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One of the things I like most about SL is being able to fly. Every time I'm inworld I spend at least a ltl time practicing flying. I fly around & between things, over & under things, and practice making smooth landings. The other day I got a pink feather that allows me to fly really high. There are all kinds of things way up there in the sky!! Who knew? There are houses & trees and even a shark swimming around in a ltl square of ocean way up in the sky. Why don't they tell newbies about these things? I also fly underwater and there are cool things down there, too. My pink feather allows me to fly high, and I even have a parachute for getting back down, and I have a flight accelerator for flying really fast. I use these things to fly and I want to be the best flyer in SL.

So, my question is..... Are there any flying races in SL? Races where you can win $L if youre the fastest? Or races where you have to fly around stuff, or over stuff? If there are, I'd like to know about them. I may not be good enuf to win yet, but the more I practice the better I am at flying. I'd like to compete in flying races, if there are any.

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Sounds like you're having a lot of fun with flying :smileyvery-happy:

Flying was one of the things I really liked when I was starting out in SL too. Perhaps because I can always fly in my dreams, so being able to fly... it made SL feel like dreamland to me. I flew millions of meters to space once (its really not space up there, just endless blue sky) but if you try that, you'll see some weird things happen to your avatar.... if you fly really high!

I've heard of skydiving groups in SL, but not of a flyers group or of flying races yet.... If you can't find any flying races (there must be some somewhere I think), you could always start one up yourself. Maybe set up an obstacle course or racetrack & challenge others to race :)

Easy quick way to get racing against others is just "hey you, see that mountain over there? bet i can get over there & back here faster than you!"   READY.... SET.... GO!!!

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oooooooo it's so wonderfully refreshing to hear such enthusiasm. You're obviously having a whole heap of fun, and you've bright back some marvellous memories for me of the first time I discovered there was a whole new world above 200m.  Did you know that people can build up to 4096m height?  Be wary of security orbs though, have your mini map up on your screen so that you don't intrude on the privacy of others.

Have you got a Flickr account yet?  Or snapzilla? Or one of the other photo upload websites?  You should keep a diary of your SL, either as a blog, or just saved to your own USB/disk storage. I have, and it's such fun to read back what I was doing three years ago, and to look at the photos. 

As Venus says, as newbies we're not told much, because it's all in SL for us to discover. And there is so much to discover.

Sounds like you've got some fabulous leads for possible flying contests too.  Look inworld for airports/aerodromes.  Check out the Blake Sea sims also for sailing.  Look on Treet TV's website for their sports channel too, to see if anything on their interest you.

But most of all, keep that wonderful enthusiasm and revisit these forums on a regular basis to infect us all with it. :matte-motes-grin:

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Why don't they tell newbies about these things? 


Because most people build in the sky to get some privacy.

Because most people don't want an avatar pressed against their window at 4000 meters high.

Don't know about the races, but be careful with the flight accelerator over mainland. It is hard to control and not wind up in someone's living room at the worst possible moment.



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