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Where are the older viewers? I want 1.23.5 back.

DeDe Doowangle

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Presonnaly i remember of an old viewer 1.23 with an 5FPS average .. Excuse me , but i think it was seriously laggy .

Secondly because the graphics drivers , the hardware conformity , the opengl specifications have changed . And the old viewer hasn t be updated .

And why to pick up the 1.23 viewer ? If i follow your logic , why not to pick up the First Look viewer from 2007 ?  ?http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Features/First-Look-Update-59315-now-available/ba-p/564236

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When viewer 1.23 was the most recent official viewer available you would have had a huge argument over that "it wasn't broke" think. 

Viewer 1.23 was made available for download for about a year after LL stopped supporting the viewer for the people with computer hardware who couldn't run the later viewers.  You had a year to either upgrade your computer to be able to run the higher demanding viewers or to download and save the setup file for the 1.23 viewer.  Did you really think LL would provide that viewer forever?  Everyone knew they were "living on borrowed time" with 1.23.

Sorry to have to tell you that no one is going to wait on anyone else when it comes to technology.  I hope you also know that if you are using Windows XP or Vista, you're in the same boat.  Microsoft is not going to wait for you in any way.........those operating systems are on borrowed time too.

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Here is the link to a list of all the approved viewers available for you to download. Approved third party viewers, Phoenix, Imprudence, are based on 1.23 code.

I use Phoenix, and this is my viewer of choice, as I prefer 1.23 code viewer also. A few additional features make Phoenix my favourite, one being the choice of user interface, which can be changed via the "edit" menu,  "preferences", then the  "Phoenix" tab.


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Try Phoenix or other 3rd party viewers that are based on V1. They always were and still are way better than LL's original offering. And Firestorm, although a V3, can even be tweaked to almost the cool functionality and look and feel of the old V1 viewers.

LL's viewers are like everything else they give us: made by ppl without any inworld experience and very low work ethics. Just crap.

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Peggy, I guess the OP didn't ask for 1.23 because their hardware isn't up to the task; it's for the same reason why most of SL customers are prefering TPVs over the LL viewer. It's because the new LL viewers just suck! They give you less functionality paired with the worst imaginable interface. Every task needs much more clicks now, communication is all over the place, too much stuff is outsourced into external servers, like the profile, all that twitterface **bleep**. It is as if they put another filter between you and your avie in world. The immersion effect is doggone since V2.

I wouldn't touch any of the V2 and V3 viewers with a 6ft pole!

They are made by the :matte-motes-evil:


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You just made a statement of "fact".  Now back it up.  Especially that part about low work ethics.

LOL funny question. How shoud one back up such a statement? Oh, quite easy:  It was based on my dealings with LL and by looking at what they do and analyzing every of their moves.

For example: some Linden removed a buoy from a Linden protected waterway, heaven knows why. Since we need that marker in some racecourses I asked him to rerezz at the location. I gave him the exact sim name and the coords. A few days later he told me the buoy is there and what my problem is. Turned out he was in a wrong sim with a similar name. So he came over to the correct sim and rerezzed the buoy. Thank you.

Like 2 weeks later he sends a comment to my closed support ticket and tells me again the buoy is there and was rezzed on that and that day. So I needed to remind him again that I know and that I was there when he rezzed it and thx very much again. Talk about badly organized.

Look at their land management, look at all their policies, look at their ongoing problem with lag and sim crossings and underperforming servers, look at voice and other completely unnecessary crap nobody needs or asked for. I don't know anybody using voice, do you? Look at all the small inventions with questionable value and look at the bad shape the grid is in, after years and years of complaints and huge muckups.

Look at the life chat team, only operating at normal  US westcoast offfice hours. LL is sposedly an internet company, a server host. They operate a 24/7 business for fecks sake! But you can't reach anybody after hours or during lunch time = bad work ethics. Bad business atitude.


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Well, you didn't back it up.  But I knew you wouldn't (because you can't).  But the fact is the OP asked "Where are the older ?,  I want my 1.235 back."  Sorry, Bub, but that's not a TPV........it's the official viewer with code written by Linden Lab staff (those same coders with that very low work ethic you said they have).  Just because you don't like a particular viewer does not make it "crap".  I don't like Mercedes Benz automobliles.............so they are "crap"?

