going again it's going to be a Halloween candy centrific piccie. In RL I have the baking show "Halloween Wars" on but not really paying attention. My bestie was just admitted to the hospital, but she's almost 800 miles away so I can't go be with her. Probably why I'm feeling blah, from worry over her
  5. (even after cheating with google, there wasn't much results for Wastland) Wasteland Weekend (looks like a Mad Max themed festival in Cali)
  6. huuuum, QUEEN is a tuffy- but I gotta keep the game going! Questioning Ugly Egos Equally Now. R T i W A
  7. Lazy Phelbotomists Take Abandoned Blood P V D M E
  8. Formal Investigations Reveal Violent Blueberries G P T M E
  9. I've picked five letters...and I've listed them. The next person has to make a sentence using just the five letters. Like this... B M M H T Bring me my hot tomato then leave your five letters... W Y I M K (I didn't invent this but I thought it looked fun on a different website)
  10. You're goin' back to my HS days here... slow jams.
  11. RoseElvira got me looking into my motown faves on YT
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