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Q4-2011 "The Second Life Economy" report - WHERE IS IT ?

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Just supposing Second Life economy has shrunk, then it would hardly be surprising, and it wouldn't necessarily be down to Linden Lab either.  The recession is still on, most people are watching their money still, probably even more so.  I've cut my SL spending down because my RL income is less.  

Another thing is possibly that many people from SL'sgreat  registration boom of around 2006 / 2007 (and who have stayed in SL) have gone past the stage where they need to keep shopping etc.  

Oops - did my robot alt really say all that?  I couldn't have put it better myself! I can see one typo though. :)  (Conifer Dada)

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

The sad story is here:

or  a shorter version here:

edit to fix the links


Some information is still available here. In particular, look at "signups per day" and "median user concurrency" at the bottom of the page...


This may at least partly explain the new silence from LL.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Some information is still available here. In particular, look at "signups per day" and "median user concurrency" at the bottom of the page...

This may at least partly explain the new silence from LL.

Personally, sign-ups per day are misleading imho. Sure the economy sucks, and people have less time for SL, and are too stressed and just veg in front of tv etc when they get home...

My own feeling is that the move to Viewer 2, with completely different menu structure and window orgamization, killed in-world support, member-to-member, thus making the steep learning curve for SL even steeper. So lots of sign-ups and lots of "forget it, this is nuts" final logouts...

Still, I would like to see the quarterly reports - there is no other grid around that's half as good a community as we have here now, even a shrinking one.

This is interesting


I cannot find a graph of Hours Online which covers the last few years



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Domitan Redenblack wrote:

My own feeling is that the move to Viewer 2, with completely different menu structure and window orgamization, killed in-world support, member-to-member, thus making the steep learning curve for SL even steeper. So lots of sign-ups and lots of "forget it, this is nuts" final logouts...

I agree with this. Up until the release of V2, I routinely helped noobs. When they started saying "Huh?" to my helpful suggestions, I realized we were in trouble. I really can't recall seeing a company more clueless about user interface design or the way their own customers experience their product than LL of 2010. I have some hope that Rodvik is improving things. V3, though still a UI mess, is actually useable on my iMac (4x faster frame rates than V2).

That said, I think the external environment is a bigger factor...





Zynga's growth curve indicates trouble, but the overall mobile trend is worth contemplating. SL and mobile are, I think, like oil and water, not just from a technological standpoint but from the user's perspective as well. Deep immersion simply doesn't mix well with mobile/public use of technology.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

The sad story is here:

or  a shorter version here:

edit to fix the links


Some information is still available here. In particular, look at "signups per day" and "median user concurrency" at the bottom of the page...

This may at least partly explain the new silence from LL.

I also get some feel for things from gridsurvey.com

My current theory is that it was getting uncomfortable for LL.  After various improvements were implemented the bottom line numbers in the Qtrly reports were flat or declining.  Why keep showing that the improvements weren't really helping?

It must have been depressing to go through all of the changes needed for NoLastName/DisplayNames.  Adding maybe 5000 extra sign up completions by eliminating the last name choice.  Only to find that there was no noticeable improvement inworld.  Maybe people unable to jump the 'pick a name' hurdle aren't likely to thrive in SL.

I never understood the bragging last fall about 20K new sign-ups/day. That wasn't matched by an increase in concurrency. So LL was essentially cheering that every day of the week they were turning 20,000 people who'd never used SL before into 20,000 people who'd never use SL again.

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And still 1,000 bugs in V1 are still in the world years later.

Example: Animations STILL cannot turn an avatar, so you have to line-up hugs before you start. I see people who are more than a year old still not realizing this. 999 other bugs remain.


How about a "word search" facility for settings and menu locations? "Where do you find X menu item" is the single most frequent question I see in chat, or get personally from others.



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