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Shopping Cart Fails all Night all Day

Mickey Vandeverre

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This current problem is related to delays overnight US hours. 
It is spelled out very clearly here: 
If you wake up in the morning with messages from customers - this is probably "why" 
Others are experiencing failed deliveries or delays all day.
Someone here will keep telling you that is your own fault - your magic box - whatever - NO - many merchants are experiencing delays/failures.
All of the ones I experience are related to a shopping cart load.
When they purchase one at a time - there are no failures.  Sometimes a delay at US night.  That is spelled out very clearly at the beginning of that Jira.
So no - it is not my personal magic box problem - nor the other merchants - it is a SHOPPING CART problem.
Those saying it is not a problem - perhaps are not making multiple sales with each customer. 
They should probably spend their time learning how to do that.
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You must not be doing the volume that others are.
And you must not be merchandising effectively in order to get that cart full.
In other words.....
The fact that you are not experiencing a shopping cart failure...
Is a problem in itself.
But that concerns your business.
Surely you can find a marketing tutorial somewhere and start correcting that.
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WOW Mickey....

1) Take a pill   - posting a response to me in Size 4 font bolded doesnt make me read your post any more carefully

2) I have no issues with my business in SL - inworld or MP.  Not sure where you read that I have an issue with my sales.

3) Problem is that you read but you do not understand what you read.  I am talking about the BIGGER PICTURE... the MACRO ECONOMICS of how MP is impacting the SL economy as a whole.  But you already openly admited that you do not understand macro economics and how what might seem like a trivial situation to you and maybe even a good thing to you can have huge negative impacts to the larger economy.  Want another poster child of what I am talking about?  MIDNIGHT MANIA & HUNTS.  Devastating blow to the SL inworld economy yet countless Merchants still blindly and happily use it as a desperate attempt to bring traffic to their inworld stores.

4)  My customers can and do shop from my store any where they like and I do not stop them in any way from buying my products.  My business runs at around a 93% profit margin (when I look at all the costs I spend inworld & MP vs my revenue).  My products - even though they are 1.5 to 2.5 years old - keep selling well each week and feeds my RL Bank Account each week.  And my time and effort to run my store is pretty much autonomous as I only monitor sales and support the ocassional customer that contacts me to resolve their problems.

If life as a Merchant is hard for you... sorry to hear that. :)

Now get back to poking at LL to solve your magicbox problems.

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I am posting in large letters to get back to the topic.
You can tell me to take a pill all day long.  Lame.
I am talking about right here, right now, TODAY.  If you don't mind.
This needs to be corrected.
At the very least, it needed to be acknowledged, which they sort of did.  Sort of.
I've read your sales numbers before.  They are minimal.
You are not in a position to advise others that there is no delivery problem.
You simply do not have the sales volume or the shopping cart experience that others do.
I LOVE being a merchant.  I LOVE talking to customers all day long. And I LOVE making stuff for them.
I also know that many of them are merchants in the marketplace!
Which is why I want to see this fixed - - as do many others.
Twist that info however you like.
You are not having a problem because you are not doing volume!
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I have continually supported you on some of your issues.  The ones that made sense.

Although I do not care for your presentation style - you had support on those.  Even when they are not particularly important to me, personally.

If you are not having a particular problem with something, rather than keeping your freakin' mouth shut long enough to let others try to work it out.....

....and rather than showing even a minimal amount of empathy or support or reciprocation....

you come in here each time and rant and rave and supply misinformation that is damaging to other merchants, that will "try" to benefit your own business and your own ego.

That blog post of yours is a huge disservice to shoppers and merchants.  It is chock full of misinformation.

If that helps your own personal business.....whatever.  Maybe that is a good strategy for you. 

If you want to talk MACRO .....and continue to use that strategy....then you are blowing smoke.

You continue to dive in with your rants and raves, every single time, even if the issue does not concern you.

And it appears, simply to advertise your own ego and your own business.


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If I do or dont vote on a JIRA does not change how LL will action a JIRA.  LL action's JIRAs moreso based on if the JIRA is tied to enough frustration, anger, ranting, etc that is posted in public forums like this or twitter or elsewhere. 

LL had proven time and time again that they generally dont work on JIRAs that dont make any airtime in a respective forum.  As such, the JIRA you are talking about and trying to promote that everyone should click on and vote / watch in order to get your personal Merchant issue resolved is likely already higher on LL Commerce's "to try to fix" priority ONLY BECAUSE IT IS BEING TALKED ABOUT IN THESE FORUMS by enough merchants with the problem.  NOT because the jira has 10 or 150 votes.

If you respond back tell me that this is also not true... then I dont know what SL planet you have been living on.  I can show you jiras with a lot of votes and watches and that are 4 years old and LL still has done nothing to resolve it.

