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Who you gonna' trust next time? - Me or Brooke?

Josh Susanto

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I've been forced to use direct delivery for months and certainly got no notification from LL. I do have to say that direct deliver is working just fine,  Direct deliver works like this

1.  Find a failed delivery in your order history.

2.  Search for the customer in world.

3.  Send them the item directly.

4.  Send IM to customer saying " Hello I noticed you had a failed delivery on the market place, I'm sending you the item directly."

 just one  problem I never get paid for a direct delivery, I just write it off as good customer service.  

It's not a mater of who to trust next time, until LL changes their ways we all know what going to happen next time, and the time after that.  The biggest problem LL has could easily be fixed over night all they have to do is change their attitude towards their customers.



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I used to do that very diligently when the total volume of failed deliveries was consistently low enough to allow it.

At my prices, sales volume can get pretty high.

I'm not having major delivery problems lately, but if they should escalate to what they were at one point about a month ago, the problem would really not be very practical to manage by just sending the stuff.

When people actually contact me about a failed delivery, I tend to give them as much as they want of anything they want, but I am no longer initiating contact over failed deliveries.


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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

4.  Send IM to customer saying " Hello I noticed you had a failed delivery on the market place, I'm sending you the item directly."

 just one  problem I never get paid for a direct delivery, I just write it off as good customer service.  


When I do this 'direct delivery' the customer almost always asks if I got paid (pretty decent customers out there). And when I say no they get very concerned and uncomfortable with the knowledge that I am out of pocket. And so I get IMs following like 'did you get paid yet?' "but that isn't fair' and so it goes on. Nobody is entirely happy. So direct delivery isn't working so well for me or the ethical customer.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I don't see the problem; I just contact the customer and let them know that if they want to try to purchase the item they can use the slurl I give them.  I don't give a free item to everyone who has a failed delivery, and no one expects it.

How to handle this depends also on the permissions you have set on the item, I think. When the objects have copy permission, it is not a big deal to give a customer a new item for the failed delivery. But when the object has no copy / trans permission, it's a very different case.

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Oh, in that case I would call it a failed buy. But those hardly happen, at least to me. I only had it once, since this marketplace exists.s I guess it was because the customer had not enough money on his account for all items in his cart.

Every time it happens to me, I do receive the money, and the sale is in my transaction history, but the customer didn't receive the item. When I'm in world I just drop them the item, when I read it in the mail when I'm not online I redeliver it from the marketplace.

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I don't want to have to restart this thread, but I'm sorry it's increasingly becoming about delivery problems, which is not at all what I intended.

The point of the original post was to show the comparative credibility between 2 people telling you what to expect, more or less at the same time.

That merchants were lied to about the deployment of DD code without notice of such is not an accusation.

That merchants were lied to about the deployment of DD code without notice of such is a mere summary of facts which remain openly observable to anyone who should wish to observe them, and I am confident that if this matter should come to it, a judge would be utterly compelled to agree with this statement.

I understand that this is not my forum but LL's forum, and that they have some right to decide what I can and can't post here.

But I have posted the truth, and they have posted a lie.

If this forum is intended to be a place where Lindens lie and merchants are forbidden to tell the truth, they should probably have made such a policy more conspicuous in available documents. Failure to do so, in fact, could be construed as an invitation to post truthful statements about untruthful statements where it arguably stands to further puposes of the forum as they are otherwise stated. What I have done, in the pertinent example at least, is not different from that. 


I'm still waiting for you to either confirm or deny that you have telekinesis or other supernatural powers, because much of  your criticism of my methods depends for validity upon such an ustated claim by you.

When we have cleared that up, we can then move on to dismantling the rest of your argument.

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Josh Susanto wrote:


I'm still waiting for you to either confirm or deny that you have telekinesis or other supernatural powers, because much of  your criticism of my methods depends for validity upon such an ustated claim by you.

When we have cleared that up, we can then move on to dismantling the rest of your argument.

Err ... yes, I have supernatural powers, but they're hard to control and not always reliable. Sometimes they're strong, and I've even been called god, but this appears to be a bedroom anomaly.

Sometimes an uncanny ability to know what the Lab is up to, or moving toward ... or is that just a general business experience like many of us have in various industries?

On the other hand, no matter how long I concentrate on my coffee cup I can't get it to fill itself.

Astral projecting into your home ... you really need to keep your workspace cleaner, it lends to a more productive work environment.



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You want criticism of your methods Josh?

You have poor skills in logic and critical thinking, and lack understanding of scientific method, confusing correlation and causation. Eg, using your methodology, it would be possible to believe that wearing blue socks causes the common cold, since the last two times you caught a cold you were wearing blue socks.

These, when combined with histrionic and attention-seeking personality traits and delusions of some overarching evil manifesto on the part of LL, lead to poorly thought-out crackpot theories which you then use to try to derail every attempt at logical discussion on these forums.

