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If Second Life had achievements... (Just for fun.)

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Victoria wrote:

Demo For Life: Wear demo skin (with demo tattoos), demo shape (with big hands and feet), and demo hair (with store sign over head) for at least 3 months

Boxing Champion: Wear unboxed outfits only.

Gesture Monk: communicate only by using gestures

The "Four Hours or Longer" Achievement - wear a freenis always and everywhere

I love those Victoria!  

What about the Sex Explorer achivements:

Forget to take off your bits when you dress and go out for at least1 hours before anyone notices. 

Get a dancer or escort to have sex with you for free.

Have sex and finish while skydyving before you hit land

Have sex in someone elses house before getting caught

Visit ever sex sim in SL completely naked

Get someone to take you home wearing a freebie attachment thingy...

Have Sex while only using automated emotes

Wear your body piercing with your on clothes for a day.

Get rejected by 20 women in a row

Capture a mistress or master.

Of course the best line I've ever heard when I was a mentor and it still cracks me up since people still ask...How Do I see Myself? Does SL Have Mirrors?





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Kiss of Death -- make a gangster threat of retaliation in your profile for messing with your friends or family. 

Tower of avatars -- have someone land on your head because you did not move after a teleport. 

Master-Banner -- actually fill up the ban list for your sim/parcel.

Pandora's Box -- rez a box of 500 freebie scripts that were packed all running. 

Physics 101 -- as a noobie builder, out of curiosity you check the physics box on a build, and gravity teaches you a lesson.

Jumping for Joy -- You don't realize your cursor focus is not on the dialogue window, and during a conversation begin jumping up and down on every press of the jump key.


This is a self-award, you know who you are...

Been There, Done That -- You start getting indignant about some noob pulling a silly stunt, until you remember you did the exact same thing once.


This is an old achievement, some of the ancients might have this one under their belt. 

Flaming Idiot -- Forget you have the noobie Fuego! attachment on until you burst into flames around some Spanish-speaking residents.

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oh, you wanted the funny ones.... here I was aiming for ones that were educational.... mostly


Mind The Gap: fall through the floor on a region crossing

The Only Way To Win...: Get into an emotional argument on the forums

Game Over Man: prophesize the downfall of SL due to a new feature

And the Horse You Rode In On: have 100+ objects returned to you at once

Hey Bubba, Watch This: Accidentally cause a region to crash

Watch That First Step...: Fall from a skybox

Sorcerers Apprentice: lose control of a self replicating object

Monologging: Accidently reveal one of your alts by something you say

Old School Horror: get sent to the cornfield (no longer possible, but I have this one)

You Can Do That?: learn about a new feature (that's always been there) after 2+ years in SL

Mix and Match: login with a different viewer to find yourself wearing half the items from your previous avatar

Ministry of Funny Walks: forget to wear your AO

Of All The Things I've Lost...: forget how to do a basic task

Brilliant, But Flawed: come up with a great idea only to find it can't be done or is against ToS

Masochist: stick around for 5+ years

Rocky Horror: accidentally change avatar gender without changing the avs clothes

Mom? Dad?: login/tp-into a room while it's "in use"

My Horse For A Kingdom: accidentally lose your land by setting for sale at 1$L

Friendly Fire Isn't: accidentally freeze/eject/ban the wrong person

Bicycle Built For One: lose a passenger on a region crossing

Purgatory: get stuck in the 0,0,0 Limbo while using a local teleport

Bargain with St Peter: file a ticket or live chat request to get a region restarted after your avatar is ghosted.

Mums The Word: Mute yourself

Original Outlaw: ban yourself from a parcel


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Really good ones there, Void! ;)

Void Singer wrote:

Mom? Dad?: login/tp-into a room while it's "in use"

That one is sooooooo wrong. :DAnd now, a few more, hope they're funny.


Don't try to shoot, yourself in the foot - Get hit by an Object that was launched by an attachment (i.e. A weapon.) with a minimum velocity of 50.

Everyday I'm shufflin'! - Lag-walk side-ways!

Crikey! It's quicksand! - Sink into the floor due to lag.

Pwnd! - Get pranked by someone's deformer.

One small step for man, one giant step for mankind! - Get orbitted to 4096 meters within 1 second.

You might want to clear your cache - Fool someone into believing you're not loading by applying a texture to every surface on your avatar that is 32 x 32 and RGB 128, 128, 128. (I've earned this one! :D )

I need more pills! - Set your Display Name to 'Gregory House'.

At least I had chicken... - Set your Display Name to 'Leeroy Jenkins'.

Hollow man - Make your avatar completely invisible without invisiprims.

Old skool! - Wear an avatar of at least 50 prims or more that contains no Sculpties or Mesh.

What a Mesh - Wear an avatar that is only made out of (a) Mesh Object(s).

Jammed - Have an eject fail on yourself or some else who is ejected by you.

Quantum physics! - Get stuck inside a prim.

It's a trap! - Die on damage enabled land by an object that isn't physical and not moving.

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Street Pizza: die from falling in a damage enabled region

Critical Mass: Have a tp fail due to having too many scripts/attachments

Afterlife Of The Party: Wear the white orb avatar, and convince someone to relog to see you

Death Race: TP out of a region only to have the region you tp'd to go down as well

Modify the Phase Variance: Get a redmap disconnect

The Number You A Trying To Reach..: get moved to a different region on login only to have that region go down too

Ilusory Terain: try to cross a region border only to get the "failed to transfer" or"region does not exist" message

Mohammad And The Mountain: sit on a region decoration that places you off the region

Mole Person: use an animation that offsets you below ground

Aethernaut: use an animation that places you offworld

Whoops, Gravity Works: fall because someone else deleted the item you were standing on

Take That, Einstein: get stuck in the falling animation

Altered Beast: upgrade your computer (or buy a new one) specifically for using SL

I Can See Clearly Now: enable Ultra settings with more than 20fps

Head In The Clouds: crash due to default cloud layer

A Drowning Man...: Turn off underwater fog to increase framerate

The Weather is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful: Wear a facelight that turns night into day

Tower Of Babble: spam chat at an event with a scrolling gesture

Quantum Duplicity: hang around someone wearing all the same freebie items

Roll Over: ask someone for $L

Play Dead: ingore someone and pretend you are AFK

Ego Trip: take a vacation by using an alt

Greatly Exaggerated: fake your RL death to online contacts

And This Is My Other Brother Daryl: stage a comeback using the alt that told everyone you were dead

Mail Order Degree: pretend to be an expert on something in RL

Camel Scafolding: claim to be leaving forever.... again.

Illusionist: pretend to be someone else

Grande Illusionist: use a faked internet persona complete with stolen pictures and website

Body Snatcher: completely copy someone else's online persona to use as your own

Flaky Layers: Do one of the previous two more than once

Prince(ss) to Frog: get caught doing either of the previous three

Limited Invunerability: never reveal information that could identify yourself specifically

Faceless Legion: remain completely anonymous

Experienced: identify more than 10 of these in a day

School of Hard Knocks: achieve more than ten of these in a week

Jaded: come up with more than ten of these anti-achievements in ten minutes (prereq: either of the previous two)

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I think you missed the format... you have to name the achievement, and then what it takes to get it. The concept comes from various online games, where accomplishing a certain task earn you a title or such... Portal did it best first, with humorous names for special accomplishments in the game. Its used in both XBox and PSNetwork as well as a form of gamer prestige.

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  • 7 years later...

Secondlife achievements would be awesome!!!!

Play 10 years, 20 years achievements, spend so much achievements, um friend achievements, owning land achievements, and using the marketplace achievements. Seeing how many people you can bump into achievements??????

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