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Improvements to Second Life Random Ideas.

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1. I would like to see age verification fixed, so that users have to actually age Verify to get into an adult area, otherwise there was no point in making a third Rating called adult. This would prevent Minors from easily accessing Adult content in Second Life, as well as griefers easily getting into adult simulators, Yes a kid can get a use their Parents ID, or a griefer can forge an ID and such, but this prevents people from making hundreds if not thousands of accounts within seconds just for the purpose of griefing, using age verify and griefing adult simulators.

1.1 Add Email Verification, Dont allow users to create accounts and not verify their email.

1.2 Maybe Require Phone Number Verification, and require a person to sign up with their First & Last Real Life Name, I hear it so much I forgot may account info I havent play SL for years, I dont remember my name, email, or password how do I get it back. Answer to that is they can't because LL doesn't require any information at all beyond IP, and MAC, and that really isn't helpful. (Even Google has phone verification.) (OF course maybe require of phone verification is not required, but how about  RL information so that a person can get lost accounts back for example, and Linden Lab can be like hey whats your Real Life name, and can look it up and find the users account, not such a bad idea right?

1.3 While you all are at it give residents last names back, give users possibly the ability to create their own.


2. Possibly Require Future Accounts Created To Have A Credit Card, Yes thats right the reason for this is that griefers could not roll account after account just for the purpose of griefing. But for those who do not have access to such, allow them to send in a copy of their ID, this would prevent griefers from randomly creating account after account to grief, again I know this can be circumvented by using a prepaid debit card from a store as a lot of them in my area work with Second Life & Online, but still they require a minimum deposit, $5 fee for the card itself, and if a griefer wants to grief get banned over and over they are going to have to waste money, or provide a RL ID to LL.

3. An Advanced Abuse Report System, Yes just like the mentors, for example any account that is over I would say 2 years old in Second Life would have access to this system, and it would be monitored by Linden Lab for any abuse of such a system. How it would work is simple. Just like the Mentor sign up which is gone, and just like how a person has to have billing information on file, and do an Intellectual Property Quiz to have the ability to do mesh, similar requirements would be required for such as well as account age of at least 2 years, and possibly a real life ID on file and verified by Linden Lab. Okay so how woudl such work, and prevent abuse. Okay so for example if I signed up for such and was approved, and some griefer comes into a sandbox, and spams it full of LulzGriefer cubes which are slowing sim performance very badly, I could right click the object, and file a report at which point Snapshots, and proof of abuse would be sent to Linden Lab & checked for any type of misuse, but at the same time when the report is filed, the Simulator checks for slow performance, and if such is found  it immediately returns, or deletes all objects from the simulator, and disables their right to rez, or use those specific tools/prims in that region again for 2 hours enough time for Linden Lab to investergate and prevent mass abuse. * I have seen similar things when I went to attach a hud before in the past and it said can't use item this item has caused problems in the simulator.* - If such a system is abused by anyone just for trolling, or the fun of it those rights would be taken away, and of course all TOS Violations, and Bans, or Suspensions would remain in the hands of Linden's, but this is just a solution to common problems I see such as a private simulator filled full of griefer cubes no one on to return them, and no auto return & such.

4. Improvements to Stop Stolen Content  See the problem with stolen content today is that CopyBot, or Theft viewers have evolved so far that it is virtually impossible to stop now, however there is a simple solution I can think of. That Solution is this. Give accounts who are at least 2 years old in SL, Have Payment Info, and Age Verified with actual ID the ability to sign up for a part of sl that allows them to report any item that is CopyBot anywhere in Second Life period. For example if a person is wearing stolen hair, or an attatchment, the person has the ability to right click that attatchment, and hit report, and then a box where they can fill out information about the item, and submit the report, and also included would be a snapshot, and if such is abused by the reporter too much that turn out to be false then the ability to send such gets removed. For example I have found numerous stolen items by banned accounts, or griefer accounts at Nix in Second Life, and they were giving out Random Clothing, Hairs, Skins, ETC, now I filed an abuse report when I noticed this, They were not removed, but a system like this would prevent an object like this from giving out stolen content using a script that senses avatar range, and hands them to every newbie going by and a lot of new people don't know that these items are stolen so they take them as freebies and use them. Such a system would be useful when reporting stolen items being given out in boxes for example, It would also be highly useful at reporting content an avatar is wearing which is stolen, for example if the item was made by CreatorA, and I know that and it had another persons name on it and I knew for sure, this would give Linden Lab the ability to investergate such an issue, and remove such content from peoples inventory, and at the same time no one would be sure who filed what report.