You contribute little of substance, and actively get in the way of people attempting genuine problem-solving.

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I actually didn't ask you, and you haven't offered anything that hasn't already been offered.

I've actually been both trained and tested in logic, critical thinking and scientific method, and I have done quite well.

If I confused correlations with causation, I'd be telling you that I know for certain what's happening, and I'm not doing that.

What I am doing is pointing out that  a preponderance of evidence continues to accumulate in favor of one hypothesis over the opposite hypothesis.

My methodology would (among other things) require me to repeatedly both wear the blue socks and to not wear them in order to replicate the correlation, and if the correlation did not persist, it would have to be dismissed. I have applied the same standard here as well as the system will allow, and have as yet been unable to dismiss. 

If LL might be cleared of suspicion on at least some of my points by letting us better examine the data that has accumulated, that would be fine. But the fact that such efforts are repeatedly thwarted, and with only, at best, increasingly bizzarre explanations, is a classic sign that someone is trying to hide something.

You are welcome to diagnose me when we have ascertained your credentials.

In the meantime, your swipes at me with the glossary of your junior college psychology text are not an adequate substitute for a point-by-point critical analysis of my argument, itself. I'm going to be charitable and consider that laziness, alone, might be an adequate explanation of why you will not bother to consider my arguments in earnest.

However, that you prefer to criticize me by pretending to criticize my methods, rather than address the actual points I make encourages me to think you have nothing compelling with which to address such points, and, further, that you're probably intentionally baiting.

That Lindens are straight-up lying to people is absolutely of substance, and is the core problem among all other problems here that needs to be solved if solving other problems is to be of any value.

My specific disagreement with Dart relates to the fact that, among other things I expect I can later address equally well, he has repeatedly criticized me for "not waiting for synch", in reference to a problem I reported in which a customer (not my alt; that was the incident replication experiment) ordered an item which was not even present in my magic box, and was able to do so because my box had not completed synching.

As he has offered no other explanation of how he prevents his customers from doing the same thing, and as this is all that would put him in a position to criticize my failure to do the same, I am forced to ask whether he's not, by means of deduction, to be understood as criticizing me for failure to apply telekinesis; a mental gift he implicitly possesses, and is presumably presuming me also to possess by indirectly criticizing my disuse of same.

Mere insults, no matter how framed, are not proper criticism.

Please feel free to get back to me when you have learned the difference.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

My specific disagreement with Dart relates to the fact that, among other things I expect I can later address equally well, he has repeatedly criticized me for "not waiting for synch", in reference to a problem I reported in which a customer (not my alt; that was the incident replication experiment) ordered an item which was not even present in my magic box, and was able to do so because my box had not completed synching.

Probably shouldn't entertain this any further, but for the record, I wasn't directly calling you a liar. Close perhaps, but what I'd said was that it "seemed" like you were already aware of problems that you could have fixed, but instead of fixing them, you were presenting them as problems when you already knew the solutions, but hadn't tried those "first".

People had been offering advice about magic boxes for months before you started coming in with your problems about them. For instance, many people were saying to limit the amount of products in your boxes. You came in and started presenting your theories before you even tried to break up your hundreds of items into more than one magic box.

General advice was to make sure the sim was functioning properly, and yet you ignored that solution as well and presented this as a problem. That turned out to be the right advice as well.

By the time you presented a synching problem, it was already clear that you were presenting problems first, without trying common advice, so my assumption was that this was yet another instance of that.

Coupled with your constant (and still ongoing) comments about lies and conspiracy, I still hold that you've found problems that were your own fault, and rather than fix them you used them to troll.

Even more annoying was that Lindens were falling for that and helping you extensively while ignoring other users issues. It turns out that despite this help, and that much of that advice actually worked for you, you continue to talk about Lindens lying to everyone.

Merchants and Lindens alike bent over backwards to offer you advice and yet here you are in a thread asking whether people would trust you or Brooke.

My answer if forced to make that choice between trusting you or Brooke would be Brooke, hands down, but because this whole thing is so twilight zone to begin with, that's not a choice I have to make.

There's no end to this argument, and you know that you could keep it up for years, with convoluted logic and a minimal token of sincerity and the occassional backpeddling. I refuse to take part in reporting it, because LL needs to take at least some responsibility of moderation into their own hands, in extreme cases of trolling such as this.

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1) Things seem to seem to you however you need them to seem. Of course, that's easier if you ignore a basic fact like the fact that the delivery failure indicators were giving opposite information; something that couldn't possibly have been my own fault unless I had hacked them.

2) I was well aware of the advice. I had found it unnecessary and said so. And then when it suddenly was necessary, it did not work. Each of these things, I shared with others because what I was told about how things work, and how they actually worked were vastly different.