Secondly, and especially because my entire career has been in the I.T. industry where problem ticketing systems are in place, I do not vote for a jira whereby the problem does not directly impact me.  Why dont I do this?  Well its simple.  If you are voting for a problem that doesnt exist for you then you are skewing the actual importance and scope of the problem.  If the problem exists for only 4 people and you were able to call all your friends and relatives to get them to vote and bring the jira up to 300 votes.... how does this help LL determine which problem has a higher priority when there is a jira with 100 legit people voting?

I will vote on a jira that is a feature suggestion I would want or if the jira is a problem that I could see it has the potential to impact my operation in the futures or it risks my business environment.  But I dont vote on jiras that in no way impact me.  Nor do I expect anyone to vote on a jira I want to see get LL attention.  I will promote a jira and try to explain how the jira can or does impact the user population.

As for my MP business operations not using shopping carts more fully???  Again what planet are you on Mickey?  Do you understand how a shopping cart works??  I have no control on when a customer decides to use a shopping cart.  They decide it.  If Mr Shopper adds two of my landscape packs in his cart with 3 of your items and 4 of Rene's.... then my MP store has used the shopping cart AND my sales deliveries would be impacted by the shopping cart if there was a problem with it.    I cant believe you somehow think I am controlling how a shopping cart is used.

again...... Step awayyyyy from your computer for a couple hours .... Take a Pill.... go have a Yoga session.... and relax.

The sun will rise tomorrow.  I promise.

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I just had a thought when i was explaining this issue to my wife..  When LL switches over to the "direct delevery" method it will open the doors to anyone in LS to sell whatever they want to, without having to pay a dime. No land needed for a magic box. no rent needed for a store. No need to put a single $L back into SL.

This is a bad idea. LL needs to make some changes before they implement this. they will have alt after alt selling the same stuff just to maximize profits.

Maybe we doo need to register as merchants before we can set up a store on the MP. Possibly have a 60 day age as well.

just my $5L


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You can insult all day long.  I'll do it right back.

I'm at the computer, because I am checking every single delivery this morning.

And if I have to come in here, and address each one of your rants - I'll do it.

Insult all day long.

Evidently you did not even read the Jira or the comments


If your customers are not loading the cart - that is specific to your business, and you can read some tutorials or blog posts or something, if you need help with that concept.

You repeatedly use this forum as your own personal ego booster - and I'm tired of it - and I guarantee you that your relentless behavior has something to do with why we can't have a decent conversation here with a Linden - concerning the issues.

You can champion and position yourself all day long on how your rantings have saved SL.  I disagree.  I believe that you have singlehandedly destroyed any cooperation here in this forum.

And I believe that you have done that for years.

YOU step away from the computer..

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I just had a thought when i was explaining this issue to my wife..  When LL switches over to the "direct delevery" method it will open the doors to anyone in LS to sell whatever they want to, without having to pay a dime. No land needed for a magic box. no rent needed for a store. No need to put a single $L back into SL.

This is a bad idea. LL needs to make some changes before they implement this. they will have alt after alt selling the same stuff just to maximize profits.

Maybe we doo need to register as merchants before we can set up a store on the MP. Possibly have a 60 day age as well.

just my $5L


Yes, that is probably what will happen with direct delivery, Drake1.  To me, it's not a problem.  When it is easy for people to sell their creations, then they have lindens to spend.  Plus, they are happy - happy goes a long way.  

I see it as a good thing - others will disagree :)

I don't really care for a registration process or putting up hurdles.  Yes, there are problems with fly-by-nights, but I wouldn't care to see hurdles for those who are having fun selling some stuff.  And a lot of those are my customers and other people's customers.

But I wouldn't be surprised if LL does put some more qualifications into the works, eventually.

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These Marketplace rants will become academic if LL doesn't remain profitable.......and that profitablity is mainly derived from income generated from the Grid and not Marketplace.

Without a grid...there won't be anywhere to place or use any of these wonderful SL creations. The bigger picture needs to be investigated....and SL Merchants & Investors ought to keep a close eye on it.

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This response is "in general" and not meant to go to Rene - clicked the wrong button.  Pardon.



This is a request to ask that the delivery failures and delays be looked into.

Call it a "rant" if you like, but I gave it plenty of time.

The Jira addresses delays in early morning hours.

A few folks piggybacked on that, (myself included) and mentioned delays all day long.  It probably would have been fail for each of us to start other Jiras.  Someone mentioned today, that they tried that, and it did not work.

Many delays and failures seem to be related to shopping cart use, as well.

I can see the early morning delays now, since monitoring more closely.

These seem to be happening during the US day hours now, as well.  The activity (or lack thereof, seems to be the same as those described in the early morning hours)

I'm not technically able to suggest that all of the above is related.

To be fair....if the shopping cart delays and failures are related to a magic box, then there are a LOT of people having that issue.  I would not be sure how to determine if it is my store issue, or another store issue involved in that shopping cart load.  It is a bit difficult to determine, just by looking at the notations on the transaction list.  Even when it says they did n ot get the items - they did.  And vice versa.

