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Possible cause of lost sales notification emails

Zanara Zenovka

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I noticed last night that I didn't get email notifications for two sales that were made when I was logged in to SL. But I received emails for sales made just before and after I was logged in just fine.

I haven't missed many sales notifications recently, but then I haven't been logged in to SL for any long periods in that time either.

I just did a test with two identical purchases of one of my own products, first logged out then logged in.

1 - Logged out - item delivered immediately, got IM from magic box. Received purchase notification email both as customer and merchant - all within 2 minutes.

2- Logged in - item delivered immediately, got IM from magic box. Still no emails received as customer or merchant after 40 minutes.

I also just remembered that one of my friends who's had an ongoing problem with missing notification emails is usually logged in 24/7

Anyone else got any experience of this or want to test themselves?

I've updated the Jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4138

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No, it doesnt work like that for me, I know for a fact that sometimes I will be offline and not get a notification, but my magic box will email to say its delivered. Sometimes the sale email comes, maybe an hour later, sometimes it never comes - but I havent given any attention as to why and when those sometimes happen.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I just got a bunch of emails received while I was inworld. 

Hmm - oh well so much for that theory - but maybe it might tie in with something else that helps track it down.

I couldn't see how your online status in itself should affect whether email is sent or not, but I wondered if it might somehow get tangled up with the setting that decides to forward an IM to your email if you're offline.


BTW (re Magent's post) the magic box doesn't send the notification email - it sends an IM (that may be forwarded to email if you have forwarding enabled), but it's the SLM s/ware that sends the email (from no-reply@marketplace.secondlife.com).

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Hi Zanara, I wish I saw that same correlation. In my situation, there is still no rhyme or reason to the lost emails. I was working inworld all day yesterday and each time I saw a magic box notification, I went to my email inbox to check to see if the confirmation email came through ~ in about 75% of the cases it did, the other 25% did not. Went to bed, woke up, and this morning, again, the same thing ~ some came through while I was offline and some did not.

All I know is that while I understand for some the emails were delayed in the past, I always got them (eventually). Ever since the deploys of Sept 13/15, they are sporadic at best and some never come through. No pattern that I can identify.

Not sure what to say other than "misery loves company". I do hope this will be fixed soon because it is now a full month of messed up records.

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Whatever was done appears to have made the issue worse (in my particular case). Between the Sept 13 deploy and yesterday, missing emails were averaging 25%-30%. As of the "fix" yesterday, they are running at 50%.

For other Merchants reading this, If you are affected by this bug, please go to the JIRA to set it to watch.  Please add any pertinent comments to it. Thanks!


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I want to add that since the change yesterday - I have not made ONE sale in MP!  My last sale on MP was at 12:30pm SLT.

I know that since Aug 1 when LL Commerce did something to MP, my sales on MP has collapsed to 50% (and even for a week to 10% after the Sep 13th fiasco), but since 75% of my sales come from MP - I cant remember the last time I have gone 24 hours without one sale from MP.

So what else did LL Commerce Team's change do to MP??

Gawd this is getting so frustrating.

I dont have to worry about email sales notifications since I am now not getting notifications because I am not getting sales.

Prior to yesterday, I was getting an email notification for every sale.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

So what else did LL Commerce Team's change do to MP??

You might not have got the memo but they enabled DD but only for your listings.  Unfortunately, due to a small but insignificant bug, we've now all got spammed with copies of your products and a few of your inventory items.

As we speak, i'm just bundling them up to send to Josh to list as full perm items to sell for L$1.


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Sassy Romano wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

So what else did LL Commerce Team's change do to MP??

You might not have got the memo but they enabled DD but only for your listings.  Unfortunately, due to a small but insignificant bug, we've now all got spammed with copies of your products and a few of your inventory items.

As we speak, i'm just bundling them up to send to Josh to list as full perm items to sell for L$1.


And it also would not be one bit surprising to any in the Merchant community that enabling DD into this change as well as the full anticipation of the bugs related to what you suggested is something that the LL Commerce Team would actually try.

If there is one nice thing about LL's non-existent Development and Deployment standards and polcies, they have the freedom of doing anything they want.



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