Why the need for the help of reporting ripped content,  In Real Life lets say for example  I am burning illegal DVD's, and selling them, or giving them away illegally, and such. No one is going to know except the people I sold them to unless someone reports it to the police, or such for investergation. In Second Life developers face similar issues, except on a much larger scale, due to the fact that a Theft client can Export everything into a Readable .XML file on a users computer, that file can then be shared anywhere such as a sharing site, service, anyone can then download that file, and import it back into SL with a CopyBot, which is copyright infringment, the problem however is that when the developer of their products files a DMCA only that one copy of identified content is removed, or Blacklisted from the grid, and meanwhile Griefer1, Griefer 2, Griefer 3, Have just made 5 more copies of those same exact items spoofing information and sending them out to a lot of other newbs who then don't know the difference and gives them to their friends and then you got more pirated Copy's of these items out there, so it does no good even filing a DMCA half the time, unless it is certain issues such a person violating a Real Life Name, or causing serious damage like opening an exact copy of your store in SL, and posting it on a piece of land with the same exact products for sale, otherwise they can file hundreds of times but that pirated copy is still going around because it has new asset ID's generated. The only possible way for an Actual Lawsuit against such is if a user downloads the actual Raw Data, aka all the assets, gives them away outside of SL, or sells them, otherwise since a .XML file is really just Shapes, Prims, all the assets remain on LL servers an actual Lawsuit is pretty hard to do when you have no information on the person who has done the infringment, You only got an IP address which is more than likely a Proxy, You have no MAC Address because that MAC Address is Spoofed, and such.

5. Or over all start responding to Reports Faster I reported those items on the freebie market for being a box filled full of nothing but stolen goods, they should have been immediately removed, but they were there for over two weeks and caused damage to multiple individuals, I report griefers in a sandbox spamming me, or someone who has filled a private simulator up full of prims that takes Hours most of the time to get anything done about such. I file a report for people defaming my avatar, trying to ruin my SL Life, Nothing gets done, the notices from the group not removed yet, and its allowed, Big CS violation espically when they cant back up what they said about me, But I can say that if #1, and #2 were being followed, a lot of this griefing, and griefers doing stuff in my name to ruin me, and the attacks on certain sims would never have happend.

6. Remove ban networks from Second Life  Not Including, or limited to CDS, Red Zone, or any device that scans people without consent through their media when visiting a club, trying to enjoy SL, such systems defame individuals, store public database of people being a bot user simply because they have the same IP address, Eject/Ban Users without any reason, and even some systems store reports, and collect information without a users consent or knowledge. I know how this is done, but restricting such systems such as these for sale on the market place would be a great start, while users are allowed to ban people from their own land without even giving any reason at all, they should not be allowed to use such a device that can cause defaming of avatar, and harassment.

As of Right now it is easy as hell for griefers to make disposable griefer accounts, and easily go into a simulator and grief people over and over again without the risk of getting banned, for example Using a Proxy, or VPN that hides your IP, you can create many accounts per day, and on top of that you combine such with a griefer viewer, or a Viewer Proxy client which allows you to change your MAC Address to anything you desire, Yep thats right if you know another persons MAC address you can spoof being them, and thats what will show up on the logs, and for email addresses you do not even have to verify your email, so if people know a random email address of a person they hate they can register an SL account with it and grief possibly getting them an account suspension without any reason at all, and yes it can be a pain espically when you own a sim that needs to be restarted, Have breedable animals, and friends. * Linden Lab is rumored to be able to tell a persons alts through their %APPDATA% folder, such as the account folders when you are logged into SL, and your cache, and all you have to do to avoid such as delete those folders every time you get a griefer account, and you are right back inside SL with a new account clean spoofed info, Ever herad of the griefer Nightmare Deench  who calls himself that and griefs sandboxes saying he has an account that has never been caught, that is how.