If there are a LOT of people having that issue with a fully loaded shopping cart, then why would a customer service rep not come into a rather desparate sounding comment section of the Jira, and supply us all with a link to remedy.

That is basic customer service.

If it is specifically related to a LOT of people having shopping cart load related failures, due to their own magic box,  then why would another merchant not come into this thread and suggest the remedy or in the least, a link to one.  Why would they not do the same in the Jira.

At the very least, a customer service representative, can jot down a list of names who are pleading for help, and contact them, with a fix.  Very basic customer service.

Even if the above is a consideration, there is still an issue with customer service on refunds and customer dissatisfaction with delivery delay times.  This is instant gratification platform, here.

The refunds were coming in within an hour, usually.  Now, the people are not getting refunds all day long.

If it is only an issue during the wee early morning hours of US time, that is not fair to merchants and shoppers who use the marketplace from other time zones.

It appears that the delivery delays (even on single item purchases) are happening all day long now.

Personally, I did not experience this level of difficulty several months ago, which is why I am not convinced it is a magic box problem.  I cannot speak for others.  Apologies for continuing to present personal glitches, but others will have to report their own glitches.....which they have done in that Jira.

When I read those responses, it appears to be a universal problem on several levels.  And it appears to have become worse after the holidays.

People have presented the shopping cart load problem all over the place.  Shoppers and Merchants both.  If it is simply one or two people's magic box problems....I just can't buy into that, based on all of the glitches reported.

Right now....right this minute....I take issue with the shoppers having to wait more than an hour for a refund, and more than 24 hours is unacceptable.

The commerce team acknowledged that they were working on something, then quickly marked that Jira "fixed."

I trust those merchants who are reporting "technically" in that Jira with their knowledge, and I suspect that there will not be a "fix" soon.

In that case....a company can make up for their difficulties simply by providing exceptional service during that delay time, or in the very least acknowledge that their customers are having major difficulties and address some compromises or compensations on those difficulties and delays.

The SL merchants are doing just that.  The service provider might want to take some notes on that.

What is infuriating is the delay on acknowledgement, the delay in information, the delay in responsible behavior financially to both shopper and merchant (both of those people being the service provider's customers)

When that happens.....it just prolongs the frustrations, and yes, that is when some "rants" slip out.

But to have to "rant" with another merchant in the process.....gimme a break.  That is not necessary.



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When tweeting the new Jira, specifically for shopping cart related delivery failures, Mr. Rodvik was kind enough to catch that, and responded that he would have the commerce team look into it.

I've dropped some examples from my transaction list here, in this Jira - drop yours there, too.


That's the best I can hope for, now.

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Dakota is more or less in charge of identifying Marketplace support issues. I follow the recommended procedures listed for delivery problems; I do not run to Dakota every time there is a problem. She is always very helpful on the few occasions I have, tho.

I will add this: When the Commerce Team did a survey quite a long time ago, delivery problems were the #1 problem merchants identified.  And the fix for those is Direct Delivery. So that is what the team has been working on for lo these many months.


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People if you're having delivery failures, please check that you're using Magic Box v 3.0.11. It's been out for nearly 3 years. The old ones may seem to work half the time, but they don't work properly, especially after you make any changes to them.

I've helped 3 people in the last month alone that were having problems that turned out to be old boxes, so there must still be a lot around.

Have made https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4466. If you have any experience/comment  - please add.

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Thank you for pointing that out, Zanara.  Very much appreciated.

My apologies for creating such a fuss.  I will certainly eat crow for the next few weeks, and address that publicly.

I'm glad that you got your overnight issue solved, that I promoted for you in this thread and daily on twitter.

I'm afraid that while eating crow for the next few weeks, that I won't have the time or desire to assist with any more Jira promotions.

Thank you.

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I realize I am very late to this tread, and for that I apologize. My metrics for in world shopping are like this: My SL Market products are moving from 80-110 units per day on average. My in world stores, I have two, are moving 12-18 products per day. Over the past year I average about 11 visitors a day between my two stores. So you can see that my in world shopping is about 14% of my total business and my visitor count is pitiful. I used to own a store covering 1/3 of a sim with all my products in it and I rented that property. It had a really great visitor count. I decided that I would take just my top moving products and put them in two small stores because I learned that I could not cost justify the prims and the land space for all my slow selling products considering the takeover of sales by the SL Market. Today, I have my best moving products in two small stores that cost $7.05 USD a month for both (not the $150 I was paying before) and I'm moving many more of my premium products than ever before and making a great percentage more in profit. I still get to play in my in-world stores and be a part of the SL in world experience, but the SL Market has taken over my business. I buy quite a few things in SL, mostly clothes and stuff for my SL partner-wife, and nearly 100% of it is purchased in world.

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