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Using your outstanding work ethic tell them how to make a viewer.......oh, that might require a little expertise in what it takes to make a viewer that is not crap and using that outstanding work ethic of your's you can demand they do better.  Maybe they take too long on their breaks or won't work on a scheduled day off.......that must stop, right? 

You don't know what yor are talking about..........not even a clue.

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You write :

"Every task needs much more clicks now"


It s wrong :

To change one outfit

with SL3 : one button to open the list of outfits , one click to to select the outfit = 2 clicks

with phoenix : one button to open the inventory , one click to open the folder outfit , one click to select the outfit = 3 clicks and it can be worst because your inventory is not sorted 


With phoenix you ahve only 9 buttons at the bottom .

With SL3 , you may have up to 30 buttons ( for instance with the starlight skin  ) on the sides and or the bottom 

It s an huge difference with SL2 where you should open the side-panel before to do any action .

Because , you may have more buttons at your convenaninace with SL3 than phoenix , you can access to your action faster with less clicks

Better , you could change the number or the type of buttons with phoenix . With SL3 yoou can select which button is interesting you , and not display the others 

" The immersion effect is doggone "

It s wrong , you can hide every controls with SL3 ( control+ shift + u) . But at the difference with the mouselook mode , you see your own avatar The immersion is more complete than in phoenix  because you have not the gui displayed . With phoenix you will have always the bottom bar and it will limit your immersion 


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Now tell me why I should make a better viewer?

There are more than enough better viewers around already.

Also, please imagine, you buy a new car: after a while it starts to rust, the energy efficiency is worse than your old car's, it breaks down every few miles. And when you complain about it you're told you have no right to complain as long as you can't builld a better car.

Sounds stupid, doesn't it?

What would you do in that case? Don't buy from that particular manufacturer again! See, that's exactly what 85% of SL customers do.

Of course I don't have a clue. I don't need a clue. I'm the effing customer!!! I know what I want, I know what I need, and I know where to get it. The last official LL viewer I ever used was 1.17.3 or somesuch. When I got hinted on Nicholaz patch to solve my problems I installed that one. That was some time mid 2007 or so. Remember the first Nicholaz wasn't even a full viewer? You had to replace some files in the original viewer for Nicholaz files and voila, all your problems were solved. Better FPS, less crashes, all super. That was the firs time it dawned on me that LL aren't that great and almighty as we always thought.



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"Now tell me why I should make a better viewer?"

I don t understand you . Sooner , you were complaining because you have thought than SL3 was worst than 1.23 . But bow , you complain because SL3 is a better viewer . 

It s illogic 


"... "instance with the car .

It s a bad instance : a car is not free . Many people can t buy one often because cars are expensive. The viewers are free . And don t tell about the fees and the shops because they have no link with the viewers


I am sorry , but when we read the archives , there were many crahes in 2007 , and a lot of ancient people tell there were more crashes than actually .

Give some statistics if you have some


I have never told you have no rights to complain . But telling "SL Sucks" , it s not a complain , it s an insult . There are no objective ideas behind it

 And telling "They give you less functionality" , it s a lie , because objectively , there are more functionnalities ( meshes , outfits, tatooos etc )

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My example about the Mercedes Benz was not about being able to afford the car.  I was about just because I don't like Mercedes Benz does not make it a "crap" car.  And to take that dislike a bit further, just because I don't like Mercedes Benz I never miss an opportunity to diss Mercedes Benz.   Even to the point of telling everyone that the people who make Mercedes Benz are morons with no work ethic.  That's what Orca has done (and has done every opportunity that arises that he/she feels it can be said).  I'm calling him/her on it this time.  So far it's a total failure on his/her part.. 

But, I knew it would be.  I'm in a rare mood tonight.  :)


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To be honest I have noticed that a lot of your post give a positive view to others negative, so that suggest that you are involved in damage limitation on behalf of the lindens, the best thing about traffic bots was that they showed up on search, I never went to the places on top, I always scrolled down to places with numbers that looked real, now you can't tell so search is useless.

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Oh yeah, you should see my paycheck I get from LL.  :)

Actually, I get a kick out of blowing holes in people's outrageous posts that, not only are mostly untrue, but entirely unsupportable.  Such as your suicide comment.  It's outrageous and entirely unsupported.  Then the typical (also outrageous and unsupportable) "come back" is exactly your response..........even word for word.


I watch Fox News too.  :smileyvery-happy:

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