I have spoken to some people about this  before in SL, people who have been attacked by griefers pretending to be me, and as a result the creator then attack me without any hard evidence, or proof, calling me a thief because the other creator sent my name out to thousands  of people calling me a Thief without proof or evidence other than accusations, and some calling me a Griefer, or a Domestic Terrorist, but the most important part I told them about this, The griefer group doing this for the laughs, and what was going on, they pretend that I know nothing, and after all I have been in the MMO community for years  since the year of 2000 at least thats over 10 years, of experience in seeing cheaters, people yelling out memes, people yelling Hacker, or Aimbotter, and learning to ban dodge. While doing such I of course learned useful things such as working computer hardware constantly learning about computers, new stuff such as AMD's new APU's, Learning cheats and exploits to many games, Beta Testing, and Reporting Exploits to gaming companies, most which are immediately taken care of, but Second Life  It is hard to get anything taken care of, even the simple things take Years for LL to solve, or do anything about, and I know that Linden Employee are doing the best they can, I hear at times from other residents, Linden Lab don't care, they don't care who breaks the TOS at all. I myself do not believe that to be true, but I believe Linden Lab to have their hands full, which is why I try not to have to file so many AR's in one day if I can avoid it, and make sure its a big issue bothering, causing me, or others harm before doing such.

@ whoever is in charge of Linden Lab, the Design & The Security I really think now is the time to step up the game on security, add improvements, and limit griefers, as Second Life is a social game I am not expecting everyone who breaks the TOS, or CS to get an Immediate Ban Hammer, I am not expecting for Disputes between residents never to happen, they do, and sometimes residents have to work it out among themselves, but I am asking for LL to do what they can to improve the security of our game/Service, and stop all the griefer accounts that do stuff for the Lulz simply because SL has became more and more broken over these years.

And Last but not least I believe based on my opinion, that Second Life is still one of the best Social Services, Simulators, or Games out there, these improvements to Security, and Improvements to SL itself such as Enviormental, ETC, Better Simulator Performance would make SL possibly Expand with a lot more people, aka More Money for Linden Lab, a bigger Virtual World, and free from griefing, and more safe for its users.*With More development, I really would not mind seeing the ability to have Mesh NPC Characters like a MMORPG, or the ability to create a future world in an actual 3D enviorment ultra Relistic, SL Clients that support Crossfire, SLI & Multi GPU, and such, as SL is a Multi User Universe, I would not mind seeing a virtual simulator that could hold 30k Prims twice as many as now, higher Sim Tier Packages, A RP simulator that isn't just simple DCS huds, but feels like a True MMORPG enviorment, and all without server side lag, of course this would require major improvements to a users client software, but over all I believe it would be worthit, Imagine SL as a Social Service, and MMORPG, where you never get bored and such, Imagine a way to be able to expand Land beyond 65536 SQM, because you dont need more simulators, you only need room for a very large RPG Build but don't have it. It would be great if such were possible, and this is a good future I look foward to see some day in SL.


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I would be overwhelmed with joy if LL just brought the old first name, last name system back, but I'm not holding my breath. InWorldz and Avination didn't follow LL with respect to that change, which should indicate to the Lab how bad the idea was to eliminate first and last names.

Concerning adult verification, I think the big attractor is adult content. Zindra has doubled in size since 2009, while the remaining part of mainland has shrank. The Lab should consider a nominal fee to adult verify, something like a $1 charge. People would be so anxious to get at that good adult content, they would pay the small fee. 