3) I never had control of the sim, and LL did not seem to care to do anything about people being encouraged to rent boxes on hopelessly borked sims. I DID get out of there, but that hardly solved the immediate practical problem for others, much less the more serious problem of LL not giving a damn.

4) It was "clear" to YOU that I was not trying solutions before presenting problems. That's why you assumed I would not have pressed the synch button, and failed to do so intentionally. It doesn't explain why you thought my behavior was a bigger concern than the question of why this part of the system had been set up to fail, and had failed, and was failing.

5) Please name one problem that was actually my own fault, and for which the first solution provided would have been an effective one.

6) I continue to talk about Lindens lying to people because Lindens continue lying to people.  This is conclusively demonstarted at the top of the thread. If you think my complaining about it is a bigger issue than the fact that it is happening, that's (um) "pretty weird". 

7) Lindens "bent over backwards" to first try to explain away and dismiss what I described, then to offer me solutions that someone had seemed to have pulled out of thin air before chiseling them into stone and handing them down to the rest of you.

8) Why should you trust Brooke now, when she has very clearly lied to you? Let me guess... you can explain to me that she didn't? How?

9) The inevitable end to this argument at least comes into view when you either confirm or deny your claim to telekinesis. This should be a very easy thing for you to do, but you seem to prefer continuing to focus on other facets of the issue, thus chosing, yourself, to unnecessarily extend the discussion.

10) I am as sincere as I need to be. My facts are sincere, and what they add up to as compared to what thye do not add up to, is also sincere. 

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Josh Susanto wrote:


9) The inevitable end to this argument at least comes into view when you either confirm or deny your claim to telekinesis. This should be a very easy thing for you to do, but you seem to prefer continuing to focus on other facets of the issue, thus chosing, yourself, to unnecessarily extend the discussion.

Yes, I'm telekinetic. Especially when it comes to virtual objects.

According to this, we're done now.



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No, that just brings the end into sight.

I'm NOT telekinetic, so how am I supposed to block customers from making orders while my box is being synched?

You need to realize that from now on, if you continue to insult the conspiracy theory without offering any kind of cogent counter-arguments for the individual acts I have construed as possible indicators of conspiracy, I'll have to ask of other people:

"Who should be harder to believe; a conspiracy theorist or a guy who says he's telekinetic?"


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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Josh Susanto wrote:

My specific disagreement with Dart relates to the fact that, among other things I expect I can later address equally well, he has repeatedly criticized me for "not waiting for synch", in reference to a problem I reported in which a customer (not my alt; that was the incident replication experiment) ordered an item which was not even present in my magic box, and was able to do so because my box had not completed synching.

Probably shouldn't entertain this any further, but for the record, I wasn't directly calling you a liar. Close perhaps, but what I'd said was that it "seemed" like you were already aware of problems that you could have fixed, but instead of fixing them, you were presenting them as problems when you already knew the solutions, but hadn't tried those "first".

People had been offering advice about magic boxes for months before you started coming in with your problems about them. For instance, many people were saying to limit the amount of products in your boxes. You came in and started presenting your theories before you even tried to break up your hundreds of items into more than one magic box.

General advice was to make sure the sim was functioning properly, and yet you ignored that solution as well and presented this as a problem. That turned out to be the right advice as well.

By the time you presented a synching problem, it was already clear that you were presenting problems first, without trying common advice, so my assumption was that this was yet another instance of that.

Coupled with your constant (and still ongoing) comments about lies and conspiracy, I still hold that you've found problems that were your own fault, and rather than fix them you used them to troll.

Even more annoying was that Lindens were falling for that and helping you extensively while ignoring other users issues. It turns out that despite this help, and that much of that advice actually worked for you, you continue to talk about Lindens lying to everyone.

Merchants and Lindens alike bent over backwards to offer you advice and yet here you are in a thread asking whether people would trust you or Brooke.

My answer if forced to make that choice between trusting you or Brooke would be Brooke, hands down, but because this whole thing is so twilight zone to begin with, that's not a choice I have to make.

There's no end to this argument, and you know that you could keep it up for years, with convoluted logic and a minimal token of sincerity and the occassional backpeddling. I refuse to take part in reporting it, because LL needs to take at least some responsibility of moderation into their own hands, in extreme cases of trolling such as this.



Thank you Dart for bothering to recap in detail. I certainly wasn't going to put the effort into doing it, as it's a waste of time on behalf of rational, informed people to entertain this fool further, which is why I and many others just don't bother feeding the insanity any more.

If he chooses to play out his cognitive and behavioural problems on a public forum that's his business, however when it becomes detrimental to the forum as a venue for rational discussion and problem-solving, then some sort of heavier moderation is warranted.

Sad thing is it would just be used to justify the existing paranoia and delusions of persecution - "OMGZ they deleted my post! See! I was close to revealing their cunning plan!". That's the problem when dealing with these sorts of people, lol.


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