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Question about IM's in V3 Beta

Teagan Tobias

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For the most part I like V3, I am using the latest Beta. But I have a problem with IM's, once the window is closed, how do I get back to it. Before, you could open Communicate and click on the tab for any IM and open it up. Now Communicate is gone, there is only Chat, and you can't see IM's from there. So once I close an IM window, how do I open it again if I don't remember exactly how to spell the name, or exactly what group it was, if it was a group at all.

Is there a way to put the IM tabs in Chat? Is there a way to open an IM window for the last IM or IM's?

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Hello Teagan. As in all previous versions of V2 or V3, Menu Communicate --> My friends or My Groups--> last tab "Recent". If you crash or relog you lose them but still you can find them in C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife \ teagan_tobias \ avatar's_name.txt , if you have set your im's to be saved in your hard disk (Preferences --> Privacy).

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People, Recent tab is not the place to get back to IM's.  I closed an IM and opened People and opened Recent and there was nothing there.  So, still don't have a way to get to IM's like you could in V1.  Looks like once you close an IM there is no getting back to it, and I have been just closing them if I was busy thinking I could get back to them.  Some people must be thinking I am just rude.

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That's very interesting, I will half to reload and take another look. Because after I closed several IM's, like I said, there was nothing there, as in, nothing there to click on, no list at all. Maybe a reload will help, now I really don't know what to make of it. But thanks for the pic, at least I know what I am looking for now.

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In 2.0? I'm pretty sure CTRL+T was still there in 2.0, at least it works in firestorm. So question is, is it a customization by the firestorm team, and if, why the heck would LL remove this shortcut? I'm pretty sure that the experienced users using shortcuts use this one VERY frequently to open/close the tabs, while the toolbar is customized maybe once, definitely not in big need of a shortcut.

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The "Me --> Preferences --> Privacy tab --> Save IM logs on my computer" is checked, yes.

If I "minimize" all my IM's then I have to many things open, that just makes no sense at all. I guess each one you minimize would be another tab someplace on your screen.
There needs to be a way to get back to IM's, a way to "communicate" without missing part because you had to close a window. The same way you don't need to keep the chat window open to see chat, open it up and look back to see what has been going on while you went to... uh, went out of the room.

I really thank you'll for your help.  I will keep loading updates and keeping an eye on it and see how it progresses. But for now I am going to get on Imprudence and have some fun.

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I haven't seen much difference in the way SL handles IMs vs the way a desktop IM client, such as YIM or AIM works, at least on my Mac.

When I close an AIM or YIM messaging window with someone, the IM software assumes that chat session is closed and it writes the log (if the option is selected) then clears the chat from itself. When I open up another window with the same correspondent, it's a new session and the window is blank. To go back to a previous convo, I have to go to the filesystem and open up the logs of that convo.

With AIM or YIM, if I want to put away the IM window so I have more screen space for something else, but still maintain that session, I need to minimize (or hide, which is an option for Macs) in order to keep the session open and active. That way, when i go back to the convo, I un-minimize (or un-hide) the IM window and I carry on from there with the same convo.

I don't see that being any different with SL viewer 3.2 messaging. Nor Firestorm's, for that matter.

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I don't use YIM or AIM and I don't use Firestorm.  Phoenix and Firestorm, IMHO, are too green around the gills for me and I don't like some of the things they do.  But the sad thing is, if you look at what you just said, it amounts to:  Second Life is doing a lot of monkey see monkey do now instead of innovating.
I guess I like the way they innovated instead of the way they followed blindly.
And I understand that when I log off, my chat history is gone, and when I log on again it will start over again.  The same as it was for IM's in the past (V1).  The IM's tabbed in the “Communicate” window, again IMHO, worked extremely well.  It made it so you could “Communicate” easily.  But then it could just be me liking how it worked in the past and now stuck on TPV's.  But hey, I NEVER expected to see the sidebar disappear, maybe “Communicate” will come back too.  With a few tweaks, the landscape of V3 is looking more like V1 than V2, could be there is hope yet.

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I'm a little confused about how you're setting things up, Tegan. I get people who I IM'd previously but closed out in my "Recent People", however I keep my chat logs turned on. When I get an IM from someone I"ve previously IM'd I see the end of the last conversation I've had with them in gray before the new text rather than a blank history every time. Did you turn your chat logs off in preferences?  Also, are you using tabbed IM's or individual ones? It's an option in "Preferences." I recently switched to tabbed IM's which all appear in the same window and I find I have trouble getting RID of the darn things because you have to consciously close them rather than clicking an "X" in the corner. It's also possible that your current setup is broken somehow.

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Did you turn your chat logs off in preferences?  
Enable incoming chat popups: Group and IM Chat are both checked.
Also, are you using tabbed IM's or individual ones?
I have reinstalled several times lately, 11/13 last time, and I have a note card that I look at to set up the viewer.  I missed the IMs and it was set to individual but normally I have it set to Tabs.
And sadly, my biggest problem may well be I don't know what I am doing.  After four years on SL I guess I should know more than I do, but...
But I don't have any of these problems when I use Imprudence, but then I also don't have multiple attach points and a lot of other things.

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