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How many additional employees would it require to impliment even half of your suggestions?  Remember, to be even slightly effective, the employees responsible for investigating, responding to "emergencies" and actually doing the disciplinary actions will have to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  That's going to require enough people to man at least three 8 hour shifts a day with overlap so that those employees can have some days off.  Say you need 10 people in the "enforcement" department at any given time of the day (that's not nearly enough but it would be something, at least) it would require not less than 30 people per day.  And another 10 people to fill in for the employees during their rotating days off.  40 people to do an almost impossible job............what would you pay those people?  $20 an hour?  That's $160 a day per employee.........times 30 $160 is $4800 a day (or $21,600 a month).  And to what end?  Is it going to stop griefing?  I think you know it won't...........the $21,600 a month can be better spent for things that increase the value of SL (like hardware upgrades, additional bandwidth purchases, etc).  And I think you were implying that all this monitoring or enforcement could be done with software (or at least the initial "investigating" part).  That won't work until computer software can actually think..........we are a long way from that stage of technology.  An alternative might be outsourcing that could maybe half the monthly payroll expense...........again, that's not effective due to the dedication such a job would require (do you think some part-time college student or stay at home mom or dad is going to be dedicated enough to really put all the effort into a $10 an hour job?  Or some Indian sitting in New Delhi who has never heard of Second Life?  The problem with griefing is a tough one to solve, I agree.  But, without 24/7 monitoring by employees paid directly by LL with a decent wage the options are limited..........unless LL drops all free accounts and begins charging everyone a monthly fee, it's not economically feasible.  Griefers can be dealt with pretty effectively with the tools LL has in place........it's not the best, but, as far as I can see, it's about the only way.  Use the tools available and move on with your SL life.


Your concern for age verification is shared by me....especially since the grid was opened to minors earlier this year.  But you can't require a credit card for such verification.  Minors in the US can have a credit card in their name.......so that's just not any verification at all.  Some CC's are not accepted by LL (a company accepting any credit card must have a contract with the CC provider.......it's nearly impossible for any company to accept all the credit cards available throughout the world.  Again, it won't work for age verification.........it does for account verification which is what LL does use a CC on the account.  There just is no way to age verify anyone on the Internet.......much too easy to get around, lie, or falsify.  The "click" to accept method that LL uses is just about as effective and any other method.........and it does provide LL some level of protection (doesn't do much for us residents though).  LL tried age verifying through Arostotle for a few years and because to the many different laws and regulations for all the countries where SL is available, the data base built by Arostotle was incomplete..........it turned out to be next to useless for anyone outside the US (not to mention several bugs in the system).  Until something comes along that is more effective and less prone to glitches the "click to accept" method is just about as good as it gets.  Not a good method, but there is no good method, in my opinion.  Just be careful with what you do around people you don't know.


Phone numbers won't work anymore.  I don't have a home phone........just my cell phone.  And cell phones are not generally available to the public.


Intectual property rights.  The day LL (or any business) starts investigating and/or acting on people's suspicion of content theft is the day user creator content in SL goes away.  There is no way anyone can know what content is really stolen or copied.  The original creator is the only person w

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Some well thought out and good points.  I particularly liked #3, as the LL AR system is way beyond a joke, currently.  Also, you are quite correct re. the age verification being equally crocked.  Alas, LL care not one jot, it would seem.

Interesting to note your first two replies are by solid apolo-shills....so no surprises at the negative vibes.  The idea of charging a $1 for adult access/Zindra is absurd, albeit amusing, but one can really expect no less...after all, more cash to LL keeps the apolo-shills ultimately content.

 As for Ms Paper-Shills lament that the poor lab can not afford to improve the system that pays their wages and make it workable, well...how my heart bleeds...... but that is what all solid, customer-orientated companies the world over do. All except LL.

Ignore the apol-shills, and keep posting.  Remember you are a customer and fully entitled to a good and improving level of service; something the afore-mentioned apolo-shills hate for you to be aware of.

A good company listens to those who query rather than the 'yes' men or women. Who knows, Rod may yet by the dynamo to make SL so.  I seriously doubt it, quite frankly, but I sincerely hope I may be wrong.

