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with v3 i cannot view the letters from groups - ASCII letters why?not even my groups letters :(

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Hello , i have a problem with viewer 3 , i cannot see my onw groups letters i have made , can i fix it? i cannot see others as well up on their heads . ex ♀ ~ ✂ ~☻~ Ⓐ.M.Ⓐ.Z.Ⓘ.N.Ⓖ  ~ ♫~ ☆~♀  i am not able to see it in the game with that viewer


Thanks for reading me have an amazing new year :*

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kalliopi Ziplon wrote:

Hello , i have a problem with viewer 3 , i cannot see my onw groups letters i have made , can i fix it? i cannot see others as well up on their heads . ex ♀ ~ ✂ ~☻~ Ⓐ.M.Ⓐ.Z.Ⓘ.N.Ⓖ  ~ ♫~ ☆~♀  i am not able to see it in the game with that viewer

 Thanks for reading me have an amazing new year :*

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There is an easy fix, just don't use Unicode characters to "artify" the text. :smileytongue:

Unicode characters are abused in group titles and also in display names to such an extent that it's not cool anymore. It's just very annoying and looks "noobish". :smileylol:

Happy new year! :smileyhappy:


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That's all well and good (and I agree), but that's not the question.  There are legitimate uses of unicode characters -- for the native languages of about 90% of the planet, just for example.

And it's a mystery.  I use v3 and don't have this problem.  A quick search doesn't turn up a relevant jira, so I don't think many others are having this problem either.

My hunch is that something went horribly wrong in the viewer installation, assuming that other viewers are still showing those unicode characters.  So I'd suggest a complete uninstall and reinstall to see if that fixes the problem.

If that doesn't fix it, there's something about the operating system configuration that's very broken... although how it works for other viewers and not v3 -- that's pretty baffling.  (It really does, right?  Or am I misunderstanding?)

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IIRC the font the viewer uses isn't consistent across viewers, skins or even operating systems. There's plenty of "special" (unicode) characters that simply come across as gibberish to a lot of people. Unfortunately that does include a lot of country specific characters, like accented characters. For groups it's definitely a very bad idea to use anything than regular alphanumerics.

If they show up as squares, it's a font problem. If they show up as multi-character gibberish it's an OS or viewer problem.

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I see most non english characters just fine. Such as the Japanese name of the person who de-rezzed a building on me I was examining in a shop the other day, while she was standing in front of the sign saying not to do that to other customers... written in the language she used to apologize to me... o.O


All those boxes that appear on so many people's names now - appear on the names of western folks, mostly in clubs. I just file it all under blingtard and move on.

I suspect the viewer uses fonts installed on the local machine - and if it can't find the character there, fails to render it.

For languages, most PCs and Macs built after 2000 pre-include all the needed code sets for international languages. But the hearts and stars and little blue diamonds... those are unique to each font set that can display them, so no two machines will see the same thing unless they happen to have gone and installed the same font... So even if you use all the webdings and dingbats that come with a PC, a Mac person like me just sees you looking foolish. :)

(This isn't an issue of folks upgrading to current font sets - but of available sets for different machines.)


The problem should exist in other viewers too, but doesn't... which leads me to suspect that other viewers included some table referencing various codes that v3 cut out to save bandwidth or space or whatever...

I dunno, and this kind of goes against what I said above... working on an assumption that maybe some font choices were installed in the viewer... Or perhaps what parts of your system fonts each can access is different...?

If its been cut from V3 on purpose, you can expect it will be gone from SL in time. If its an accident, then file a JIRA and hope it gets patched.



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Qie Niangao wrote:

That's all well and good (and I agree), but that's not the question.  There are legitimate uses of unicode characters -- for the native languages of about 90% of the planet, just for example.

Right, that was not the question, I knew what the question was. I'm also aware that there are right uses for Unicode characters as the original ASCII character set is very limited.

As the OP didn't use Unicode characters for "legitimate" use, but used them to "decorate" normal text I just wanted to make a joking reply.

Sorry for being the little devil :matte-motes-evil-invert: :smileysurprised: :smileyembarrassed:

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