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best girlfrieNd?

Betty Briand

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hi all :)

looking for a cool girl to hang and have fun with!

i like beaches, shopping, dancing .....

so if you do too and if you are around 25-35 years old rl AND know what an AO is for instance lol ..

          IM me :)


     also edited: typos and accents are totally charming! ;)

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Cool? -  Not really

Beaches? - no

Shopping? - only if I have to

Dancing? - yes

25-35 years old? - nope

AO aware? - yep

Not sure if I have an accent - that would depend on where YOU are from...


I don't quite fit the bill...  Not even 34% on this test, but I am sure you will find yourself a best girlfriend.  Good luck and have fun with your search. 

Welcome to the forums,


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I might just fit your bill! I feel I am cool, I like beaches, clubs, shopping, taking photos and editing (just found out getting a drawing tablet for xmas!) I just turned 27 (and kinda fearing getting any older :( ) I know what an AO is and it is one of the first things I help a newb find! I have held the same AO from Oracle for well over a year...only as I haven't found one I like better. Feel free to shoot me a message or inworld IM! Always looking for new bffs!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ouch. All your current/previous freinds totally are like NOT best....they all defreinded you didn't they, after seeing this? :( this is so sad. Best, worst...I mean, did you make a group and title them? Did they have boundries asigned to them, and little attachable objects to make sure they don't cross thos boundaries? Like..."You said the word: Jalopy. NO ONE SAYS JALOPY BUT DELILAH J...NO ONE" and they are booted from your presence? :o ouch.

I had a best freind, it was the only one I had! So, obviously the best one. At one point, I guess I was hers to...she had few others at that time. Soon, this changed. I assume I was not the best one anymore...I was not fun, had no money or a car. She did, but I was not worth visiting or takiing out, despite being 'best' and...well, to say the least I find this whole business of tiering/classifying freinds as rather meaningless....maybe even teh word "freind" becomes meaningless. I wouldn't know, I have had so few, and those ones all seemed to grow bored of me within several years and some even seemed to really dispize or dislike me...then say they miss me, well...at least one did.

It is all very confusing. But I know a the right gas and a good tight mask makes me sleep forever...at least the body rests it's chemical happenings. Is this the only comfort...death? The only sure thing we can rely on, the only thing that is always there...looming, waiting to affect us? Is death our 'friend' or....what is? Surely not I....I am not death eather. But this is a rather pointless thing to point out, and has no meaning. One is not the other. If I believe the word death doesn't mean it, will I live forever or just miss the flesh based part? So much hinges on words. What if you life hinged on words, it doesn't really change if death exists though...I mean, it is all biological happenings? The internal ideas are meaningless when a few signifiers are present to another, if that person chooses as their desire or happens to ignore.....life is simply biological for all but the experiencer of their own biological happenings.....but, worthlessness...because we can't connect, know or otherwise understand anyones feelings.

So we pretend? We feel all of the chemicals to love or wish for the best for another...but in the end this emoting is simply a sillyness to the other, we are really regected...even if they don't say so. They don't care, they want biological happenings and they get it via some medium or another. At least we think they do, that is the answer....we know why we are not loved, why we are seemingly not...because surely we are. We are at least a portion of what they want in a human companionship for that moment....at least parts...maybe not all.

I don't have the words, nor the ability to move anyone to understand really. But I do know that gas will make my flesh stop feeling. Then again, can I insure, when incapasitated, that it will work? Kavorkian knew this, alas....he is a strange and sad man to me...why? Because...what if the person changed thier mind with thier last breath and said they didn't want it....what if you decide that. Death is to long, and irreversible. Love is also irreversable, but it passes....but with no healing. Death, love....all of this is such simple language. If we had more words, degrees or otherwise split it up and defined the feelings...would it make the investments easier? Does it? has it? Can it? I dont' have the words. I have nothing...but there are people who will seek words, kill for words, torture for words....I have non of them for you.

Ok, who wants a folaphel!!! Bah, I can't spell phallaphel....baaaah.

Ok. No, not fullapfuls.  Carrots and healthy dip? Nah...something else...maybe nothing....I am not hungary anyway....not now. But, bunnies like carrots....wouldn't want to start a train of thought in someones mind about wabbits.

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