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Poor "Paper-shill" has no interest in LL.  I don't own stock, I'm not on the payroll, I receive nothing for anything I do in SL (I don't even have a business).  I happen to pay for a premium account........for 6 years now, in fact.  But, I do place some reasonable amount of thought as to the why LL does or does not do things with SL.  That mostly stems from the fact that Linden Lab (a subsidiary of Linden Research) is a for profit, privately owned licensed company...........the are not providing SL out of the goodness of their collective hearts.  They are in it for a profit.  You (and I) do not know what the overhead is for LL to put SL on the Internet.  I do have a pretty good idea of how much each server costs.........they are not cheap.  I also have a pretty good idea of what bandwidth costs..........it, also, is not cheap.  I further know how many megs a single 1024 by 1024 texture is (at TGA.........but the compression LL uses is JPEG 2000.........about 50% compressed at worse case).  So that 1024 texture is only 2 megs of data instead of 4............that's a lot when you multiply it by whatever the concurrent log ins are at any given moment (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).  It's more than most people can imagine (I bet you can't even accurately imagine what a billion is, let alone a trillion.............and the bandwidth is definitely in the multiple terabyte range (that's trillion, with a "T").


There are expenses that none of us are privy too.  Those expenses almost definitely exceed a million US dollars a month ( rent, utilities, salaries, repayment of loans, equipment purchases and replacement, bandwidth, business licenses, legal fees, taxes,...........it could go on and on).  Call me a shill..........but you're being just plan stupid when you ignore the facts.  I happen to disagree with many things LL does.  But I happen to like SL a little more than I dislike some policies..........I'm mature enough to accept the facts and either live with them or leave.  I would suggest you do the same and stop showing the world how stupid you can be.,

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As a paying customer you are entitled to the reasonable expectation of a good level of service.  Nothing says you are entitled to any improvements.  The catch word is "paying"...........my guess is the complainers are, be far, basic accounts..........people who have never given LL any membership fee, paid LL for anything other than a few lindens at the approximate exchange rate of $L250 to each $1 US (that's 4 cents per linden dollar).  The complaints seem to always revolve aroung how LL rips people off or cheats them in some way..........you can't be cheated or ripped off if you have nothing invested.  And it gets absolutely ridiculous when people start spouting how much LL makes............they do not know and by making such accusations they are showing exactly how stupid they are (yeah, stupid, not ignorant.........I can forgive ignorance).  Maybe they should take a break from SL and go camp out with the "Occupy [insert your favorite bitch about life]".

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Sigren Panthar wrote:

Ignore the apol-shills, and keep posting.  Remember you are a customer and fully entitled to a good and
improving level of service
; something the afore-mentioned apolo-shills hate for you to be aware of.



Where does it say anywhere that I, as a paying customer, am entitled to an improving service?  If it does say that somewhere in the contract then I might be able to sue for breach of contract.  Sadly though I don't think it does.

The one thing I do know that I'm entitled to as a consumer of one of LL's products is that if I'm not happy I can walk away.

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I'd love to be able to have some group and region powers trough the SL website as well as inworld.

For instance I get tired of having to start SL up, wait to rez and click myself senseless just to send a message to a group, to check how many prims are available in my region, who is visiting my region, etc, etc.

Managing sims and groups can be a lot of work, if more could be managed trough the SL site, I'd be very happy.

Of course I would also like to see less lag, cheaper tier, etc, like everyone else.

Oh and I want that LL forces all men to wear hats.

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Great article. It's good to see customers banging on LL's door, louder and louder.

Regarding point 1: merging the teen grid was a mistake.

Regarding points 2-6:

Linden Lab currently operates what's called a perverse incentive structure. Free riders (griefers, spammers, scammers) currently have free, open and anonymous access to SL (and the fora). Meanwhile, Linden Lab and the residents must pay the cost of those free riders (technical resource costs, administrative, monitoring and enforcement costs, opportunity costs, morale costs, fraud and other financial costs, bad PR / reputation costs).

