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Enjoying Second Life


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This might be a really stupid topic, especially since I'm posting on a Second Life forums boards, but I'm really enjoying my time in the place. I was refered to Second Life a year or two ago. I registered my account, walked in for about fifteen minutes, but didn't stay. I guess its because I really had absolutely no idea of what I was doing--and clearly no idea of what I was missing. I came in the general entrance, walked around a bit, then left. For whatever reason I saw Second Life mentioned on another board, and came back and spent a little more time. I'm glad I did!

The place is absolutely amaxing. I spent hours on it on Thursday, then got stuck working double shifts Saturday and Sunday at work. I can't wait to get back there on Sunday. I love the numerous enviornments and the free roaming. There are all these places, everything from virtual wrestling communities to vampire communities and so much more. I get to go shopping for different attires--heck there's even a writers area that recently opened. Unbelieveable,

So anyway, very cool place. I'm sure as I get more into the swing of things I'll be there daily. I've already refered a few friends. Love Second Life.

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Hi, I had to force myself to stay back when I started in 2007, the learning curve being so steep and everything confusing. I guess it was the challenge.  I've never been a person to give up easily :matte-motes-wink-tongue:  Although I did hook up with a group that was very patient with me and informative.  Learned a lot from those wonderful people.

Although I do get upset at times with the company and quit/take a break...it's never for long.  I always end up coming back and have never regretted doing so :)

Enjoy your SL and take all things in stride.  Good luck!



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Glad you are enjoying yourself. I've have been enjoying myself too allot more lately. SL for me is generally a part time job so I normally just stay on my land building and what not. The last few months though I have started exploring the grid again for the first time in maybe 4 or 5 years. This started out with me trying to see what people were building in Mesh and this developed into me just visiting random sims I think look cool and seeking out things I've had limited exposure to in SL like combat sims, interactive and gaming experiences as well as furry wrestling and live performers,I've been here since Dec 04 and only just saw my first live performance, it was great!

It's so easy to get tunnel vision here and just focus in on an area that interests you ignoring everything around you.  I've found it quite inspirational traveling the grid again like I did in my early days. So much has changed and so much has stayed the same. 


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Far from being a stupid topic, it's rather refreshing to hear someone buzz with enthusiasm about Second Life, when a lot of people come here onto the forums to grumble and groan.

I joined in 2007, and like Kylie earlier in the thread, I found it a very steep learning curve, and undoubtedly if I hadn't been lucky in meeting some amazing people who mentored me during the first few weeks of my SLife, I would have given up. Many times during that first two weeks I almost did, but now, of course, I'm glad I didn't. 

You will have times in your Second Life when you feel like you're on a plateau, and might want to take a break, and sometimes it's good to do so, but when I get these feelings, I change direction, and get involved in another project. For sure there is always something new to see, learn about, discover, and it really is an amazing world.

May you have many years of happiness and fulfilment in your Second Life, and thanks for sharing the enthusiasm. It is infectious.

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You may already know this, or perhaps you might not have grasped the full concept, but all these amazing things you are discovering and enjoying were all built by other residents such as yourself.  Linden Lab pretty much just supplied the canvas, and what you see is the creative efforts of people just like yourself.  That is the truly remarkable thing about SL to me, seeing imagination turned into virtual reality.    

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