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Can anyone tell me how to change the land mark location from the company that I bought the system from to my location, I cannot access the scripts nor can I find any not card with information on how to do this. Every time I click on Landmark it gives me their location and not mine.  Please Help I am getting desperate as I want to open my new store and I cannot get this done.





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9 answers to this question

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I'm afraid I don't understand what you want.  You bought something ..... a system of some kind?  And it has a landmark in it?  And it has something to do with your store?  If there are instructions for whatever you are trying to do, you'll have to consult the merchant who sold the system to you.

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Hello Robbyn. I don't understand what you mean eighter. I didin't understand also yesterday in your previous thread when you said that you have created 2 SLurl's and you want to delete one, that 's why i didin't answer:


Read again the instructions more carefully and if you still have queries i agree with others. Contact the merchant asking for support.

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In addition to the previous perfect answers, I'm going to pretend to be Sherlock Holmes LOL:

1) You bought a "system". Nobody knows what's that system, but no problem. I'm Sherlock Holmes.

2) That system gives or offer a ladmark, perhaps clicking in a popup window. Nobody knows if this is true, but no problem. I'm Sherlock Holmes.

3) You need that the "system" gives/offer your landmark, but the "system" gives/offer the landmark of a "company", the creators (perhaps) of the "system". Sherlock Holmes thinks that's normal for now.

4) You say there is no notecard with info. Sherlock Holmes is stumped.

5) And Sherlock Holmes draws this in conclusion: see previous answers!

Sorry for the joke, I could not resist :)

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If you are using the most recent version of SL you can create your own landmark where your avatar is standing by clicking on "World" in the upper left hand corner of your screen, then from the drop down menu select "Landmark this place". Your new Landmark will be in your inventory. 

Once you have your landmark you can use it in affiliate systems that have their own landmark givers. Often these systems come with notecards that contain instructions on setting them up. Look in the folder that contains your system to see if you have an instruction note card. Many Landmark givers simply require you to drag your landmark from your inventory and drop it into a notecard for them to work. 

I hope this helps. 

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Hehehe.... I'm not sure why Monti wrote "Rolig post contact merchant," but if all you want is a simple landmark giver, take this ....


default{    touch_start(integer num)    {        llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK,0));    }            changed(integer change)        {               if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)              {                       llResetScript();               }        } }


 Put that and one of your landmarks in a decorative-looking prim and you've got a LM giver.

 EDIT: Added a changed event to make it foolproof.  :smileywink:


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