The solution is to transfer the costs from LL and the residents to the free riders. This is done by requiring RL financial information. (Offer free accounts, but require RL financial information.) It would mean that a griefer/scammer/spammer would have to supply a real CC, DC or PayPal account or a stolen CC or PayPal account. That means a paper trail and extra effort (buying dozens of DCs, obtaining stolen CCs, hacking a PayPal account, risk of prosecution etc.). Currently, it costs a griefer/scammer/spammer zero while everyone else bears the cost.

See also my thoughts on:

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I agree, the main reason we have so many griefers is because it is too easy to be one.

Most wouldn't bother if they had to put in any kind of effort.

Of course we must offer new members several different ways of sharing RL payment info with LL because not all countries are allowed to use paypal, many people (incl me) don't have or want a credit card, etc, etc.

But yes, ANYTHING that makes creating a new account just a tiny bit more work will scare off many griefers.

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I guess this LL shill can agree with most of that.  :matte-motes-big-grin:  But, one still must look at what LL sees instead of what we see.  The opening of the grid back in 2006 (yeah, it was that long ago) produced a massive growth in the residency of SL.  Sure a percentage of those that came to SL with less than honorable intentions also joined............and they do get a free reign to do whatever foul intentions they desire.  But the human race is basically honest........many more who took advantage of that opening of the grid did so with good intentions and many have stayed and enriched the grid with their contributions.  If the restriction was in place to provide real life financial information many of those who came and stayed and actually enriched the Second Life experience would not have joined in the first place.  It's a double edge sword......we get griefers with free reign but we also get great residents with free reign.  I believe the good residents far out number the griefers.  The ability to join without restrictions may very well be the root cause of the griefing we have today, but it's also just as possible that the root cause for SL's success is the ones who came without restirictions and did good for us all.  There's no way to tell so it's a moot point.


Just so you know, I was here when LL opened the grid to unverifieds............I was very vocally against it.  In the 4 1/2 years since LL did that, I can't say it was a bad move.  It's been bumpy but so far, but it's worked.

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@ everyone

I am completely in favor of free accounts, but I can see absolutely no reason for wide-open, free, unlimited, unrestricted, disposable, anonymous accounts. Yes, I suppose if I left my car on a public street with the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition, someone might find it useful. Perhaps if I left my front door open, someone might put flowers on the mantlepiece. More likely my car gets smashed up by joyriders and my house gets occupied by squatters.

As for not supplying RL financial information, it is simply impossible to live in this world without providing someone online with RL financial information. Anyone reading this post is on the internet, by definition. That means that even if you live in a cave somewhere in the Swiss Alps, there is a cable leading from your cave to an ISP. Does someone surfing the internet in his cave then dig under a rock to get a bag of silver pieces to go shopping in the next village? Perhaps he trades a goat for a dozen chickens then returns to the cave to read the news online while building a fire with flint and steel?

There are only six people on Earth who have never given RL information to an online service. Two of them live in a disused Minuteman silo in Idaho, two live in a stone hut on Ascension Island, one circles the globe on a raft and the other has gone missing, presumed lost in the Amazon rainforest. None of these six people has given RL financial information to an online service because none of them has ever been online.

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Everything you've said up to this point is true (at least, in my opinion).  But dispite all you've said (that is true) it boils down to a very simple fact of life.  LL is a private business.  We, as users, voluntarily opted to partake of LL's business venture.  I signed up having to give real life information and pay a one time charge of $9.95 (which necessitated my use of the financial information I provided). That in October, 2005 (the 20th, if I remember correctly.........I've long ago abandoned that first account I joined with).  Griefing was rampant when I joined with sims being crashed almost daily by self replicating prims.  Back then everyone (basic or premium) were required to provide personal and financial information to gain access to SL.  Today, I see griefing..........but it's not the norm anymore.  And anyone can join without providing one single document or link to anything that can leave a "paper trail" back to them.........why the hell is that?  I don't think griefing has gone away or even subsided (it probably has increased substantially in fact) but considering back in 2005 there were some 3,000 t0 5,000 concurrent users online at any given moment.  The concurrency today approaches 80,000 on many days........the griefing is spread around so it seems to be less of a problem. 


That seems to argue your case.  But think a little.  If the number of griefers to the non-griefers has risen with the users concurrency then the griefing would be very much the same........I would see griefing just as much as I did 6 years ago.  I don't.....in fact, I've not seen any griefing (nor have I been griefed) for a very long time (maybe a year or more?).  Everyone wants to point to griefing for the need to put some form of identifiable information to each account.  Griefing is not the problem.  It's the ability for much more serious crimes to happen in SL.........griefing is inconvenient and maddening.  Child pornography or worse is dispictable.  And, for that reason, I do happen to agree with you.  But age verification, payment information, or any other form of identifying someone using SL is not going to work.  It's a tough thing to deal with since there is apparently not answers........LL doesn't have the answers, you don't have the answers, I don't have the answers, the Congress of the US doesn't have the answers.    As you stated with your comical living under a rock scenario, you're on the Internet, you'r exposed.  If everyone actually conducted themselves with that in mind, the problems I see lurking would not be very likely,  That's not the way it is so I conduct myself in such a manor to minimize any undue exposure when I'm on the Internet.


Expecting LL to design a system to prevent something that is (as of today) impossible is unreasonable.  That is all I've been saying from my very first post in this thread.  You can argue and call me a shill all day (and night), it won't change me mind.  I'm a realist.  I apply common sense to everything I do. I accept what can be done and try to make it happen on my end.  I don't point fingers at others for things they cannot control anymore than I can control.  And that's what I see in so many posts........."Do something, LL".  And just what the hell do you want them to do?  Hard question to answer, huh?


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  • Create some new Library Linden trees and plants
  • Allow LDPW Moles to answer terrain edit smooth request from Residents.
  • Make the water deeper
  • Zone some Mainland Regions residential, commercial only
  • Reforest SL
  • Invest in self
  • Develop a feature that would allow SL Groups to better identify as a Business/merchant, Educational, ect.
  • Delete every other Linden Home
  • Allow LH Residents to "rent" an empty adjacent parcel plot
  • Develop a server configuration that will redefine the allowed shape of a Region
  • Put the roads, waterways and railroads on their own servers
  • Create gender specific Viewers
  • Create task specific Viewers








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Knowl Paine wrote:

  • Create some new Library Linden trees and plants
  • Allow LDPW Moles to answer terrain edit smooth request from Residents.
  • Make the water deeper
  • Zone some Mainland Regions residential, commercial only
  • Reforest SL
  • Invest in self
  • Develop a feature that would allow SL Groups to better identify as a Business/merchant, Educational, ect.
  • Delete every other Linden Home
  • Allow LH Residents to "rent" an empty adjacent parcel plot
  • Develop a server configuration that will redefine the allowed shape of a Region
  • Put the roads, waterways and railroads on their own servers
  • Create gender specific Viewers
  • Create task specific Viewers


Can you explain that one Knowl.  I'm sure you don't mean blue and pink ones, but I'm not sure either what you are proposing.

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  • Create some new Library Linden trees and plants
  • Undermines the basic concept of user created content.  Piss off creators of plants and trees.
  • -------------------------------------------------
  • Allow LDPW Moles to answer terrain edit smooth request from Residents.
  • Not a bad idea.  I can go for it.
  • ------------------------------------------------
  • Make the water deeper
  • Neutral on that.  I don't have a problem with the depth of water on mainland.
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Zone some Mainland Regions residential, commercial only
  • Undermines the value of private estates.  Mainland is the wild wild west.........I like it that way.
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Reforest SL
  • Server resources wasted.  Let the residents spend the prim resources if they choose to do so.
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Invest in self
  • Such as advertising?  That's a corporate decision to spend their money as they see best.
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Develop a feature that would allow SL Groups to better identify as a Business/merchant, Educational, ect.
  • Can't they do that already?  It just takes some thought in what to put in the group profile.
  • ----------------------------------------------
  • Delete every other Linden Home
  • Limiting the number of Linden Homes is counter productive if you want to grow your premium base.
  • ---------------------------------------------
  • Allow LH Residents to "rent" an empty adjacent parcel plot
  • There are no vacant adjacent parcel plots on the Linden Homes continents.  No one owns a single meter of land.  Just the home and every other speck of land is Linden Land.
  • --------------------------------------------
  • Develop a server configuration that will redefine the allowed shape of a Region
  • The shape of a region is a square.  The arbitrary size of 256 meters is just that.  The shape cannot be redefined due to the nature of how server space is devided up.
  • -------------------------------------------
  • Put the roads, waterways and railroads on their own servers
  • How would you do that?  The servers are divided into equal squares for sims.  A sim for roads and waterways and railroads would be in the shape of a square and could not traverse another sim.
  • --------------------------------------------
  • Create gender specific Viewers
  • So if I have an alt that is not the same gender as my main, I need a specific viewer to log in.  I guess I could get used to that but I see no advantage.
  • ------------------------------------------
  • Create task specific Viewers
  • Sort of same as above.  When I want to build I have to use one viewer and when I want to go dancing another?  I wouldn't like that at all.
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I've had plenty of "hey that would be cool" ideas nothing serious


1. be able to map facial expressions and hand movements to your avatar with a Kinect

2. if you've used Google earth you know how it zooms out from your current location, pans across the globe and then flies in to the new location when you go to a new address, I think it'd be cool if SL had an animation screen like that when you TP rather than the current black screen with a load bar

3. find a way to increase prim count and decrease costs for sims

4. Viewer 1 had head tracking capability when using a head mounted display like Vuzix VR glasses, bring that back

5, bring back an imbedded ability to record video, recording around HUDs with a screen recorder software is a pain

6 less something I'd like to see Linden Labs do but I'd love to see some vendors do, is more partnership between well known items, imagine catching a fish in 7seas and being able to add it to a cooking HUD to convert it into food like for Spellfire or something

I have other ideas too that I can't remember off the top of my head

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Not sure if people have seen this, but it's kind of germane to the thread.  It's Rod Humble's address to SLCC 2011 where he gives pointers of where he sees LL and SL going in the future.  You'll have to scroll down the page for the full 40+min video.

There's some reassuring stuff that now Mesh has been implemented there will now be a focus on bug fixing, improving performance and customer service.  Sadly, in the Q&A at the end of his address he pointedly dodges several questions concerning pricing, which was a shame.  During his speech he makes play of the fact that he is, or rather was, a newb to SL so he was able to see it from their perspective and drive some positive changes from that.  Unfortunately, on his wages I don't think he's going to be experiencing what others on low incomes are experiencing trying to pay tier each month.

However, overall I found it encouraging (without being a shill) with lots of acknowledgement about "us" the users and creators being the most important things and an honesty about the things which weren't right and those that remain unresolved.  I particularly liked his comment on how he wants to deal with griefers in future, “making life unpleasant for griefers, in an inhumane way.”

We shall see.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

  • ----------------------------------------------
  • Delete every other Linden Home
  • Limiting the number of Linden Homes is counter productive if you want to grow your premium base.
  • ---------------------------------------------
  • Allow LH Residents to "rent" an empty adjacent parcel plot
  • There are no vacant adjacent parcel plots on the Linden Homes continents.  No one owns a single meter of land.  Just the home and every other speck of land is Linden Land.
  • -------------------------------------------


I guess what's being implied is that if the former were applied, a deletion of every other LH, then there would be adjacent parcels to rent.  Increase LH areas to 1024 sqm would probably be a better way to do it and say it.

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Nice link Sy........thanks.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


Maybe it's just me and my cynical self but I've heard almost all that before from Phil.  It's encouraging but I'll not hold my breath too long.  I'm a little confused on how SL is going to be made to run on a tablet of mobil phone......maybe that's that secret platform (or whatever) in development that he was so vague about.  I know the cloud software angle was explored for a bit........perhaps something along that line.  Time will tell.

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